Pietro Gagliardi
Fixed most errors. Now I just need to add a sysData pool.
2014-03-01 17:01:28 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Started to build a single global delegate object; now to fix issues.
2014-03-01 16:56:22 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Oops, accidentally removed the code that actually makes the appdelegateclass. Almost working...
2014-03-01 15:33:17 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Major code restructure to allow Cocoa to work correctly. Cocoa requires that the application loop run on the very first OS thread created, not just an any ordinary thread. To support this, your code must now be run by the UI init code. Windows and Unix builds still work fine; Mac OS X fails for reasons I now have to debug.
2014-03-01 15:18:29 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Fixed a minor startup failure on Mac OS X; now for a big one: apparently the thread that calls -[NSApplication run] is NOT the main thread...
2014-03-01 14:08:53 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Fixed the compiler errors on Mac OS X; now to get it running...
2014-03-01 14:05:14 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added _setDelegate to the common Objective-C selectors list and added a clarity wrapper function objc_setDelegate().
2014-03-01 04:28:47 -05:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Added the ui() for OS X.
2014-02-28 23:01:48 -05:00 |