// 12 december 2015

package ui

import (

// #include "ui.h"
import "C"

// Tab is a Control that holds tabbed pages of Controls. Each tab
// has a label. The user can click on the tabs themselves to switch
// pages. Individual pages can also have margins.
type Tab struct {
	t	*C.uiTab
	children	[]Control

// NewTab creates a new Tab.
func NewTab() *Tab {
	t := new(Tab)

	t.t = C.uiNewTab()

	t.ControlBase = NewControlBase(t, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(t.t)))
	return t

// Destroy destroys the Tab. If the Tab has pages,
// Destroy calls Destroy on the pages's Controls as well.
func (t *Tab) Destroy() {
	for len(t.children) != 0 {
		c := t.children[0]

// Append adds the given page to the end of the Tab.
func (t *Tab) Append(name string, child Control) {
	t.InsertAt(name, len(t.children), child)

// InsertAt adds the given page to the Tab such that it is the
// nth page of the Tab (starting at 0).
func (t *Tab) InsertAt(name string, n int, child Control) {
	c := (*C.uiControl)(nil)
	if child != nil {
		c = touiControl(child.LibuiControl())
	cname := C.CString(name)
	C.uiTabInsertAt(t.t, cname, C.int(n), c)
	ch := make([]Control, len(t.children) + 1)
	// and insert into t.children at the right place
	copy(ch[:n], t.children[:n])
	ch[n] = child
	copy(ch[n + 1:], t.children[n:])
	t.children = ch

// Delete deletes the nth page of the Tab.
func (t *Tab) Delete(n int) {
	t.children = append(t.children[:n], t.children[n + 1:]...)
	C.uiTabDelete(t.t, C.int(n))

// NumPages returns the number of pages in the Tab.
func (t *Tab) NumPages() int {
	return len(t.children)

// Margined returns whether page n (starting at 0) of the Tab
// has margins around its child.
func (t *Tab) Margined(n int) bool {
	return tobool(C.uiTabMargined(t.t, C.int(n)))

// SetMargined controls whether page n (starting at 0) of the Tab
// has margins around its child. The size of the margins are
// determined by the OS and its best practices.
func (t *Tab) SetMargined(n int, margined bool) {
	C.uiTabSetMargined(t.t, C.int(n), frombool(margined))