2014-03-14 22:06:51 -05:00
// +build !windows,!darwin,!plan9
2014-03-14 17:44:59 -05:00
// 14 march 2014
package ui
import (
2014-03-14 22:06:51 -05:00
2014-03-14 17:44:59 -05:00
// #cgo pkg-config: gtk+-3.0
2014-03-14 22:06:51 -05:00
// /* GTK+ 3.8 deprecates gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(); we need 3.4 miniimum though
// setting MIN_REQUIRED ensures nothing older; setting MAX_ALLOWED disallows newer functions - thanks to desrt in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+
// TODO add this to the other files too */
2014-03-14 17:44:59 -05:00
// #include <gtk/gtk.h>
2014-03-14 22:15:24 -05:00
// extern gboolean our_area_draw_callback(GtkWidget *, cairo_t *, gpointer);
2014-03-15 21:29:47 -05:00
// extern gboolean our_area_button_press_event_callback(GtkWidget *, GdkEvent *, gpointer);
// extern gboolean our_area_button_release_event_callback(GtkWidget *, GdkEvent *, gpointer);
// extern gboolean our_area_motion_notify_event_callback(GtkWidget *, GdkEvent *, gpointer);
2014-03-14 22:06:51 -05:00
// /* HACK - see https://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=7548 */
// struct _cairo {};
2014-03-14 17:44:59 -05:00
import "C"
func gtkAreaNew ( ) * gtkWidget {
drawingarea := C . gtk_drawing_area_new ( )
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C . gtk_widget_set_size_request ( drawingarea , 320 , 240 )
2014-03-15 21:29:47 -05:00
// we need to explicitly subscribe to mouse events with GtkDrawingArea
C . gtk_widget_add_events ( drawingarea ,
2014-03-14 17:44:59 -05:00
scrollarea := C . gtk_scrolled_window_new ( ( * C . GtkAdjustment ) ( nil ) , ( * C . GtkAdjustment ) ( nil ) )
// need a viewport because GtkDrawingArea isn't natively scrollable
2014-03-14 22:06:51 -05:00
C . gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport ( ( * C . GtkScrolledWindow ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( scrollarea ) ) , drawingarea )
2014-03-14 17:44:59 -05:00
return fromgtkwidget ( scrollarea )
2014-03-14 22:15:24 -05:00
func gtkAreaGetControl ( scrollarea * gtkWidget ) * gtkWidget {
viewport := C . gtk_bin_get_child ( ( * C . GtkBin ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( scrollarea ) ) )
control := C . gtk_bin_get_child ( ( * C . GtkBin ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( viewport ) ) )
return fromgtkwidget ( control )
//export our_area_draw_callback
func our_area_draw_callback ( widget * C . GtkWidget , cr * C . cairo_t , data C . gpointer ) C . gboolean {
2014-03-14 17:44:59 -05:00
var x , y , w , h C . double
s := ( * sysData ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( data ) )
// thanks to desrt in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+
C . cairo_clip_extents ( cr , & x , & y , & w , & h )
cliprect := image . Rect ( int ( x ) , int ( y ) , int ( w ) , int ( h ) )
imgret := make ( chan * image . NRGBA )
defer close ( imgret )
s . paint <- PaintRequest {
Rect : cliprect ,
Out : imgret ,
i := <- imgret
// pixel order is [R G B A] (see Example 1 on https://developer.gnome.org/gdk-pixbuf/2.26/gdk-pixbuf-The-GdkPixbuf-Structure.html) so we don't have to convert anything
// gdk-pixbuf is not alpha-premultiplied (thanks to desrt in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+)
pixbuf := C . gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data (
( * C . guchar ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( & i . Pix [ 0 ] ) ) ,
C . TRUE , // has alpha channel
8 , // bits per sample
C . int ( i . Rect . Dx ( ) ) ,
C . int ( i . Rect . Dy ( ) ) ,
C . int ( i . Stride ) ,
nil , nil ) // do not free data
C . gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf ( cr ,
pixbuf ,
C . gdouble ( cliprect . Min . X ) ,
C . gdouble ( cliprect . Min . Y ) )
2014-03-14 22:36:47 -05:00
// that just set the brush that cairo uses: we have to actually draw now
// (via https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm-tutorial/stable/sec-draw-images.html.en)
C . cairo_rectangle ( cr , x , y , w , h ) // breaking the nrom here since we have the double data already
C . cairo_fill ( cr )
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C . g_object_unref ( ( C . gpointer ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( pixbuf ) ) ) // free pixbuf
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return C . FALSE // signals handled without stopping the event chain (thanks to desrt again)
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2014-03-14 22:15:24 -05:00
var area_draw_callback = C . GCallback ( C . our_area_draw_callback )
2014-03-15 21:29:47 -05:00
// shared code for finishing up and sending a mouse event
func finishMouseEvent ( data C . gpointer , me MouseEvent , mb uint , x C . gdouble , y C . gdouble , state C . guint ) {
s := ( * sysData ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( data ) )
// GDK doesn't initialize the modifier flags fully; we have to explicitly tell it to (thanks to Daniel_S and daniels (two different people) in irc.gimp.net/#gtk+)
C . gdk_keymap_add_virtual_modifiers ( C . gdk_keymap_get_default ( ) ,
( * C . GdkModifierType ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( & state ) ) )
if ( state & C . GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) != 0 {
me . Modifiers |= Ctrl
if ( state & C . GDK_META_MASK ) != 0 {
me . Modifiers |= Alt
if ( state & C . GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) != 0 {
me . Modifiers |= Shift
// the mb != # checks exclude the Up/Down button from Held
if mb != 1 && ( state & C . GDK_BUTTON1_MASK ) != 0 {
me . Held = append ( me . Held , 1 )
if mb != 2 && ( state & C . GDK_BUTTON2_MASK ) != 0 {
me . Held = append ( me . Held , 2 )
if mb != 3 && ( state & C . GDK_BUTTON3_MASK ) != 0 {
me . Held = append ( me . Held , 3 )
// TODO keep?
if mb != 4 && ( state & C . GDK_BUTTON4_MASK ) != 0 {
me . Held = append ( me . Held , 4 )
if mb != 5 && ( state & C . GDK_BUTTON5_MASK ) != 0 {
me . Held = append ( me . Held , 5 )
me . Pos = image . Pt ( int ( x ) , int ( y ) )
// see cSysData.signal() in sysdata.go
go func ( ) {
select {
case s . mouse <- me :
default :
} ( )
//export our_area_button_press_event_callback
func our_area_button_press_event_callback ( widget * C . GtkWidget , event * C . GdkEvent , data C . gpointer ) C . gboolean {
e := ( * C . GdkEventButton ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( event ) )
me := MouseEvent {
// GDK button ID == our button ID
Down : uint ( e . button ) ,
switch e . _type {
me . Count = 1
me . Count = 2
default : // ignore triple-clicks and beyond; we don't handle those
return C . FALSE // TODO really false?
finishMouseEvent ( data , me , me . Down , e . x , e . y , e . state )
return C . FALSE // TODO really false?
var area_button_press_event_callback = C . GCallback ( C . our_area_button_press_event_callback )
//export our_area_button_release_event_callback
func our_area_button_release_event_callback ( widget * C . GtkWidget , event * C . GdkEvent , data C . gpointer ) C . gboolean {
e := ( * C . GdkEventButton ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( event ) )
me := MouseEvent {
// GDK button ID == our button ID
Up : uint ( e . button ) ,
finishMouseEvent ( data , me , me . Up , e . x , e . y , e . state )
return C . FALSE // TODO really false?
var area_button_release_event_callback = C . GCallback ( C . our_area_button_release_event_callback )
//export our_area_motion_notify_event_callback
func our_area_motion_notify_event_callback ( widget * C . GtkWidget , event * C . GdkEvent , data C . gpointer ) C . gboolean {
e := ( * C . GdkEventMotion ) ( unsafe . Pointer ( event ) )
me := MouseEvent { }
finishMouseEvent ( data , me , 0 , e . x , e . y , e . state )
return C . FALSE // TODO really false?
var area_motion_notify_event_callback = C . GCallback ( C . our_area_motion_notify_event_callback )