Rewrote the Grid implementation to handle spans.

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Pietro Gagliardi 2014-09-03 17:59:20 -04:00
parent 73a7fe6c1d
commit 9a2c3c4bde
1 changed files with 255 additions and 221 deletions

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@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ const (
// Side represents a side of a Control to add other Controls to a Grid to.
type Side uint
const (
// this arrangement is important
// it makes finding the opposite side as easy as ^ 1
West Side = iota
@ -49,136 +47,137 @@ const (
type grid struct {
controls map[Control]*gridCell
prev Control
controls []gridCell
indexof map[Control]int
prev int
parent *controlParent
// for allocate() and preferredSize()
xoff, yoff int
xmax, ymax int
grid [][]Control
xmax int
ymax int
type gridCell struct {
control Control
xexpand bool
xalign Align
yexpand bool
yalign Align
neighbors [nSides]Control
xspan int
yspan int
// for allocate() and preferredSize()
gridx int
gridy int
xoff int
yoff int
width int
height int
visited bool
allocations []*allocation
x int
y int
finalx int
finaly int
finalwidth int
finalheight int
prefwidth int
prefheight int
// NewGrid creates a new Grid with no Controls.
func NewGrid() Grid {
return &grid{
controls: map[Control]*gridCell{},
indexof: map[Control]int{},
// ensures that all (x, y) pairs are 0-based
// also computes g.xmax/g.ymax
func (g *grid) reorigin() {
xmin := 0
ymin := 0
for i := range g.controls {
if g.controls[i].x < xmin {
xmin = g.controls[i].x
if g.controls[i].y < ymin {
ymin = g.controls[i].y
xmin = -xmin
ymin = -ymin
g.xmax = 0
g.ymax = 0
for i := range g.controls {
g.controls[i].x += xmin
g.controls[i].y += ymin
if g.xmax < g.controls[i].x + g.controls[i].xspan {
g.xmax = g.controls[i].x + g.controls[i].xspan
if g.ymax < g.controls[i].y + g.controls[i].yspan {
g.ymax = g.controls[i].y + g.controls[i].yspan
func (g *grid) Add(control Control, nextTo Control, side Side, xexpand bool, xalign Align, yexpand bool, yalign Align) {
cell := &gridCell{
cell := gridCell{
control: control,
xexpand: xexpand,
xalign: xalign,
yexpand: yexpand,
yalign: yalign,
xspan: 1,
yspan: 1,
// if this is the first control, just add it in directly
if len(g.controls) != 0 {
if nextTo == nil {
nextTo = g.prev
next := g.controls[nextTo]
// squeeze any control previously on the same side out of the way
temp := next.neighbors[side]
next.neighbors[side] = control
cell.neighbors[side] = temp
cell.neighbors[side ^ 1] = nextTo // doubly-link
g.controls[control] = cell
g.prev = control
if g.parent != nil {
// if this is the first control, just add it in directly
if len(g.controls) != 0 {
next := g.prev
if nextTo != nil {
next = g.indexof[nextTo]
switch side {
case West:
cell.x = g.controls[next].x - cell.xspan
cell.y = g.controls[next].y
case North:
cell.x = g.controls[next].x
cell.y = g.controls[next].y - cell.yspan
case East:
cell.x = g.controls[next].x + g.controls[next].xspan
cell.y = g.controls[next].y
case South:
cell.x = g.controls[next].x
cell.y = g.controls[next].y + g.controls[next].yspan
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid side %d in Grid.Add()", side))
g.controls = append(g.controls, cell)
g.prev = len(g.controls) - 1
g.indexof[control] = g.prev
func (g *grid) setParent(p *controlParent) {
g.parent = p
for c, _ := range g.controls {
for i := range g.controls {
func (g *grid) trasverse(c Control, x int, y int) {
cell := g.controls[c]
if cell.visited {
cell.visited = true
cell.gridx = x
cell.gridy = y
if x < g.xoff {
g.xoff = x
if y < g.yoff {
g.yoff = y
if cell.neighbors[West] != nil {
g.trasverse(cell.neighbors[West], x - 1, y)
if cell.neighbors[North] != nil {
g.trasverse(cell.neighbors[North], x, y - 1)
if cell.neighbors[East] != nil {
g.trasverse(cell.neighbors[East], x + 1, y)
if cell.neighbors[South] != nil {
g.trasverse(cell.neighbors[South], x, y + 1)
func (g *grid) buildGrid() {
// thanks to
// before we do anything, reset the visited bits
for _, cell := range g.controls {
cell.visited = false
// we first mark the previous control as the origin...
g.xoff = 0
g.yoff = 0
g.trasverse(g.prev, 0, 0) // start at the last control added
// now we need to make all offsets zero-based
g.xoff = -g.xoff
g.yoff = -g.yoff
g.xmax = 0
g.ymax = 0
for _, cell := range g.controls {
cell.gridx += g.xoff
cell.gridy += g.yoff
if cell.gridx > g.xmax {
g.xmax = cell.gridx
if cell.gridy > g.ymax {
g.ymax = cell.gridy
// g.xmax and g.ymax are the last valid index; make them one over to make everything work
// and finally build the matrix
g.grid = make([][]Control, g.ymax)
// builds the topological cell grid; also makes colwidths and rowheights
func (g *grid) mkgrid() (gg [][]int, colwidths []int, rowheights []int) {
gg = make([][]int, g.ymax)
for y := 0; y < g.ymax; y++ {
g.grid[y] = make([]Control, g.xmax)
// the elements are assigned below for efficiency
gg[y] = make([]int, g.xmax)
for x := 0; x < g.xmax; x++ {
gg[y][x] = -1
for i := range g.controls {
for y := g.controls[i].y; y < g.controls[i].y + g.controls[i].yspan; y++ {
for x := g.controls[i].x; x < g.controls[i].x + g.controls[i].xspan; x++ {
gg[y][x] = i
return gg, make([]int, g.xmax), make([]int, g.ymax)
func (g *grid) allocate(x int, y int, width int, height int, d *sizing) (allocations []*allocation) {
@ -187,131 +186,159 @@ func (g *grid) allocate(x int, y int, width int, height int, d *sizing) (allocat
return nil
// 1) compute the resultant grid
width -= d.xpadding * g.xmax
height -= d.ypadding * g.ymax
// -1) discount padding from width/height
width -= (g.xmax - 1) * d.xpadding
height -= (g.ymax - 1) * d.ypadding
// 2) for every control, set the width of each cell of its column/height of each cell of its row to the largest such
colwidths := make([]int, g.xmax)
rowheights := make([]int, g.ymax)
colxexpand := make([]bool, g.xmax)
rowyexpand := make([]bool, g.ymax)
for c, cell := range g.controls {
width, height := c.preferredSize(d)
cell.width = width
cell.height = height
if colwidths[cell.gridx] < width {
colwidths[cell.gridx] = width
// 0) build necessary data structures
gg, colwidths, rowheights := g.mkgrid()
xexpand := make([]bool, g.xmax)
yexpand := make([]bool, g.ymax)
// 1) compute colwidths and rowheights before handling expansion
for y := 0; y < len(gg); y++ {
for x := 0; x < len(gg[y]); x++ {
i := gg[y][x]
if i == -1 {
w, h := g.controls[i].control.preferredSize(d)
// allot equal space in the presence of spanning to keep things sane
if colwidths[x] < w / g.controls[i].xspan {
colwidths[x] = w / g.controls[i].xspan
if rowheights[y] < h / g.controls[i].yspan {
rowheights[y] = h / g.controls[i].yspan
// save these for step 6
g.controls[i].prefwidth = w
g.controls[i].prefheight = h
if rowheights[cell.gridy] < height {
rowheights[cell.gridy] = height
if cell.xexpand {
colxexpand[cell.gridx] = true
if cell.yexpand {
rowyexpand[cell.gridy] = true
g.grid[cell.gridy][cell.gridx] = c
// 3) distribute the remaining space equally to expanding cells, adjusting widths and heights as needed
nexpand := 0
for x, expand := range colxexpand {
if expand {
} else { // column width known; subtract it
// 2) figure out which columns expand
// we only mark the first row/column of a spanning cell as expanding to prevent unexpected behavior
nxexpand := 0
nyexpand := 0
for i := range g.controls {
if g.controls[i].xexpand {
xexpand[g.controls[i].x] = true
if g.controls[i].yexpand {
yexpand[g.controls[i].y] = true
// 3) assign expanded widths/heights
for x, expand := range xexpand {
if !expand {
width -= colwidths[x]
if nexpand > 0 {
w := width / nexpand
for x, expand := range colxexpand {
if expand {
colwidths[x] = w
nexpand = 0
for y, expand := range rowyexpand {
if expand {
} else { // row height known; subtract it
for y, expand := range yexpand {
if !expand {
height -= rowheights[y]
if nexpand > 0 {
h := height / nexpand
for y, expand := range rowyexpand {
if expand {
rowheights[y] = h
/* for x, expand := range xexpand {
if expand {
colwidths[x] = width / nxexpand
for y, expand := range yexpand {
if expand {
rowheights[y] = height / nyexpand
// 4) reset the final coordinates for the next step
for i := range g.controls {
g.controls[i].finalx = 0
g.controls[i].finaly = 0
g.controls[i].finalwidth = 0
g.controls[i].finalheight = 0
// 5) compute cell positions and widths
for y := 0; y < g.ymax; y++ {
curx := 0
prev := -1
for x := 0; x < g.xmax; x++ {
i := gg[y][x]
if i != -1 {
if i != prev {
g.controls[i].finalx = curx
} else {
g.controls[i].finalwidth += d.xpadding
g.controls[i].finalwidth += colwidths[x]
curx += colwidths[x] + d.xpadding
prev = i
for x := 0; x < g.xmax; x++ {
cury := 0
prev := -1
for y := 0; y < g.ymax; y++ {
i := gg[y][x]
if i != -1 {
if i != prev {
g.controls[i].finaly = cury
} else {
g.controls[i].finalheight += d.ypadding
g.controls[i].finalheight += rowheights[y]
cury += rowheights[y] + d.ypadding
prev = i
// all right, now we have the size of each cell
// 4) handle alignment
for _, cell := range g.controls {
cell.xoff = 0
switch cell.xalign {
case LeftTop:
// do nothing; this is the default
case Center:
cell.xoff = (colwidths[cell.gridx] - cell.width) / 2
case RightBottom:
cell.xoff = colwidths[cell.gridx] - cell.width
case Fill:
cell.width = colwidths[cell.gridx]
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid xalign %d in Grid.allocate()", cell.xalign))
// 6) everything as it stands now is set for xalign == Fill yalign == Fill; set the correct alignments
// this is why we saved prefwidth/prefheight above
for i := range g.controls {
if g.controls[i].xalign != Fill {
switch g.controls[i].xalign {
case RightBottom:
g.controls[i].finalx += g.controls[i].finalwidth - g.controls[i].prefwidth
case Center:
g.controls[i].finalx += (g.controls[i].finalwidth - g.controls[i].prefwidth) / 2
g.controls[i].finalwidth = g.controls[i].prefwidth // for all three
cell.yoff = 0
switch cell.yalign {
case LeftTop:
// do nothing; this is the default
case Center:
cell.yoff = (rowheights[cell.gridy] - cell.height) / 2
case RightBottom:
cell.yoff = rowheights[cell.gridy] - cell.height
case Fill:
cell.height = rowheights[cell.gridy]
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid yalign %d in Grid.allocate()", cell.yalign))
if g.controls[i].yalign != Fill {
switch g.controls[i].yalign {
case RightBottom:
g.controls[i].finaly += g.controls[i].finalheight - g.controls[i].prefheight
case Center:
g.controls[i].finaly += (g.controls[i].finalheight - g.controls[i].prefheight) / 2
g.controls[i].finalheight = g.controls[i].prefheight // for all three
// 5) position everything
for c, cell := range g.controls {
cx := x
cy := y
for i := 0; i < cell.gridx; i++ {
cx += colwidths[i] + d.xpadding
for i := 0; i < cell.gridy; i++ {
cy += rowheights[i] + d.ypadding
cell.allocations = c.allocate(cx + cell.xoff, cy + cell.yoff, cell.width, cell.height, d)
// 6) handle neighbors and build final allocation array
// 7) and FINALLY we draw
var current *allocation
for _, xcol := range g.grid {
for _, ycol := range gg {
current = nil
for _, c := range xcol {
if c != nil { // treat empty cells like spaces
cell := g.controls[c]
if current != nil { // connect first left to first right
current.neighbor = c
for _, i := range ycol {
if i != -1 { // treat empty cells like spaces
as := g.controls[i].control.allocate(
g.controls[i].finalx + x, g.controls[i].finaly + y,
g.controls[i].finalwidth, g.controls[i].finalheight, d)
if current != nil { // connect first left to first right
current.neighbor = g.controls[i].control
if len(cell.allocations) != 0 {
current = cell.allocations[0] // next left is first subwidget
if len(as) != 0 {
current = as[0] // next left is first subwidget
} else {
current = nil // spaces don't have allocation data
current = nil // spaces don't have allocation data
allocations = append(allocations, cell.allocations...)
allocations = append(allocations, as...)
@ -325,37 +352,44 @@ func (g *grid) preferredSize(d *sizing) (width, height int) {
return 0, 0
// 1) compute the resultant grid
// 0) build necessary data structures
gg, colwidths, rowheights := g.mkgrid()
// 2) for every control (including those that don't expand), set the width of each cell of its column/height of each cell of its row to the largest such
colwidths := make([]int, g.xmax)
rowheights := make([]int, g.ymax)
for c, cell := range g.controls {
width, height := c.preferredSize(d)
cell.width = width
cell.height = height
if colwidths[cell.gridx] < width {
colwidths[cell.gridx] = width
if rowheights[cell.gridy] < height {
rowheights[cell.gridy] = height
// 1) compute colwidths and rowheights before handling expansion
// TODO put this in its own function
for y := 0; y < len(gg); y++ {
for x := 0; x < len(gg[y]); x++ {
i := gg[y][x]
if i == -1 {
w, h := g.controls[i].control.preferredSize(d)
// allot equal space in the presence of spanning to keep things sane
if colwidths[x] < w / g.controls[i].xspan {
colwidths[x] = w / g.controls[i].xspan
if rowheights[y] < h / g.controls[i].yspan {
rowheights[y] = h / g.controls[i].yspan
// save these for step 6
g.controls[i].prefwidth = w
g.controls[i].prefheight = h
// 3) and sum the widths and heights
maxx := 0
for _, x := range colwidths {
maxx += x
// 2) compute total column width/row height
colwidth := 0
rowheight := 0
for _, w := range colwidths {
colwidth += w
maxy := 0
for _, y := range rowheights {
maxy += y
for _, h := range rowheights {
rowheight += h
// and that's it really; just discount the padding
return maxx + (g.xmax - 1) * d.xpadding,
maxy + (g.ymax - 1) * d.ypadding
// and that's it; just account for padding
return colwidth + (g.xmax - 1) * d.xpadding,
rowheight + (g.ymax - 1) * d.ypadding
func (g *grid) commitResize(a *allocation, d *sizing) {