diff --git a/areaplan.md b/areaplan.md index b7e705b..e760d3f 100644 --- a/areaplan.md +++ b/areaplan.md @@ -44,7 +44,34 @@ func myAreaGoroutine(area *ui.Area, start <-chan bool) { TODO is there a race on `area.SetSize()`? ## Windows -TODO +We create another custom window class that does `WM_PAINT` and handles input events thereof. + +For this mockup, I'll extract the message handling into its own function and assume I can call Windows API functions and use their types and constants as normal. For `WM_PAINT` both `wparam` and `lparam` are unused. +```go +func repaint(s *sysData) HRESULT { + var xrect RECT + var ps PAINTSTRUCT + + // TODO send TRUE if we want to erase the clip area + if GetUpdateRect(s.hwnd, &xrect, FALSE) == 0 { + // no update rect, so we're done + return 0 + } + hdc, err := BeginPaint(s.hwnd, &ps) + if hdc == 0 { // failure + panic(fmt.Errorf("error beginning Area repaint: %v", err)) + } + // TODO DRAW + EndPaint(s.hwnd, &ps) + return 0 +} +``` + +TODO note http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb775501%28v=vs.85%29.aspx#win_class for information on handling some key presses, tab switch, etc. (need to do this for the ones below too) + +TODO figure out scrolling + - windows can have either standard or custom scrollbars; need to figure out how the standard scrollbars work + - standard scrollbars cannot be controlled by the keyboard; either we must provide an option for doing that or allow scrolling ourselves (the `myAreaGoroutine` would read the keyboard events and scroll manually, in the same way) ## GTK+ We can use `GtkDrawingArea`. We hook into the `draw` signal; it does something equivalent to @@ -77,8 +104,16 @@ func draw_callback(widget *C.GtkWidget, cr *C.cairo_t, data C.gpointer) C.gboole } ``` +TODO delete pixbuf + +TODO is the gdk-pixbuf alpha-premultiplied? + +TODO verify pixel order + TODO figure out how scrolling plays into this +TODO double-check docs to see that the clip rect is cleared before the draw event is issued + ## Cocoa For this one we **must** create a subclass of `NSView` that overrides the drawing and keyboard/mouse event messages. @@ -127,14 +162,14 @@ func our_drawRect(self C.id, rect C.struct_xrect) { hasAlpha:YES isPlanar:NO colorSpaceName:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace // TODO NSDeviceRGBColorSpace? - bitmapFormat:NSAlphaNonpremultipliedBitmapFormat + bitmapFormat:NSAlphaNonpremultipliedBitmapFormat // this is where the flag for placing alpha first would go if alpha came first; the default is alpha last, which is how we're doing things bytesPerRow:i.Stride bitsPerPixel:32] [bitmap drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint(cliprect.x, cliprect.y)] [bitmap release] } ``` -Due to the utter complexity of all that `NSImage` stuff, I might just have another C function that performs the `NSBitmapImageRep` constructor using the `image.NRGBA` fields. +Due to the size of the `NSBitmapImageRep` constructor, I might just have another C function that performs the `NSBitmapImageRep` constructor using the `image.NRGBA` fields. Finally, we need to override `-[NSView isFlipped]` since we want to keep (0,0) at the top-left: ```go @@ -145,3 +180,5 @@ func our_isFlipped(self C.id, sel C.SEL) C.BOOL { ``` TODO figure out scrolling + +TODO erase clip rect?