Resolved GtkEntry and GtkProgressBar resizing issues; decided from observing how they do padding that worrying about padding is counterproductive for now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,26 @@ import (
// #include "gtk_unix.h"
// /* because cgo doesn't like ... */
// static inline char *gtkProgressBarAllowArbitraryResize(GtkWidget *pbar)
// {
// /* min-horizontal-bar-width is a style property; we do it through CSS */
// /* thanks tristan in */
// /* TODO find out how to make it an application default */
// static gchar style[] =
// "* {\n"
// " -GtkProgressBar-min-horizontal-bar-width: 1;\n"
// "}\n";
// GtkCssProvider *provider;
// GError *err = NULL;
// provider = gtk_css_provider_new();
// if (gtk_css_provider_load_from_data(provider, style, -1, &err) == FALSE)
// return (char *) g_strdup(err->message);
// gtk_style_context_add_provider(gtk_widget_get_style_context(pbar),
// (GtkStyleProvider *) provider, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER);
// return NULL;
// }
import "C"
func gtk_init() error {
@ -181,7 +201,11 @@ func gtkComboBoxLen(widget *C.GtkWidget) int {
func gtk_entry_new() *C.GtkWidget {
return C.gtk_entry_new()
e := C.gtk_entry_new()
// allows the GtkEntry to be resized with the window smaller than what it thinks the size should be
// thanks to Company in
C.gtk_entry_set_width_chars(togtkentry(e), 0)
return e
func gtkPasswordEntryNew() *C.GtkWidget {
@ -231,7 +255,14 @@ func gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(widget *C.GtkWidget) (minWidth int, minHeight
func gtk_progress_bar_new() *C.GtkWidget {
return C.gtk_progress_bar_new()
p := C.gtk_progress_bar_new()
// otherwise the progress bar can't be resized smaller than some predetermined size
err := C.gtkProgressBarAllowArbitraryResize(p)
if err != nil {
defer C.g_free(C.gpointer(unsafe.Pointer(err)))
panic(fmt.Errorf("error allowing ProgressBar to be arbitrarily resized: %s", C.GoString(err)))
return p
func gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(w *C.GtkWidget, percent int) {
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ super ultra important things:
- make sure the preferred size of a Listbox is the minimum size needed to display everything on all platforms (capped at the screen height, of course?)
- same for Area, using the Area's size (this will be easier)
- make sure the image drawn on an Area looks correct on all platforms (is not cropped incorrectly or blurred)
- when resizing a GTK+ window smaller than a certain size, the controls inside will start clipping in bizarre ways (progress bars/entry lines will just cut off; editable comboboxes will stretch slightly longer than noneditable ones; the horizontal scrollbar in Area will disappear smoothly; etc.)
- when resizing a GTK+ window smaller than a certain size, the controls inside will start clipping in bizarre ways (comboboxes will just cut off; the horizontal scrollbar in Area will disappear smoothly; etc.)
- check my logs; someone in answered this (or provided an answer)
- see update 18 March 2014 in README
- resizing seems to be completely and totally broken in the Wayland backend
Reference in New Issue