diff --git a/redo/basicctrls_darwin.m b/redo/basicctrls_darwin.m index 4802f91..ed7ec10 100644 --- a/redo/basicctrls_darwin.m +++ b/redo/basicctrls_darwin.m @@ -103,9 +103,10 @@ static id finishNewTextField(NSTextField *t, BOOL bordered) // same for text fields, password fields, and labels setStandardControlFont((id) t); // these three are the same across text fields, password fields, and labels; the only difference is the setBezeled: value, and it's only different on labels + // THE ORDER OF THESE CALLS IS IMPORTANT; CHANGE IT AND THE BORDERS WILL DISAPPEAR + [t setBordered:NO]; [t setBezelStyle:NSTextFieldSquareBezel]; [t setBezeled:bordered]; - [t setBordered:NO]; // smart quotes and other autocorrect features are handled by the window; see newWindow() in window_darwin.m for details // Interface Builder does this to make the text box behave properly // this disables both word wrap AND ellipsizing in one fell swoop