diff --git a/todo.md b/todo.md index db1b344..f6adde1 100644 --- a/todo.md +++ b/todo.md @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ super ultra important things: - resizing seems to be completely and totally broken in the Wayland backend - TODO find out if this is a problem on the GTK+/Wayland side (no initial window-configure event?) - redrawing controls after a window resize on Windows does not work properly -- test click to keyboard focus for Areas on Mac OS X - make sure Areas get keyboard focus when clicking outside the actual Area space on all platforms - make sure keyboard events on numpad off on all platforms don't switch between controls - on Windows, Shift+(num pad key) triggers the shifted key code when num lock is off; will need to reorder key code tests on all platforms to fix this