- NSComboBox scans the entered text to see if it matches one of the items and returns the index of that item if it does; find out how to suppress this so that it returns -1 unless the item was chosen from the list (like the other platforms)
- ideally we would want modifiers to behave like Up and Down: if a modifier was pressed or released, have a field Modifier that indicates which modifier was pressed, then use the Modifiers field to indicate which modifiers are currently held
- but then we would need to figure out how to deal with the fact that there's left and right and we choose not to differentiate (and because Windows doesn't report two Shift keys being released at once, according to GLFW)
- also this makes Modifiers different from everything else... maybe I should drop the Modifiers as a bitmask thing???? Or have Modifiers be the flags if Up and Down are nonzero and an individual bit otherwise? This sounds the most reasonable...
- OS X: the behavior of Modifiers and other keys is broken: keyDown:/keyUp: events stop being sent when the state of Modifiers changes, which is NOT what we want
- [13:44] <Psy> pietro10: nope, the system decides
- cap click count to 2 on all platforms? or normalize higher order clicks...
- Windows: down up doubledown up
- triple-clicks and higher: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2004/10/18/243925.aspx have to do it ourselves, but Microsoft provides everything we need to
- Unix: down up down doubledown up [down doubeldown tripledown up]
- TODO higher than triple-click?
- Mac OS X: down up doubledown up tripledown up 4down up...
- 64-bit crashes in malloc in wine with heap corruption warnings aplenty during DLL loading; in windows 7 it works fine
- 32-bit: it works, but if I save the class name converted to UTF-16 beforehand, wine indicates that the class name is replaced with the window title, so something there is wrong...
- make sure the preferred size of a Listbox is the minimum size needed to display everything on all platforms (capped at the screen height, of course?)
- same for Area, using the Area's size (this will be easier)
- when resizing a GTK+ window smaller than a certain size, the controls inside will start clipping in bizarre ways (progress bars/entry lines will just cut off; editable comboboxes will stretch slightly longer than noneditable ones; the horizontal scrollbar in Area will disappear smoothly; etc.)
- pressing global keycodes (including kwin's zoom in/out) when running the keyboard test in wine causes the Area to lose keyboard focus; this doesn't happen on the GTK+ version (fix the Windows version to behave like the GTK+ version)
- GTK+ indefinite progress bar animation is choppy: make sure the speed we have now is the conventional speed for GTK+ programs (HIG doesn't list any) and that the choppiness is correct
- [12:55] <myklgo> pietro10: I meant to mention: 1073): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:72:20: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'. twice.
- on windows 7, progress bars seem to animate from 0 -> pos when you turn off marquee mode and set pos; see if that's documented or if I'm doing something wrong
- intentional: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/61350dc7-6584-4c4e-91b0-69d642c03dae/progressbar-disable-smooth-animation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2217688/windows-7-aero-theme-progress-bar-bug http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?dotnet.12.600456.2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22469876/progressbar-lag-when-setting-position-with-pbm-setpos http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6128287/tprogressbar-never-fills-up-all-the-way-seems-to-be-updating-too-fast - these links have workarounds but blah; more proof that progressbars were programmatically intended to be incremented in steps