And migrated the rest of drawtext.go. Phew!

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2018-08-19 12:20:59 -04:00
parent e8dd3305ef
commit 6739b438a8
1 changed files with 90 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,22 @@ package ui
// {
// free(c);
// }
// static inline uiFontDescriptor *pkguiNewFontDescriptor(void)
// {
// return (uiFontDescriptor *) pkguiAlloc(sizeof (uiFontDescriptor));
// }
// static inline void pkguiFreeFontDescriptor(uiFontDescriptor *fd)
// {
// free(fd);
// }
// static inline uiDrawTextLayoutParams *pkguiNewDrawTextLayoutParams(void)
// {
// return (uiDrawTextLayoutParams *) pkguiAlloc(sizeof (uiDrawTextLayoutParams));
// }
// static inline void pkguiFreeDrawTextLayoutParams(uiDrawTextLayoutParams *fd)
// {
// free(fd);
// }
import "C"
// Attribute stores information about an attribute in an
@ -440,85 +456,99 @@ func (s *AttributedString) SetAttribute(a Attribute, start, end int) {
// TODO uiAttributedStringByteIndexToGrapheme
// TODO uiAttributedStringGraphemeToByteIndex
//////// TODOTODO
// uiFontDescriptor provides a complete description of a font where
// FontDescriptor provides a complete description of a font where
// one is needed. Currently, this means as the default font of a
// uiDrawTextLayout and as the data returned by uiFontButton.
// All the members operate like the respective uiAttributes.
typedef struct uiFontDescriptor uiFontDescriptor;
// DrawTextLayout and as the data returned by FontButton.
type FontDescriptor struct {
Family TextFamily
Size TextSize
Weight TextWeight
Italic TextItalic
Stretch TextStretch
struct uiFontDescriptor {
// TODO const-correct this or figure out how to deal with this when getting a value
char *Family;
double Size;
uiTextWeight Weight;
uiTextItalic Italic;
uiTextStretch Stretch;
func (d *FontDescriptor) fromLibui(fd *C.uiFontDescriptor) {
d.Family = TextFamily(C.GoString(fd.Family))
d.Size = TextSize(fd.Size)
d.Weight = TextWeight(fd.Weight)
d.Italic = TextItalic(fd.Italic)
d.Stretch = TextStretch(fd.Stretch)
// uiDrawTextLayout is a concrete representation of a
// uiAttributedString that can be displayed in a uiDrawContext.
func (d *FontDescriptor) toLibui() *C.uiFontDescriptor {
fd := C.pkguiNewFontDescriptor()
fd.Family = C.CString(d.Family)
fd.Size = C.double(d.Size)
fd.Weight = C.uiTextWeight(d.Weight)
fd.Italic = C.uiTextItalic(d.Italic)
fd.Stretch = C.uiTextStretch(d.Stretch)
return fd
func freeLibuiFontDescriptor(fd *C.uiFontDescriptor) {
// DrawTextLayout is a concrete representation of an
// AttributedString that can be displayed in a DrawContext.
// It includes information important for the drawing of a block of
// text, including the bounding box to wrap the text within, the
// alignment of lines of text within that box, areas to mark as
// being selected, and other things.
// Unlike uiAttributedString, the content of a uiDrawTextLayout is
// Unlike AttributedString, the content of a DrawTextLayout is
// immutable once it has been created.
// TODO talk about OS-specific differences with text drawing that libui can't account for...
typedef struct uiDrawTextLayout uiDrawTextLayout;
type DrawTextLayout struct {
tl *C.uiDrawTextLayout
// uiDrawTextAlign specifies the alignment of lines of text in a
// uiDrawTextLayout.
// DrawTextAlign specifies the alignment of lines of text in a
// DrawTextLayout.
// TODO should this really have Draw in the name?
_UI_ENUM(uiDrawTextAlign) {
type DrawTextAlign int
const (
DrawTextAlignLeft DrawTextAlign = iota
// uiDrawTextLayoutParams describes a uiDrawTextLayout.
// DrawTextLayoutParams describes a DrawTextLayout.
// DefaultFont is used to render any text that is not attributed
// sufficiently in String. Width determines the width of the bounding
// box of the text; the height is determined automatically.
typedef struct uiDrawTextLayoutParams uiDrawTextLayoutParams;
type DrawTextLayoutParams struct {
String *AttributedString
DefaultFont *FontDescriptor
Width float64
Align DrawTextAlign
// TODO const-correct this somehow
struct uiDrawTextLayoutParams {
uiAttributedString *String;
uiFontDescriptor *DefaultFont;
double Width;
uiDrawTextAlign Align;
// @role uiDrawTextLayout constructor
// uiDrawNewTextLayout() creates a new uiDrawTextLayout from
// DrawNewTextLayout() creates a new DrawTextLayout from
// the given parameters.
// - allow creating a layout out of a substring
// - allow marking compositon strings
// - allow marking selections, even after creation
// - add the following functions:
// - uiDrawTextLayoutHeightForWidth() (returns the height that a layout would need to be to display the entire string at a given width)
// - uiDrawTextLayoutRangeForSize() (returns what substring would fit in a given size)
// - uiDrawTextLayoutNewWithHeight() (limits amount of string used by the height)
// - some function to fix up a range (for text editing)
_UI_EXTERN uiDrawTextLayout *uiDrawNewTextLayout(uiDrawTextLayoutParams *params);
func DrawNewTextLayout(p *DrawTextLayoutParams) *DrawTextLayout {
dp := C.pkguiNewDrawTextLayoutParams()
defer C.pkguiFreeDrawTextLayoutParams(dp)
dp.String = p.String.s
dp.DefaultFont = p.DefaultFont.toLibui()
defer freeLibuiFontDescriptor(dp.DefaultFont)
dp.Width = C.double(p.Width)
dp.Align = C.uiDrawTextAlign(p.Align)
return DrawTextLayout{
tl: C.uiDrawNewTextLayout(dp),
// @role uiDrawFreeTextLayout destructor
// uiDrawFreeTextLayout() frees tl. The underlying
// uiAttributedString is not freed.
_UI_EXTERN void uiDrawFreeTextLayout(uiDrawTextLayout *tl);
// Free frees tl. The underlying AttributedString is not freed.
func (tl *DrawTextLayout) Free() {
// uiDrawText() draws tl in c with the top-left point of tl at (x, y).
_UI_EXTERN void uiDrawText(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawTextLayout *tl, double x, double y);
// Text draws tl in c with the top-left point of tl at (x, y).
func (c *DrawContext) Text(tl *DrawTextLayout, x, y float64) {
C.uiDrawText(c.c,, C.double(x), C.double(y))
// uiDrawTextLayoutExtents() returns the width and height of tl
// in width and height. The returned width may be smaller than
// the width passed into uiDrawNewTextLayout() depending on
// how the text in tl is wrapped. Therefore, you can use this
// function to get the actual size of the text layout.
_UI_EXTERN void uiDrawTextLayoutExtents(uiDrawTextLayout *tl, double *width, double *height);
// TODO uiDrawTextLayoutExtents