2018-08-12 19:46:02 -05:00
// 12 august 2018
package ui
// #include "ui.h"
import "C"
// Attribute stores information about an attribute in an
// AttributedString.
// You do not create Attributes directly; instead, you create an
// Attribute of a given type using the specialized constructor
// functions. For every Unicode codepoint in the AttributedString,
// at most one value of each attribute type can be applied.
// Attributes are immutable and the AttributedString takes
// ownership of the Attribute object once assigned. Therefore,
// you can create attributes, give them to AttributedStrings,
// and then forget about them, like with other garbage-collected
// objects in Go. However, Attributes are still objects managed by
// libui underneath package ui, so if you created an Attribute without
// adding it to an AttributedString, you must call Free on that
// Attribute to avoid leaking resources.
type Attribute struct {
a * C . uiAttribute
// Free frees the Attribute. You almost never need to call this.
// For the specific scenario where this is needed, refer to the
// top of the Attribute documentation.
func ( a * Attribute ) Free ( ) {
C . uiFreeAttribute ( a . a )
// uiAttributeType holds the possible uiAttribute types that may be
// returned by Attribute.GetType. Refer to the documentation for
// each type's constructor function for details on each type.
type AttributeType int
const (
AttributeTypeFamily AttributeType = iota
// Type returns the type of a.
func ( a * Attribute ) Type ( ) AttributeType {
return AttributeType ( C . uiAttributeGetType ( a . a ) )
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// NewFamilyAttribute creates a new Attribute that changes the
// font family of the text it is applied to. Font family names are
// case-insensitive.
func NewFamilyAttribute ( family string ) * Attribute {
fstr := C . CString ( family )
defer freestr ( fstr )
return & Attribute {
a : C . uiNewFamilyAttribute ( fstr ) ,
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2018-08-13 21:56:28 -05:00
// Family returns the font family stored in a.
// It is an error to call this on an Attribute that does not hold a
// font family.
func ( a * Attribute ) Family ( ) string {
return C . GoString ( C . uiAttributeFamily ( a . a ) )
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2018-08-13 21:56:28 -05:00
//////// TODOTODO
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// uiNewSizeAttribute() creates a new uiAttribute that changes the
// size of the text it is applied to, in typographical points.
_UI_EXTERN uiAttribute * uiNewSizeAttribute ( double size ) ;
// uiAttributeSize() returns the font size stored in a. It is an error to
// call this on a uiAttribute that does not hold a font size.
_UI_EXTERN double uiAttributeSize ( const uiAttribute * a ) ;
// uiTextWeight represents possible text weights. These roughly
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// map to the OS/2 text weight field of TrueType and OpenType
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// fonts, or to CSS weight numbers. The named constants are
// nominal values; the actual values may vary by font and by OS,
// though this isn't particularly likely. Any value between
// uiTextWeightMinimum and uiDrawTextWeightMaximum,
// inclusive, is allowed.
// Note that due to restrictions in early versions of Windows, some
// fonts have "special" weights be exposed in many programs as
// separate font families. This is perhaps most notable with
// Arial Black. libui does not do this, even on Windows (because the
// DirectWrite API libui uses on Windows does not do this); to
// specify Arial Black, use family Arial and weight uiTextWeightBlack.
_UI_ENUM ( uiTextWeight ) {
uiTextWeightMinimum = 0 ,
uiTextWeightThin = 100 ,
uiTextWeightUltraLight = 200 ,
uiTextWeightLight = 300 ,
uiTextWeightBook = 350 ,
uiTextWeightNormal = 400 ,
uiTextWeightMedium = 500 ,
uiTextWeightSemiBold = 600 ,
uiTextWeightBold = 700 ,
uiTextWeightUltraBold = 800 ,
uiTextWeightHeavy = 900 ,
uiTextWeightUltraHeavy = 950 ,
uiTextWeightMaximum = 1000 ,
} ;
// uiNewWeightAttribute() creates a new uiAttribute that changes the
// weight of the text it is applied to. It is an error to specify a weight
// outside the range [uiTextWeightMinimum,
// uiTextWeightMaximum].
_UI_EXTERN uiAttribute * uiNewWeightAttribute ( uiTextWeight weight ) ;
// uiAttributeWeight() returns the font weight stored in a. It is an error
// to call this on a uiAttribute that does not hold a font weight.
_UI_EXTERN uiTextWeight uiAttributeWeight ( const uiAttribute * a ) ;
// uiTextItalic represents possible italic modes for a font. Italic
// represents "true" italics where the slanted glyphs have custom
// shapes, whereas oblique represents italics that are merely slanted
// versions of the normal glyphs. Most fonts usually have one or the
// other.
_UI_ENUM ( uiTextItalic ) {
uiTextItalicNormal ,
uiTextItalicOblique ,
uiTextItalicItalic ,
} ;
// uiNewItalicAttribute() creates a new uiAttribute that changes the
// italic mode of the text it is applied to. It is an error to specify an
// italic mode not specified in uiTextItalic.
_UI_EXTERN uiAttribute * uiNewItalicAttribute ( uiTextItalic italic ) ;
// uiAttributeItalic() returns the font italic mode stored in a. It is an
// error to call this on a uiAttribute that does not hold a font italic
// mode.
_UI_EXTERN uiTextItalic uiAttributeItalic ( const uiAttribute * a ) ;
// uiTextStretch represents possible stretches (also called "widths")
// of a font.
// Note that due to restrictions in early versions of Windows, some
// fonts have "special" stretches be exposed in many programs as
// separate font families. This is perhaps most notable with
// Arial Condensed. libui does not do this, even on Windows (because
// the DirectWrite API libui uses on Windows does not do this); to
// specify Arial Condensed, use family Arial and stretch
// uiTextStretchCondensed.
_UI_ENUM ( uiTextStretch ) {
uiTextStretchUltraCondensed ,
uiTextStretchExtraCondensed ,
uiTextStretchCondensed ,
uiTextStretchSemiCondensed ,
uiTextStretchNormal ,
uiTextStretchSemiExpanded ,
uiTextStretchExpanded ,
uiTextStretchExtraExpanded ,
uiTextStretchUltraExpanded ,
} ;
// uiNewStretchAttribute() creates a new uiAttribute that changes the
// stretch of the text it is applied to. It is an error to specify a strech
// not specified in uiTextStretch.
_UI_EXTERN uiAttribute * uiNewStretchAttribute ( uiTextStretch stretch ) ;
// uiAttributeStretch() returns the font stretch stored in a. It is an
// error to call this on a uiAttribute that does not hold a font stretch.
_UI_EXTERN uiTextStretch uiAttributeStretch ( const uiAttribute * a ) ;
// uiNewColorAttribute() creates a new uiAttribute that changes the
// color of the text it is applied to. It is an error to specify an invalid
// color.
_UI_EXTERN uiAttribute * uiNewColorAttribute ( double r , double g , double b , double a ) ;
// uiAttributeColor() returns the text color stored in a. It is an
// error to call this on a uiAttribute that does not hold a text color.
_UI_EXTERN void uiAttributeColor ( const uiAttribute * a , double * r , double * g , double * b , double * alpha ) ;
// uiNewBackgroundAttribute() creates a new uiAttribute that
// changes the background color of the text it is applied to. It is an
// error to specify an invalid color.
_UI_EXTERN uiAttribute * uiNewBackgroundAttribute ( double r , double g , double b , double a ) ;
// TODO reuse uiAttributeColor() for background colors, or make a new function...
// uiUnderline specifies a type of underline to use on text.
_UI_ENUM ( uiUnderline ) {
uiUnderlineNone ,
uiUnderlineSingle ,
uiUnderlineDouble ,
uiUnderlineSuggestion , // wavy or dotted underlines used for spelling/grammar checkers
} ;
// uiNewUnderlineAttribute() creates a new uiAttribute that changes
// the type of underline on the text it is applied to. It is an error to
// specify an underline type not specified in uiUnderline.
_UI_EXTERN uiAttribute * uiNewUnderlineAttribute ( uiUnderline u ) ;
// uiAttributeUnderline() returns the underline type stored in a. It is
// an error to call this on a uiAttribute that does not hold an underline
// style.
_UI_EXTERN uiUnderline uiAttributeUnderline ( const uiAttribute * a ) ;
// uiUnderlineColor specifies the color of any underline on the text it
// is applied to, regardless of the type of underline. In addition to
// being able to specify a custom color, you can explicitly specify
// platform-specific colors for suggestion underlines; to use them
// correctly, pair them with uiUnderlineSuggestion (though they can
// be used on other types of underline as well).
// If an underline type is applied but no underline color is
// specified, the text color is used instead. If an underline color
// is specified without an underline type, the underline color
// attribute is ignored, but not removed from the uiAttributedString.
_UI_ENUM ( uiUnderlineColor ) {
uiUnderlineColorCustom ,
uiUnderlineColorSpelling ,
uiUnderlineColorGrammar ,
uiUnderlineColorAuxiliary , // for instance, the color used by smart replacements on macOS or in Microsoft Office
} ;
// uiNewUnderlineColorAttribute() creates a new uiAttribute that
// changes the color of the underline on the text it is applied to.
// It is an error to specify an underline color not specified in
// uiUnderlineColor.
// If the specified color type is uiUnderlineColorCustom, it is an
// error to specify an invalid color value. Otherwise, the color values
// are ignored and should be specified as zero.
_UI_EXTERN uiAttribute * uiNewUnderlineColorAttribute ( uiUnderlineColor u , double r , double g , double b , double a ) ;
// uiAttributeUnderlineColor() returns the underline color stored in
// a. It is an error to call this on a uiAttribute that does not hold an
// underline color.
_UI_EXTERN void uiAttributeUnderlineColor ( const uiAttribute * a , uiUnderlineColor * u , double * r , double * g , double * b , double * alpha ) ;
// uiOpenTypeFeatures represents a set of OpenType feature
// tag-value pairs, for applying OpenType features to text.
// OpenType feature tags are four-character codes defined by
// OpenType that cover things from design features like small
// caps and swashes to language-specific glyph shapes and
// beyond. Each tag may only appear once in any given
// uiOpenTypeFeatures instance. Each value is a 32-bit integer,
// often used as a Boolean flag, but sometimes as an index to choose
// a glyph shape to use.
// If a font does not support a certain feature, that feature will be
// ignored. (TODO verify this on all OSs)
// See the OpenType specification at
// https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/featuretags.htm
// for the complete list of available features, information on specific
// features, and how to use them.
// TODO invalid features
typedef struct uiOpenTypeFeatures uiOpenTypeFeatures ;
// uiOpenTypeFeaturesForEachFunc is the type of the function
// invoked by uiOpenTypeFeaturesForEach() for every OpenType
// feature in otf. Refer to that function's documentation for more
// details.
typedef uiForEach ( * uiOpenTypeFeaturesForEachFunc ) ( const uiOpenTypeFeatures * otf , char a , char b , char c , char d , uint32_t value , void * data ) ;
// @role uiOpenTypeFeatures constructor
// uiNewOpenTypeFeatures() returns a new uiOpenTypeFeatures
// instance, with no tags yet added.
_UI_EXTERN uiOpenTypeFeatures * uiNewOpenTypeFeatures ( void ) ;
// @role uiOpenTypeFeatures destructor
// uiFreeOpenTypeFeatures() frees otf.
_UI_EXTERN void uiFreeOpenTypeFeatures ( uiOpenTypeFeatures * otf ) ;
// uiOpenTypeFeaturesClone() makes a copy of otf and returns it.
// Changing one will not affect the other.
_UI_EXTERN uiOpenTypeFeatures * uiOpenTypeFeaturesClone ( const uiOpenTypeFeatures * otf ) ;
// uiOpenTypeFeaturesAdd() adds the given feature tag and value
// to otf. The feature tag is specified by a, b, c, and d. If there is
// already a value associated with the specified tag in otf, the old
// value is removed.
_UI_EXTERN void uiOpenTypeFeaturesAdd ( uiOpenTypeFeatures * otf , char a , char b , char c , char d , uint32_t value ) ;
// uiOpenTypeFeaturesRemove() removes the given feature tag
// and value from otf. If the tag is not present in otf,
// uiOpenTypeFeaturesRemove() does nothing.
_UI_EXTERN void uiOpenTypeFeaturesRemove ( uiOpenTypeFeatures * otf , char a , char b , char c , char d ) ;
// uiOpenTypeFeaturesGet() determines whether the given feature
// tag is present in otf. If it is, *value is set to the tag's value and
// nonzero is returned. Otherwise, zero is returned.
// Note that if uiOpenTypeFeaturesGet() returns zero, value isn't
// changed. This is important: if a feature is not present in a
// uiOpenTypeFeatures, the feature is NOT treated as if its
// value was zero anyway. Script-specific font shaping rules and
// font-specific feature settings may use a different default value
// for a feature. You should likewise not treat a missing feature as
// having a value of zero either. Instead, a missing feature should
// be treated as having some unspecified default value.
_UI_EXTERN int uiOpenTypeFeaturesGet ( const uiOpenTypeFeatures * otf , char a , char b , char c , char d , uint32_t * value ) ;
// uiOpenTypeFeaturesForEach() executes f for every tag-value
// pair in otf. The enumeration order is unspecified. You cannot
// modify otf while uiOpenTypeFeaturesForEach() is running.
_UI_EXTERN void uiOpenTypeFeaturesForEach ( const uiOpenTypeFeatures * otf , uiOpenTypeFeaturesForEachFunc f , void * data ) ;
// uiNewFeaturesAttribute() creates a new uiAttribute that changes
// the font family of the text it is applied to. otf is copied; you may
// free it after uiNewFeaturesAttribute() returns.
_UI_EXTERN uiAttribute * uiNewFeaturesAttribute ( const uiOpenTypeFeatures * otf ) ;
// uiAttributeFeatures() returns the OpenType features stored in a.
// The returned uiOpenTypeFeatures object is owned by a. It is an
// error to call this on a uiAttribute that does not hold OpenType
// features.
_UI_EXTERN const uiOpenTypeFeatures * uiAttributeFeatures ( const uiAttribute * a ) ;
// uiAttributedString represents a string of UTF-8 text that can
// optionally be embellished with formatting attributes. libui
// provides the list of formatting attributes, which cover common
// formatting traits like boldface and color as well as advanced
// typographical features provided by OpenType like superscripts
// and small caps. These attributes can be combined in a variety of
// ways.
// Attributes are applied to runs of Unicode codepoints in the string.
// Zero-length runs are elided. Consecutive runs that have the same
// attribute type and value are merged. Each attribute is independent
// of each other attribute; overlapping attributes of different types
// do not split each other apart, but different values of the same
// attribute type do.
// The empty string can also be represented by uiAttributedString,
// but because of the no-zero-length-attribute rule, it will not have
// attributes.
// A uiAttributedString takes ownership of all attributes given to
// it, as it may need to duplicate or delete uiAttribute objects at
// any time. By extension, when you free a uiAttributedString,
// all uiAttributes within will also be freed. Each method will
// describe its own rules in more details.
// In addition, uiAttributedString provides facilities for moving
// between grapheme clusters, which represent a character
// from the point of view of the end user. The cursor of a text editor
// is always placed on a grapheme boundary, so you can use these
// features to move the cursor left or right by one "character".
// TODO does uiAttributedString itself need this
// uiAttributedString does not provide enough information to be able
// to draw itself onto a uiDrawContext or respond to user actions.
// In order to do that, you'll need to use a uiDrawTextLayout, which
// is built from the combination of a uiAttributedString and a set of
// layout-specific properties.
typedef struct uiAttributedString uiAttributedString ;
// uiAttributedStringForEachAttributeFunc is the type of the function
// invoked by uiAttributedStringForEachAttribute() for every
// attribute in s. Refer to that function's documentation for more
// details.
typedef uiForEach ( * uiAttributedStringForEachAttributeFunc ) ( const uiAttributedString * s , const uiAttribute * a , size_t start , size_t end , void * data ) ;
// @role uiAttributedString constructor
// uiNewAttributedString() creates a new uiAttributedString from
// initialString. The string will be entirely unattributed.
_UI_EXTERN uiAttributedString * uiNewAttributedString ( const char * initialString ) ;
// @role uiAttributedString destructor
// uiFreeAttributedString() destroys the uiAttributedString s.
// It will also free all uiAttributes within.
_UI_EXTERN void uiFreeAttributedString ( uiAttributedString * s ) ;
// uiAttributedStringString() returns the textual content of s as a
// '\0'-terminated UTF-8 string. The returned pointer is valid until
// the next change to the textual content of s.
_UI_EXTERN const char * uiAttributedStringString ( const uiAttributedString * s ) ;
// uiAttributedStringLength() returns the number of UTF-8 bytes in
// the textual content of s, excluding the terminating '\0'.
_UI_EXTERN size_t uiAttributedStringLen ( const uiAttributedString * s ) ;
// uiAttributedStringAppendUnattributed() adds the '\0'-terminated
// UTF-8 string str to the end of s. The new substring will be
// unattributed.
_UI_EXTERN void uiAttributedStringAppendUnattributed ( uiAttributedString * s , const char * str ) ;
// uiAttributedStringInsertAtUnattributed() adds the '\0'-terminated
// UTF-8 string str to s at the byte position specified by at. The new
// substring will be unattributed; existing attributes will be moved
// along with their text.
_UI_EXTERN void uiAttributedStringInsertAtUnattributed ( uiAttributedString * s , const char * str , size_t at ) ;
// TODO add the Append and InsertAtExtendingAttributes functions
// TODO and add functions that take a string + length
// uiAttributedStringDelete() deletes the characters and attributes of
// s in the byte range [start, end).
_UI_EXTERN void uiAttributedStringDelete ( uiAttributedString * s , size_t start , size_t end ) ;
// TODO add a function to uiAttributedString to get an attribute's value at a specific index or in a specific range, so we can edit
// uiAttributedStringSetAttribute() sets a in the byte range [start, end)
// of s. Any existing attributes in that byte range of the same type are
// removed. s takes ownership of a; you should not use it after
// uiAttributedStringSetAttribute() returns.
_UI_EXTERN void uiAttributedStringSetAttribute ( uiAttributedString * s , uiAttribute * a , size_t start , size_t end ) ;
// uiAttributedStringForEachAttribute() enumerates all the
// uiAttributes in s. It is an error to modify s in f. Within f, s still
// owns the attribute; you can neither free it nor save it for later
// use.
// TODO reword the above for consistency (TODO and find out what I meant by that)
// TODO define an enumeration order (or mark it as undefined); also define how consecutive runs of identical attributes are handled here and sync with the definition of uiAttributedString itself
_UI_EXTERN void uiAttributedStringForEachAttribute ( const uiAttributedString * s , uiAttributedStringForEachAttributeFunc f , void * data ) ;
// TODO const correct this somehow (the implementation needs to mutate the structure)
_UI_EXTERN size_t uiAttributedStringNumGraphemes ( uiAttributedString * s ) ;
// TODO const correct this somehow (the implementation needs to mutate the structure)
_UI_EXTERN size_t uiAttributedStringByteIndexToGrapheme ( uiAttributedString * s , size_t pos ) ;
// TODO const correct this somehow (the implementation needs to mutate the structure)
_UI_EXTERN size_t uiAttributedStringGraphemeToByteIndex ( uiAttributedString * s , size_t pos ) ;
// uiFontDescriptor provides a complete description of a font where
// one is needed. Currently, this means as the default font of a
// uiDrawTextLayout and as the data returned by uiFontButton.
// All the members operate like the respective uiAttributes.
typedef struct uiFontDescriptor uiFontDescriptor ;
struct uiFontDescriptor {
// TODO const-correct this or figure out how to deal with this when getting a value
char * Family ;
double Size ;
uiTextWeight Weight ;
uiTextItalic Italic ;
uiTextStretch Stretch ;
} ;
// uiDrawTextLayout is a concrete representation of a
// uiAttributedString that can be displayed in a uiDrawContext.
// It includes information important for the drawing of a block of
// text, including the bounding box to wrap the text within, the
// alignment of lines of text within that box, areas to mark as
// being selected, and other things.
// Unlike uiAttributedString, the content of a uiDrawTextLayout is
// immutable once it has been created.
// TODO talk about OS-specific differences with text drawing that libui can't account for...
typedef struct uiDrawTextLayout uiDrawTextLayout ;
// uiDrawTextAlign specifies the alignment of lines of text in a
// uiDrawTextLayout.
// TODO should this really have Draw in the name?
_UI_ENUM ( uiDrawTextAlign ) {
uiDrawTextAlignLeft ,
uiDrawTextAlignCenter ,
uiDrawTextAlignRight ,
} ;
// uiDrawTextLayoutParams describes a uiDrawTextLayout.
// DefaultFont is used to render any text that is not attributed
// sufficiently in String. Width determines the width of the bounding
// box of the text; the height is determined automatically.
typedef struct uiDrawTextLayoutParams uiDrawTextLayoutParams ;
// TODO const-correct this somehow
struct uiDrawTextLayoutParams {
uiAttributedString * String ;
uiFontDescriptor * DefaultFont ;
double Width ;
uiDrawTextAlign Align ;
} ;
// @role uiDrawTextLayout constructor
// uiDrawNewTextLayout() creates a new uiDrawTextLayout from
// the given parameters.
// - allow creating a layout out of a substring
// - allow marking compositon strings
// - allow marking selections, even after creation
// - add the following functions:
// - uiDrawTextLayoutHeightForWidth() (returns the height that a layout would need to be to display the entire string at a given width)
// - uiDrawTextLayoutRangeForSize() (returns what substring would fit in a given size)
// - uiDrawTextLayoutNewWithHeight() (limits amount of string used by the height)
// - some function to fix up a range (for text editing)
_UI_EXTERN uiDrawTextLayout * uiDrawNewTextLayout ( uiDrawTextLayoutParams * params ) ;
// @role uiDrawFreeTextLayout destructor
// uiDrawFreeTextLayout() frees tl. The underlying
// uiAttributedString is not freed.
_UI_EXTERN void uiDrawFreeTextLayout ( uiDrawTextLayout * tl ) ;
// uiDrawText() draws tl in c with the top-left point of tl at (x, y).
_UI_EXTERN void uiDrawText ( uiDrawContext * c , uiDrawTextLayout * tl , double x , double y ) ;
// uiDrawTextLayoutExtents() returns the width and height of tl
// in width and height. The returned width may be smaller than
// the width passed into uiDrawNewTextLayout() depending on
// how the text in tl is wrapped. Therefore, you can use this
// function to get the actual size of the text layout.
_UI_EXTERN void uiDrawTextLayoutExtents ( uiDrawTextLayout * tl , double * width , double * height ) ;