- GtkEntry and GtkTextView have input purposes and input hints for external input methods but do not change input themselves
- according to Company, we connect to insert-text for that
- GtkLevelBar
- GtkMenuButton
- **GtkSearchEntry**
### GTK+ 3.8
ships with: Ubuntu Saucy (13.10)
Not many interesting new things to us here, unless you count widget-internal tickers and single-click instead of double-click to select list items (a la KDE)... and oh yeah, also widget opacity.
- proper xalign and yalign for GtkLabel; should get rid of runtime deprecation warnings
- better control of GtkListBox model-based creation (probably not relevant but)
- GtkModelButton (for GActions; probably not relevant?)
- wide handles on GtkPaned
- GtkPopoverMenu
- IPP paper names in GtkPaperSize (TODO will this be important for printing?)
- multiple matches in GtkSearchEntry (TODO evaluate priority)
- **GtkStackSidebar**
- Foundation ([full details](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/releasenotes/Foundation/RN-FoundationOlderNotes/#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008080-TRANSLATED_CHAPTER_965-TRANSLATED_DEST_999B))
- NSDateComponents supports leap months
- NSNumberFormatter and NSDateFormatter default to 10.4 behavior by default (need to explicitly do this on 10.7)
- **NSUserNotification and NSUserNotificationCenter for Growl-style notifications**
- better linguistic triggers for Spanish and Italian
- view-based NSTableView/NSOutlineView have expansion tooltips
- NSScrollView magnification
- Quick Look events; TODO see if they conflict with keyboard handling in Area
- NSPageController (maybe useful?)
- not useful for package UI, but may be useful for a new library (probably not by me): NSSharingService
- NSOpenPanel and NSSavePanel are now longer NSPanels or NSWindows in sandboxed applications; this may be an issue should anyone dare to enable sandboxing on a program that uses package ui
- NSTextAlternatives
- -[NSOpenGLContext setFullScreen] now ineffective
- +[NSColor underPageBackgroundColor]
### Mac OS X 10.9
- Foundation ([full details](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/releasenotes/Foundation/RN-Foundation/))
- system-provided progress reporting/cancellation support
- NSURLComponents
- **NSCalendar, NSDateFormatter, and NSNumberFormatter are now thread-safe**
- various NSCalendar and NSDateComponents improvements