diff --git a/todo.md b/todo.md index bb2e3ba..8f560ad 100644 --- a/todo.md +++ b/todo.md @@ -55,6 +55,18 @@ super ultra important things: - the user can still [NSApp terminate:] from the Dock icon, bypassing Go itself - ideally we need a QuitItem() function for this case if/when we add menus - check this on all platforms + - Mac OS X (64-bit): window:good dock:BYPASSED appmenu:(none default?) expose:TODO altF4:(unassigned) ctlQ:(unassigned by default; likely because of the appmenu lack of assignment)(kb:good otherwise) + - Mac OS X (32-bit): window:TODO dock:TODO appmenu:TODO expose:TODO altF4:TODO(kb:TODO) ctlQ:TODO(kb:TODO) + - Windows XP: window:good taskbar:good taskmgr:good altF4:good(kb:good) ctlQ:(unassigned) + - Windows 7: window:good taskbar:good taskmgr:good altF4:good(kb:good) ctlQ:(unassigned) + - wine (KDE): window:good taskbar:good altF4:good(kb:TODO) ctlQ:(unassigned) + - KDE: window:good taskbar:good altF4:good(kb:TODO) ctlQ:(unassigned) + - Weston: window:TODO taskbar:TODO altF4:TODO(kb:TODO) ctlQ:TODO(kb:TODO) + - GNOME Shell: window:good taskbar:good expose:good altF4:TODO(kb:TODO) ctlQ:TODO(kb:TODO) + - MATE (for GNOME 2): window:TODO taskbar:TODO altF4:TODO(kb:TODO) ctlQ:TODO(kb:TODO) + - xfce: window:good taskbar:good altF4:TODO(kb:TODO) ctlQ:TODO(kb:TODO) + - Unity: window:good taskbar:good appmenu:(no default) altF4:good(kb:BYPASSED) ctlQ:(unassigned) + - LXDE: window:good taskbar:good altF4:TODO(kb:TODO) ctlQ:TODO(kb:TODO) - Cocoa: NSScrollView support is hacky at best - https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/NSScrollViewGuide/Articles/Creating.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003226-SW4 the warning about pixel alignment may or may not be heeded, not sure - frame sizes are a bit of a hack: the preferred size of a NSScrollView is the preferred size of its document view; the frameSize method described on the above link might be better but a real solution is optimal