Moved all selector and class initialization for bleh_darwin.m into its own function.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2014-04-05 13:30:56 -04:00
parent 338cbc0540
commit 98ae4cb3b8
3 changed files with 41 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -24,6 +24,43 @@ though this is not always the case.
/* used by listbox_darwin.go; requires NSString */
id *_NSObservedObjectKey = (id *) (&NSObservedObjectKey);
These are all the selectors and class IDs used by the functions below.
static SEL s_getIndexes; /* NSIndexSetEntries() */
static id c_NSEvent; /* makeDummyEvent() */
static SEL s_newEvent;
static id c_NSBitmapImageRep; /* drawImage() */
static SEL s_alloc;
static SEL s_initWithBitmapDataPlanes;
static SEL s_drawInRect;
static SEL s_release;
static SEL s_locationInWindow; /* getTranslatedEventPoint() */
static SEL s_convertPointFromView;
static id c_NSFont;
static SEL s_setFont; /* objc_setFont() */
static SEL s_systemFontOfSize;
static SEL s_systemFontSizeForControlSize;
void initBleh()
s_getIndexes = sel_getUid("getIndexes:maxCount:inIndexRange:");
c_NSEvent = objc_getClass("NSEvent");
s_newEvent = sel_getUid("otherEventWithType:location:modifierFlags:timestamp:windowNumber:context:subtype:data1:data2:");
c_NSBitmapImageRep = objc_getClass("NSBitmapImageRep");
s_alloc = sel_getUid("alloc");
s_initWithBitmapDataPlanes = sel_getUid("initWithBitmapDataPlanes:pixelsWide:pixelsHigh:bitsPerSample:samplesPerPixel:hasAlpha:isPlanar:colorSpaceName:bitmapFormat:bytesPerRow:bitsPerPixel:");
s_drawInRect = sel_getUid("drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:");
s_release = sel_getUid("release");
s_locationInWindow = sel_getUid("locationInWindow");
s_convertPointFromView = sel_getUid("convertPoint:fromView:");
c_NSFont = objc_getClass("NSFont");
s_setFont = sel_getUid("setFont:");
s_systemFontOfSize = sel_getUid("systemFontOfSize:");
s_systemFontSizeForControlSize = sel_getUid("systemFontSizeForControlSize:");
NSUInteger is listed as being in <objc/NSObjCRuntime.h>... which doesn't exist. Rather than relying on undocumented header file locations or explicitly typedef-ing NSUInteger to the (documented) unsigned long, I'll just place things here for maximum safety. I use uintptr_t as that should encompass every possible unsigned long.
@ -147,9 +184,6 @@ id objc_msgSend_point(id obj, SEL sel, int64_t x, int64_t y)
This is a doozy: it deals with a NSUInteger array needed for this one selector, and converts them all into a uintptr_t array so we can use it from Go. The two arrays are created at runtime with malloc(); only the NSUInteger one is freed here, while Go frees the returned one. It's not optimal.
static SEL getIndexes;
static BOOL getIndexes_init = NO; /* because we can't initialize it out here */
uintptr_t *NSIndexSetEntries(id indexset, uintptr_t count)
NSUInteger *nsuints;
@ -157,14 +191,10 @@ uintptr_t *NSIndexSetEntries(id indexset, uintptr_t count)
uintptr_t i;
size_t countsize;
if (getIndexes_init == NO) {
getIndexes = sel_getUid("getIndexes:maxCount:inIndexRange:");
getIndexes_init = YES;
countsize = (size_t) count;
nsuints = (NSUInteger *) malloc(countsize * sizeof (NSUInteger));
/* TODO check return value */
objc_msgSend(indexset, getIndexes,
objc_msgSend(indexset, s_getIndexes,
nsuints, (NSUInteger) count, nil);
ret = (uintptr_t *) malloc(countsize * sizeof (uintptr_t));
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
@ -178,17 +208,8 @@ uintptr_t *NSIndexSetEntries(id indexset, uintptr_t count)
See uitask_darwin.go: we need to synthesize a NSEvent so -[NSApplication stop:] will work. We cannot simply init the default NSEvent though (it throws an exception) so we must do it "the right way". This involves a very convoluted initializer; we'll just do it here to keep things clean on the Go side (this will only be run once anyway, on program exit).
static id c_NSEvent;
static SEL s_newEvent;
static BOOL newEvent_init = NO;
id makeDummyEvent()
if (newEvent_init == NO) {
c_NSEvent = objc_getClass("NSEvent");
s_newEvent = sel_getUid("otherEventWithType:location:modifierFlags:timestamp:windowNumber:context:subtype:data1:data2:");
newEvent_init = YES;
return objc_msgSend(c_NSEvent, s_newEvent,
(NSUInteger) NSApplicationDefined, /* otherEventWithType: */
NSMakePoint(0, 0), /* location: */
@ -233,13 +254,6 @@ the NSBitmapImageRep constructor is complex; put it here
the only way to draw a NSBitmapImageRep in a flipped NSView is to use the most complex drawing method; put it here too
static id c_NSBitmapImageRep;
static SEL s_alloc;
static SEL s_initWithBitmapDataPlanes;
static SEL s_drawInRect;
static SEL s_release;
static BOOL drawImage_init = NO;
hey guys you know what's fun? 32-bit ABI changes!
@ -251,14 +265,6 @@ void drawImage(void *pixels, int64_t width, int64_t height, int64_t stride, int6
unsigned char *planes[1]; /* NSBitmapImageRep wants an array of planes; we have one plane */
id bitmap;
if (drawImage_init == NO) {
c_NSBitmapImageRep = objc_getClass("NSBitmapImageRep");
s_alloc = sel_getUid("alloc");
s_initWithBitmapDataPlanes = sel_getUid("initWithBitmapDataPlanes:pixelsWide:pixelsHigh:bitsPerSample:samplesPerPixel:hasAlpha:isPlanar:colorSpaceName:bitmapFormat:bytesPerRow:bitsPerPixel:");
s_drawInRect = sel_getUid("drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:");
s_release = sel_getUid("release");
drawImage_init = YES;
bitmap = objc_msgSend(c_NSBitmapImageRep, s_alloc);
planes[0] = (unsigned char *) pixels;
bitmap = objc_msgSend(bitmap, s_initWithBitmapDataPlanes,
@ -289,10 +295,6 @@ void drawImage(void *pixels, int64_t width, int64_t height, int64_t stride, int6
more NSPoint fumbling
static SEL s_locationInWindow;
static SEL s_convertPointFromView;
static BOOL getTranslatedEventPoint_init = NO;
static NSPoint (*objc_msgSend_stret_point)(id, SEL, ...) =
(NSPoint (*)(id, SEL, ...)) objc_msgSend;
@ -301,11 +303,6 @@ struct xpoint getTranslatedEventPoint(id self, id event)
NSPoint p;
struct xpoint ret;
if (getTranslatedEventPoint_init == NO) {
s_locationInWindow = sel_getUid("locationInWindow");
s_convertPointFromView = sel_getUid("convertPoint:fromView:");
getTranslatedEventPoint_init = YES;
p = objc_msgSend_stret_point(event, s_locationInWindow);
p = objc_msgSend_stret_point(self, s_convertPointFromView,
p, /* convertPoint: */
@ -319,12 +316,6 @@ struct xpoint getTranslatedEventPoint(id self, id event)
we don't need this here technically it can be done in Go just fine but it's easier here
static id c_NSFont;
static SEL s_setFont;
static SEL s_systemFontOfSize;
static SEL s_systemFontSizeForControlSize;
static BOOL setFont_init = NO;
static CGFloat (*objc_msgSend_cgfloatret)(id, SEL, ...) =
(CGFloat (*)(id, SEL, ...)) objc_msgSend_fpret;
@ -332,14 +323,6 @@ void objc_setFont(id what, unsigned int csize)
CGFloat size;
if (setFont_init == NO) {
c_NSFont = objc_getClass("NSFont");
s_setFont = sel_getUid("setFont:");
s_systemFontOfSize = sel_getUid("systemFontOfSize:");
s_systemFontSizeForControlSize = sel_getUid("systemFontSizeForControlSize:");
setFont_init = YES;
size = objc_msgSend_cgfloatret(c_NSFont, s_systemFontSizeForControlSize, (NSControlSize) csize);
objc_msgSend(what, s_setFont,
objc_msgSend(c_NSFont, s_systemFontOfSize, size));

View File

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ m4(id_id_id_id, id, id, id, id)
extern uintptr_t *NSIndexSetEntries(id, uintptr_t);
/* for uitask_darwin.go */
extern void initBleh();
extern id makeDummyEvent();
/* for area_darwin.go */

View File

@ -84,9 +84,10 @@ var (
func initCocoa() (NSApp, err error) {
C.initBleh() // initialize bleh_darwin.m functions
NSApp = C.objc_msgSend_noargs(_NSApplication, _sharedApplication)
r := C.objc_msgSend_int(NSApp, _setActivationPolicy,
0) // NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular
0) // NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular
if C.BOOL(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r))) != C.BOOL(C.YES) {
err = fmt.Errorf("error setting NSApplication activation policy (basically identifies our program as a separate program; needed for several things, such as Dock icon, application menu, window resizing, etc.) (unknown reason)")