2014-02-10 19:48:08 -06:00
// 10 february 2014
package main
import (
// "syscall"
const (
LF_FACESIZE = 32 // from wingdi.h
type LOGFONT struct {
lfHeight int32
lfWidth int32
lfEscapement int32
lfOrientation int32
lfWeight int32
lfItalic byte
lfUnderline byte
lfStrikeOut byte
lfCharSet byte
lfOutPrecision byte
lfClipPrecision byte
lfQuality byte
lfPitchAndFamily byte
lfFaceName [ LF_FACESIZE ] uint16
cbSize uint32
iBorderWidth int
iScrollWidth int
iScrollHeight int
iCaptionWidth int
iCaptionHeight int
lfCaptionFont LOGFONT
iSmCaptionWidth int
iSmCaptionHeight int
lfSmCaptionFont LOGFONT
iMenuWidth int
iMenuHeight int
lfMenuFont LOGFONT
lfStatusFont LOGFONT
lfMessageFont LOGFONT
var (
systemParametersInfo = user32 . NewProc ( "SystemParametersInfoW" )
createFontIndirect = gdi32 . NewProc ( "CreateFontIndirectW" )
// TODO adorn errors with which step failed?
2014-02-10 22:45:21 -06:00
// TODO this specific font doesn't seem like the right one but that's all I could find for what people actually use; also I need to return the other ones and check HWND types to make sure I apply the right font to the right thing...
2014-02-10 19:48:08 -06:00
func getStandardWindowFont ( ) ( hfont HANDLE , err error ) {
ncm . cbSize = uint32 ( unsafe . Sizeof ( ncm ) )
r1 , _ , err := systemParametersInfo . Call (
uintptr ( unsafe . Sizeof ( ncm ) ) ,
uintptr ( unsafe . Pointer ( & ncm ) ) ,
0 )
if r1 == 0 { // failure
return NULL , err
// TODO does this specify an error?
r1 , _ , err = createFontIndirect . Call ( uintptr ( unsafe . Pointer ( & ncm . lfMessageFont ) ) )
if r1 == 0 { // failure
return NULL , err
return HANDLE ( r1 ) , nil