Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated window.go, box.go, button.go, and checkbox.go back.
2018-08-26 13:24:47 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrate the link_darwin_amd64.go and control.go files back; fixed up errors in the C files and util.go.
2018-08-26 13:18:53 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Migrated util.go and main.go to the new pkgui convention and C file. Also replaced C.CBytes() with C.malloc() (this bumps our minimum version requirement to 1.8, but it's better than keeping a massive slice around at all times).
2018-08-26 10:19:10 -04:00 |
Pietro Gagliardi
Moved all the Go files out of the way again, this time so we can migrate them to more proper cgo usage.
2018-08-26 09:55:07 -04:00 |