// 17 july 2014 // cgo will include this file multiple times #ifndef __GO_UI_WINAPI_WINDOWS_H__ #define __GO_UI_WINAPI_WINDOWS_H__ #include "wininclude_windows.h" // if by some stroke of luck Go ever supports compiling with MSVC, this will need to change // noe that this has to come after the headers above because it's not predefined #ifndef __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR #error Sorry, you must use MinGW-w64 (http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/) to build package ui, as vanilla MinGW does not support Windows XP features (in 2014!). #endif // global messages unique to everything enum { msgRequest = WM_APP + 1, // + 1 just to be safe msgCOMMAND, // WM_COMMAND proxy; see forwardCommand() in controls_windows.go msgNOTIFY, // WM_NOTIFY proxy msgAreaSizeChanged, msgAreaGetScroll, msgAreaRepaint, msgAreaRepaintAll, msgTabCurrentTabHasChildren, msgAreaKeyDown, msgAreaKeyUp, msgLoadImageList, msgTableMakeInitialCheckboxImageList, msgOpenFileDone, }; // uitask_windows.c extern void uimsgloop(void); extern void issue(void *); extern HWND msgwin; extern DWORD makemsgwin(char **); // comctl32_windows.c extern DWORD initCommonControls(char **); // these are listed as WINAPI in both Microsoft's and MinGW's headers, but not on MSDN for some reason extern BOOL (*WINAPI fv_SetWindowSubclass)(HWND, SUBCLASSPROC, UINT_PTR, DWORD_PTR); extern BOOL (*WINAPI fv_RemoveWindowSubclass)(HWND, SUBCLASSPROC, UINT_PTR); extern LRESULT (*WINAPI fv_DefSubclassProc)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); // these are listed as WINAPI on MSDN extern BOOL (*WINAPI fv__TrackMouseEvent)(LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT); // control_windows.c extern HWND newControl(LPWSTR, DWORD, DWORD); extern void controlSetParent(HWND, HWND); extern void controlSetControlFont(HWND); extern void moveWindow(HWND, int, int, int, int); extern LONG controlTextLength(HWND, LPWSTR); // basicctrls_windows.c extern void setButtonSubclass(HWND, void *); extern void setCheckboxSubclass(HWND, void *); extern BOOL checkboxChecked(HWND); extern void checkboxSetChecked(HWND, BOOL); #define textfieldStyle (ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_LEFT | ES_NOHIDESEL | WS_TABSTOP) #define textfieldExtStyle (WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) extern void setTextFieldSubclass(HWND, void *); extern void textfieldSetAndShowInvalidBalloonTip(HWND, WCHAR *); extern void textfieldHideInvalidBalloonTip(HWND); extern int textfieldReadOnly(HWND); extern void textfieldSetReadOnly(HWND, BOOL); extern void setGroupSubclass(HWND, void *); extern HWND newUpDown(HWND, void *); extern void setSpinboxEditSubclass(HWND, void *); extern LPWSTR xPROGRESS_CLASS; // init_windows.c extern HINSTANCE hInstance; extern int nCmdShow; extern HICON hDefaultIcon; extern HCURSOR hArrowCursor; extern HFONT controlFont; extern HFONT titleFont; extern HFONT smallTitleFont; extern HFONT menubarFont; extern HFONT statusbarFont; extern HBRUSH hollowBrush; extern DWORD initWindows(char **); // window_windows.c extern DWORD makeWindowWindowClass(char **); extern HWND newWindow(LPWSTR, int, int, void *); extern void windowClose(HWND); // common_windows.c extern LRESULT getWindowTextLen(HWND); extern void getWindowText(HWND, WPARAM, LPWSTR); extern void setWindowText(HWND, LPWSTR); extern void updateWindow(HWND); extern void *getWindowData(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT *); extern int windowClassOf(HWND, ...); extern BOOL sharedWndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT *); extern void paintControlBackground(HWND, HDC); // tab_windows.go extern LPWSTR xWC_TABCONTROL; extern void setTabSubclass(HWND, void *); extern void tabAppend(HWND, LPWSTR); extern void tabGetContentRect(HWND, RECT *); extern LONG tabGetTabHeight(HWND); extern void tabEnterChildren(HWND); extern void tabLeaveChildren(HWND); // table_windows.go #include "wintable/includethis.h" extern LPWSTR xtableWindowClass; extern void doInitTable(void); extern void setTableSubclass(HWND, void *); extern void gotableSetRowCount(HWND, intptr_t); /* TODO extern void tableAutosizeColumns(HWND, int); */ extern intptr_t tableSelectedItem(HWND); extern void tableSelectItem(HWND, intptr_t); // container_windows.c extern RECT containerBounds(HWND); extern void calculateBaseUnits(HWND, int *, int *, LONG *); // area_windows.c #define areaWindowClass L"gouiarea" extern void repaintArea(HWND, RECT *); extern DWORD makeAreaWindowClass(char **); extern HWND newArea(void *); extern HWND newAreaTextField(HWND, void *); extern void areaOpenTextField(HWND, HWND, int, int, int, int); extern void areaMarkTextFieldDone(HWND); // image_windows.c extern HBITMAP toBitmap(void *, intptr_t, intptr_t); extern void freeBitmap(uintptr_t); // dialog_windows.c extern void openFile(HWND, void *); #endif