Adjusted future plans.

This commit is contained in:
Pietro Gagliardi 2014-08-17 22:44:18 -04:00
parent 44e37f9018
commit 5f3cba3b90
1 changed files with 1 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -5,11 +5,9 @@ Control
more column types: "// As such, a Table renders a []struct{...} where each field of the struct can be a string, a number, an image, or a checkbox."
table_darwin.m: constructor
table_unix.c: goTableModel_get_column_type(), goTableModel_get_value()
multiple selection
figure out if we can safely refresh view during Unlock() regardless of calling goroutine
refresh only selected columns of view to avoid flicker (especially on Windows)
document header behavior in general comment
add functions for header manipulation