Split all the Control implementations into their own files and renamed the containerctrls implementation files to say tab instead as they only hold Tab. This is the first part of what should hopefully be the final restructuring.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
// +build !windows,!darwin
// 7 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "gtk_unix.h"
// extern void buttonClicked(GtkButton *, gpointer);
// extern void checkboxToggled(GtkToggleButton *, gpointer);
import "C"
// TODOs:
// - standalone label on its own: should it be centered or not?
type button struct {
button *C.GtkButton
clicked *event
// shared code for setting up buttons, check boxes, etc.
func finishNewButton(widget *C.GtkWidget, event string, handler unsafe.Pointer) *button {
b := &button{
controlbase: newControl(widget),
button: (*C.GtkButton)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
clicked: newEvent(),
return b
func newButton(text string) *button {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
widget := C.gtk_button_new_with_label(ctext)
return finishNewButton(widget, "clicked", C.buttonClicked)
func (b *button) OnClicked(e func()) {
//export buttonClicked
func buttonClicked(bwid *C.GtkButton, data C.gpointer) {
b := (*button)(unsafe.Pointer(data))
println("button clicked")
func (b *button) Text() string {
return fromgstr(C.gtk_button_get_label(b.button))
func (b *button) SetText(text string) {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
C.gtk_button_set_label(b.button, ctext)
type checkbox struct {
// embed button so its methods and events carry over
toggle *C.GtkToggleButton
checkbox *C.GtkCheckButton
func newCheckbox(text string) *checkbox {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
widget := C.gtk_check_button_new_with_label(ctext)
return &checkbox{
button: finishNewButton(widget, "toggled", C.checkboxToggled),
toggle: (*C.GtkToggleButton)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
checkbox: (*C.GtkCheckButton)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
//export checkboxToggled
func checkboxToggled(bwid *C.GtkToggleButton, data C.gpointer) {
// note that the finishNewButton() call uses the embedded *button as data
// this is fine because we're only deferring to buttonClicked() anyway
buttonClicked(nil, data)
func (c *checkbox) Checked() bool {
return fromgbool(C.gtk_toggle_button_get_active(c.toggle))
func (c *checkbox) SetChecked(checked bool) {
C.gtk_toggle_button_set_active(c.toggle, togbool(checked))
type textField struct {
entry *C.GtkEntry
func startNewTextField() *textField {
w := C.gtk_entry_new()
return &textField{
controlbase: newControl(w),
entry: (*C.GtkEntry)(unsafe.Pointer(w)),
func newTextField() *textField {
return startNewTextField()
func newPasswordField() *textField {
t := startNewTextField()
C.gtk_entry_set_visibility(t.entry, C.FALSE)
return t
func (t *textField) Text() string {
return fromgstr(C.gtk_entry_get_text(t.entry))
func (t *textField) SetText(text string) {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
C.gtk_entry_set_text(t.entry, ctext)
type label struct {
misc *C.GtkMisc
label *C.GtkLabel
standalone bool
supercommitResize func(c *allocation, d *sizing)
func finishNewLabel(text string, standalone bool) *label {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
widget := C.gtk_label_new(ctext)
l := &label{
controlbase: newControl(widget),
misc: (*C.GtkMisc)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
label: (*C.GtkLabel)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
standalone: standalone,
l.supercommitResize = l.fcommitResize
l.fcommitResize = l.labelcommitResize
return l
func newLabel(text string) Label {
return finishNewLabel(text, false)
func newStandaloneLabel(text string) Label {
return finishNewLabel(text, true)
func (l *label) Text() string {
return fromgstr(C.gtk_label_get_text(l.label))
func (l *label) SetText(text string) {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
C.gtk_label_set_text(l.label, ctext)
func (l *label) labelcommitResize(c *allocation, d *sizing) {
if !l.standalone && c.neighbor != nil {
if d.shouldVAlignTop {
// don't bother aligning it to the first line of text in the control; this is harder than it's worth (thanks gregier in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+)
C.gtk_misc_set_alignment(l.misc, 0, 0)
} else {
C.gtk_misc_set_alignment(l.misc, 0, 0.5)
l.supercommitResize(c, d)
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
// 15 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "winapi_windows.h"
import "C"
type button struct {
clicked *event
var buttonclass = toUTF16("BUTTON")
func startNewButton(text string, style C.DWORD) *button {
c := newControl(buttonclass,
style | C.WS_TABSTOP,
b := &button{
controlbase: c,
clicked: newEvent(),
return b
func newButton(text string) *button {
b := startNewButton(text, C.BS_PUSHBUTTON)
C.setButtonSubclass(b.hwnd, unsafe.Pointer(b))
b.fpreferredSize = b.buttonpreferredSize
return b
func (b *button) OnClicked(e func()) {
func (b *button) Text() string {
return b.text()
func (b *button) SetText(text string) {
//export buttonClicked
func buttonClicked(data unsafe.Pointer) {
b := (*button)(data)
println("button clicked")
const (
// from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742486.aspx#sizingandspacing
buttonHeight = 14
func (b *button) buttonpreferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
// common controls 6 thankfully provides a method to grab this...
var size C.SIZE
size.cx = 0 // explicitly ask for ideal size
size.cy = 0
if C.SendMessageW(b.hwnd, C.BCM_GETIDEALSIZE, 0, C.LPARAM(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&size)))) != C.FALSE {
return int(size.cx), int(size.cy)
// that failed, fall back
println("message failed; falling back")
// don't worry about the error return from GetSystemMetrics(); there's no way to tell (explicitly documented as such)
xmargins := 2 * int(C.GetSystemMetrics(C.SM_CXEDGE))
return xmargins + int(b.textlen), fromdlgunitsY(buttonHeight, d)
type checkbox struct {
func newCheckbox(text string) *checkbox {
c := &checkbox{
// don't use BS_AUTOCHECKBOX here because it creates problems when refocusing (see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2014/05/22/10527522.aspx)
// we'll handle actually toggling the check state ourselves (see controls_windows.c)
button: startNewButton(text, C.BS_CHECKBOX),
c.fpreferredSize = c.checkboxpreferredSize
C.setCheckboxSubclass(c.hwnd, unsafe.Pointer(c))
return c
func (c *checkbox) Checked() bool {
if C.checkboxChecked(c.hwnd) == C.FALSE {
return false
return true
func (c *checkbox) SetChecked(checked bool) {
if checked {
C.checkboxSetChecked(c.hwnd, C.TRUE)
C.checkboxSetChecked(c.hwnd, C.FALSE)
//export checkboxToggled
func checkboxToggled(data unsafe.Pointer) {
c := (*checkbox)(data)
println("checkbox toggled")
const (
// from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742486.aspx#sizingandspacing
checkboxHeight = 10
// from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb226818%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
checkboxXFromLeftOfBoxToLeftOfLabel = 12
func (c *checkbox) checkboxpreferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
return fromdlgunitsX(checkboxXFromLeftOfBoxToLeftOfLabel, d) + int(c.textlen),
fromdlgunitsY(checkboxHeight, d)
type textField struct {
var editclass = toUTF16("EDIT")
func startNewTextField(style C.DWORD) *textField {
c := newControl(editclass,
C.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) // WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE without WS_BORDER will show the canonical visual styles border (thanks to MindChild in irc.efnet.net/#winprog)
t := &textField{
controlbase: c,
t.fpreferredSize = t.textfieldpreferredSize
return t
func newTextField() *textField {
return startNewTextField(0)
func newPasswordField() *textField {
return startNewTextField(C.ES_PASSWORD)
func (t *textField) Text() string {
return t.text()
func (t *textField) SetText(text string) {
const (
// from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742486.aspx#sizingandspacing
textfieldWidth = 107 // this is actually the shorter progress bar width, but Microsoft only indicates as wide as necessary
textfieldHeight = 14
func (t *textField) textfieldpreferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
return fromdlgunitsX(textfieldWidth, d), fromdlgunitsY(textfieldHeight, d)
type label struct {
standalone bool
supercommitResize func(c *allocation, d *sizing)
var labelclass = toUTF16("STATIC")
func finishNewLabel(text string, standalone bool) *label {
c := newControl(labelclass,
// SS_NOPREFIX avoids accelerator translation; SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP clips text past the end
// controls are vertically aligned to the top by default (thanks Xeek in irc.freenode.net/#winapi)
l := &label{
controlbase: c,
standalone: standalone,
l.fpreferredSize = l.labelpreferredSize
l.supercommitResize = l.fcommitResize
l.fcommitResize = l.labelcommitResize
return l
func newLabel(text string) Label {
return finishNewLabel(text, false)
func newStandaloneLabel(text string) Label {
return finishNewLabel(text, true)
func (l *label) Text() string {
return l.text()
func (l *label) SetText(text string) {
const (
// via http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742486.aspx#sizingandspacing
labelHeight = 8
labelYOffset = 3
// TODO the label is offset slightly by default...
func (l *label) labelpreferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
return int(l.textlen), fromdlgunitsY(labelHeight, d)
func (l *label) labelcommitResize(c *allocation, d *sizing) {
if !l.standalone {
yoff := fromdlgunitsY(labelYOffset, d)
c.y += yoff
c.height -= yoff
l.supercommitResize(c, d)
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// 16 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "objc_darwin.h"
import "C"
type button struct {
clicked *event
func finishNewButton(id C.id, text string) *button {
ctext := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ctext))
b := &button{
controlbase: newControl(id),
clicked: newEvent(),
C.buttonSetText(b.id, ctext)
C.buttonSetDelegate(b.id, unsafe.Pointer(b))
return b
func newButton(text string) *button {
return finishNewButton(C.newButton(), text)
func (b *button) OnClicked(e func()) {
//export buttonClicked
func buttonClicked(xb unsafe.Pointer) {
b := (*button)(unsafe.Pointer(xb))
println("button clicked")
func (b *button) Text() string {
return C.GoString(C.buttonText(b.id))
func (b *button) SetText(text string) {
ctext := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ctext))
C.buttonSetText(b.id, ctext)
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// +build !windows,!darwin
// 7 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "gtk_unix.h"
// extern void buttonClicked(GtkButton *, gpointer);
// extern void checkboxToggled(GtkToggleButton *, gpointer);
import "C"
type button struct {
button *C.GtkButton
clicked *event
// shared code for setting up buttons, check boxes, etc.
func finishNewButton(widget *C.GtkWidget, event string, handler unsafe.Pointer) *button {
b := &button{
controlbase: newControl(widget),
button: (*C.GtkButton)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
clicked: newEvent(),
return b
func newButton(text string) *button {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
widget := C.gtk_button_new_with_label(ctext)
return finishNewButton(widget, "clicked", C.buttonClicked)
func (b *button) OnClicked(e func()) {
//export buttonClicked
func buttonClicked(bwid *C.GtkButton, data C.gpointer) {
b := (*button)(unsafe.Pointer(data))
println("button clicked")
func (b *button) Text() string {
return fromgstr(C.gtk_button_get_label(b.button))
func (b *button) SetText(text string) {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
C.gtk_button_set_label(b.button, ctext)
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// 15 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "winapi_windows.h"
import "C"
type button struct {
clicked *event
var buttonclass = toUTF16("BUTTON")
func startNewButton(text string, style C.DWORD) *button {
c := newControl(buttonclass,
style | C.WS_TABSTOP,
b := &button{
controlbase: c,
clicked: newEvent(),
return b
func newButton(text string) *button {
b := startNewButton(text, C.BS_PUSHBUTTON)
C.setButtonSubclass(b.hwnd, unsafe.Pointer(b))
b.fpreferredSize = b.buttonpreferredSize
return b
func (b *button) OnClicked(e func()) {
func (b *button) Text() string {
return b.text()
func (b *button) SetText(text string) {
//export buttonClicked
func buttonClicked(data unsafe.Pointer) {
b := (*button)(data)
println("button clicked")
const (
// from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742486.aspx#sizingandspacing
buttonHeight = 14
func (b *button) buttonpreferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
// common controls 6 thankfully provides a method to grab this...
var size C.SIZE
size.cx = 0 // explicitly ask for ideal size
size.cy = 0
if C.SendMessageW(b.hwnd, C.BCM_GETIDEALSIZE, 0, C.LPARAM(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&size)))) != C.FALSE {
return int(size.cx), int(size.cy)
// that failed, fall back
println("message failed; falling back")
// don't worry about the error return from GetSystemMetrics(); there's no way to tell (explicitly documented as such)
xmargins := 2 * int(C.GetSystemMetrics(C.SM_CXEDGE))
return xmargins + int(b.textlen), fromdlgunitsY(buttonHeight, d)
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
// 16 july 2014
package ui
// #include "objc_darwin.h"
import "C"
type checkbox struct {
func newCheckbox(text string) *checkbox {
return &checkbox{
button: finishNewButton(C.newCheckbox(), text),
// we don't need to define our own event here; we can just reuse Button's
// (it's all target-action anyway)
func (c *checkbox) Checked() bool {
return fromBOOL(C.checkboxChecked(c.id))
func (c *checkbox) SetChecked(checked bool) {
C.checkboxSetChecked(c.id, toBOOL(checked))
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// +build !windows,!darwin
// 7 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "gtk_unix.h"
// extern void buttonClicked(GtkButton *, gpointer);
// extern void checkboxToggled(GtkToggleButton *, gpointer);
import "C"
type checkbox struct {
// embed button so its methods and events carry over
toggle *C.GtkToggleButton
checkbox *C.GtkCheckButton
func newCheckbox(text string) *checkbox {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
widget := C.gtk_check_button_new_with_label(ctext)
return &checkbox{
button: finishNewButton(widget, "toggled", C.checkboxToggled),
toggle: (*C.GtkToggleButton)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
checkbox: (*C.GtkCheckButton)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
//export checkboxToggled
func checkboxToggled(bwid *C.GtkToggleButton, data C.gpointer) {
// note that the finishNewButton() call uses the embedded *button as data
// this is fine because we're only deferring to buttonClicked() anyway
buttonClicked(nil, data)
func (c *checkbox) Checked() bool {
return fromgbool(C.gtk_toggle_button_get_active(c.toggle))
func (c *checkbox) SetChecked(checked bool) {
C.gtk_toggle_button_set_active(c.toggle, togbool(checked))
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// 15 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "winapi_windows.h"
import "C"
type checkbox struct {
func newCheckbox(text string) *checkbox {
c := &checkbox{
// don't use BS_AUTOCHECKBOX here because it creates problems when refocusing (see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2014/05/22/10527522.aspx)
// we'll handle actually toggling the check state ourselves (see controls_windows.c)
button: startNewButton(text, C.BS_CHECKBOX),
c.fpreferredSize = c.checkboxpreferredSize
C.setCheckboxSubclass(c.hwnd, unsafe.Pointer(c))
return c
func (c *checkbox) Checked() bool {
if C.checkboxChecked(c.hwnd) == C.FALSE {
return false
return true
func (c *checkbox) SetChecked(checked bool) {
if checked {
C.checkboxSetChecked(c.hwnd, C.TRUE)
C.checkboxSetChecked(c.hwnd, C.FALSE)
//export checkboxToggled
func checkboxToggled(data unsafe.Pointer) {
c := (*checkbox)(data)
println("checkbox toggled")
const (
// from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742486.aspx#sizingandspacing
checkboxHeight = 10
// from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb226818%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
checkboxXFromLeftOfBoxToLeftOfLabel = 12
func (c *checkbox) checkboxpreferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
return fromdlgunitsX(checkboxXFromLeftOfBoxToLeftOfLabel, d) + int(c.textlen),
fromdlgunitsY(checkboxHeight, d)
@ -2,104 +2,9 @@
package ui
import (
// #include "objc_darwin.h"
import "C"
type button struct {
clicked *event
func finishNewButton(id C.id, text string) *button {
ctext := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ctext))
b := &button{
controlbase: newControl(id),
clicked: newEvent(),
C.buttonSetText(b.id, ctext)
C.buttonSetDelegate(b.id, unsafe.Pointer(b))
return b
func newButton(text string) *button {
return finishNewButton(C.newButton(), text)
func (b *button) OnClicked(e func()) {
//export buttonClicked
func buttonClicked(xb unsafe.Pointer) {
b := (*button)(unsafe.Pointer(xb))
println("button clicked")
func (b *button) Text() string {
return C.GoString(C.buttonText(b.id))
func (b *button) SetText(text string) {
ctext := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ctext))
C.buttonSetText(b.id, ctext)
type checkbox struct {
func newCheckbox(text string) *checkbox {
return &checkbox{
button: finishNewButton(C.newCheckbox(), text),
// we don't need to define our own event here; we can just reuse Button's
// (it's all target-action anyway)
func (c *checkbox) Checked() bool {
return fromBOOL(C.checkboxChecked(c.id))
func (c *checkbox) SetChecked(checked bool) {
C.checkboxSetChecked(c.id, toBOOL(checked))
type textField struct {
func finishNewTextField(id C.id) *textField {
return &textField{
controlbase: newControl(id),
func newTextField() *textField {
return finishNewTextField(C.newTextField())
func newPasswordField() *textField {
return finishNewTextField(C.newPasswordField())
func (t *textField) Text() string {
return C.GoString(C.textFieldText(t.id))
func (t *textField) SetText(text string) {
ctext := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ctext))
C.textFieldSetText(t.id, ctext)
// cheap trick
type label struct {
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
// +build !windows,!darwin
// 7 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "gtk_unix.h"
// extern void buttonClicked(GtkButton *, gpointer);
// extern void checkboxToggled(GtkToggleButton *, gpointer);
import "C"
// TODOs:
// - standalone label on its own: should it be centered or not?
type label struct {
misc *C.GtkMisc
label *C.GtkLabel
standalone bool
supercommitResize func(c *allocation, d *sizing)
func finishNewLabel(text string, standalone bool) *label {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
widget := C.gtk_label_new(ctext)
l := &label{
controlbase: newControl(widget),
misc: (*C.GtkMisc)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
label: (*C.GtkLabel)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)),
standalone: standalone,
l.supercommitResize = l.fcommitResize
l.fcommitResize = l.labelcommitResize
return l
func newLabel(text string) Label {
return finishNewLabel(text, false)
func newStandaloneLabel(text string) Label {
return finishNewLabel(text, true)
func (l *label) Text() string {
return fromgstr(C.gtk_label_get_text(l.label))
func (l *label) SetText(text string) {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
C.gtk_label_set_text(l.label, ctext)
func (l *label) labelcommitResize(c *allocation, d *sizing) {
if !l.standalone && c.neighbor != nil {
if d.shouldVAlignTop {
// don't bother aligning it to the first line of text in the control; this is harder than it's worth (thanks gregier in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+)
C.gtk_misc_set_alignment(l.misc, 0, 0)
} else {
C.gtk_misc_set_alignment(l.misc, 0, 0.5)
l.supercommitResize(c, d)
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// 15 july 2014
package ui
// #include "winapi_windows.h"
import "C"
type label struct {
standalone bool
supercommitResize func(c *allocation, d *sizing)
var labelclass = toUTF16("STATIC")
func finishNewLabel(text string, standalone bool) *label {
c := newControl(labelclass,
// SS_NOPREFIX avoids accelerator translation; SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP clips text past the end
// controls are vertically aligned to the top by default (thanks Xeek in irc.freenode.net/#winapi)
l := &label{
controlbase: c,
standalone: standalone,
l.fpreferredSize = l.labelpreferredSize
l.supercommitResize = l.fcommitResize
l.fcommitResize = l.labelcommitResize
return l
func newLabel(text string) Label {
return finishNewLabel(text, false)
func newStandaloneLabel(text string) Label {
return finishNewLabel(text, true)
func (l *label) Text() string {
return l.text()
func (l *label) SetText(text string) {
const (
// via http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742486.aspx#sizingandspacing
labelHeight = 8
labelYOffset = 3
// TODO the label is offset slightly by default...
func (l *label) labelpreferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
return int(l.textlen), fromdlgunitsY(labelHeight, d)
func (l *label) labelcommitResize(c *allocation, d *sizing) {
if !l.standalone {
yoff := fromdlgunitsY(labelYOffset, d)
c.y += yoff
c.height -= yoff
l.supercommitResize(c, d)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ extern id newLabel(void);
/* sizing_darwin.m */
extern void moveControl(id, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t);
/* containerctrls_darwin.m */
/* tab_darwin.m */
extern id newTab(void *);
extern id tabAppend(id, char *);
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// 16 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "objc_darwin.h"
import "C"
type textField struct {
func finishNewTextField(id C.id) *textField {
return &textField{
controlbase: newControl(id),
func newTextField() *textField {
return finishNewTextField(C.newTextField())
func newPasswordField() *textField {
return finishNewTextField(C.newPasswordField())
func (t *textField) Text() string {
return C.GoString(C.textFieldText(t.id))
func (t *textField) SetText(text string) {
ctext := C.CString(text)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ctext))
C.textFieldSetText(t.id, ctext)
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// +build !windows,!darwin
// 7 july 2014
package ui
import (
// #include "gtk_unix.h"
// extern void buttonClicked(GtkButton *, gpointer);
// extern void checkboxToggled(GtkToggleButton *, gpointer);
import "C"
type textField struct {
entry *C.GtkEntry
func startNewTextField() *textField {
w := C.gtk_entry_new()
return &textField{
controlbase: newControl(w),
entry: (*C.GtkEntry)(unsafe.Pointer(w)),
func newTextField() *textField {
return startNewTextField()
func newPasswordField() *textField {
t := startNewTextField()
C.gtk_entry_set_visibility(t.entry, C.FALSE)
return t
func (t *textField) Text() string {
return fromgstr(C.gtk_entry_get_text(t.entry))
func (t *textField) SetText(text string) {
ctext := togstr(text)
defer freegstr(ctext)
C.gtk_entry_set_text(t.entry, ctext)
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// 15 july 2014
package ui
// #include "winapi_windows.h"
import "C"
type textField struct {
var editclass = toUTF16("EDIT")
func startNewTextField(style C.DWORD) *textField {
c := newControl(editclass,
C.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) // WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE without WS_BORDER will show the canonical visual styles border (thanks to MindChild in irc.efnet.net/#winprog)
t := &textField{
controlbase: c,
t.fpreferredSize = t.textfieldpreferredSize
return t
func newTextField() *textField {
return startNewTextField(0)
func newPasswordField() *textField {
return startNewTextField(C.ES_PASSWORD)
func (t *textField) Text() string {
return t.text()
func (t *textField) SetText(text string) {
const (
// from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742486.aspx#sizingandspacing
textfieldWidth = 107 // this is actually the shorter progress bar width, but Microsoft only indicates as wide as necessary
textfieldHeight = 14
func (t *textField) textfieldpreferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
return fromdlgunitsX(textfieldWidth, d), fromdlgunitsY(textfieldHeight, d)
Reference in New Issue