
317 lines
9.9 KiB

package gui
import (
imagefont ""
// Draw renders the terminal GUI to the ebtien window. Required to implement the ebiten interface.
func (g *GUI) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
cellSize := g.fontManager.CharSize()
dotDepth := g.fontManager.DotDepth()
buffer := g.terminal.GetActiveBuffer()
regularFace := g.fontManager.RegularFontFace()
boldFace := g.fontManager.BoldFontFace()
italicFace := g.fontManager.ItalicFontFace()
boldItalicFace := g.fontManager.BoldItalicFontFace()
var useFace imagefont.Face
defBg := g.terminal.Theme().DefaultBackground()
defFg := g.terminal.Theme().DefaultForeground()
var colour color.Color
endX := float64(cellSize.X * int(buffer.ViewWidth()))
endY := float64(cellSize.Y * int(buffer.ViewHeight()))
extraW := float64(g.size.X) - endX
extraH := float64(g.size.Y) - endY
if extraW > 0 {
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, endX, 0, extraW, endY, defBg)
if extraH > 0 {
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, 0, endY, float64(g.size.X), extraH, defBg)
var inHighlight bool
var highlightRendered bool
var highlightMin termutil.Position
highlightMin.Col = uint16(g.size.X)
highlightMin.Line = uint64(g.size.Y)
var highlightMax termutil.Position
for y := int(buffer.ViewHeight() - 1); y >= 0; y-- {
py := cellSize.Y * y
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, 0, float64(py), float64(g.size.X), float64(cellSize.Y), defBg)
inHighlight = false
for x := uint16(0); x < buffer.ViewWidth(); x++ {
cell := buffer.GetCell(x, uint16(y))
px := cellSize.X * int(x)
if cell != nil {
colour = cell.Bg()
} else {
colour = defBg
isCursor := g.terminal.GetActiveBuffer().IsCursorVisible() && int(buffer.CursorLine()) == y && buffer.CursorColumn() == x
if isCursor {
colour = g.terminal.Theme().CursorBackground()
} else if buffer.InSelection(termutil.Position{
Line: uint64(y),
Col: x,
}) {
colour = g.terminal.Theme().SelectionBackground()
} else if colour == nil {
colour = defBg
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, float64(px), float64(py), float64(cellSize.X), float64(cellSize.Y), colour)
if buffer.IsHighlighted(termutil.Position{
Line: uint64(y),
Col: x,
}) {
if !inHighlight {
highlightRendered = true
if uint64(y) < highlightMin.Line {
highlightMin.Col = uint16(g.size.X)
highlightMin.Line = uint64(y)
if uint64(y) > highlightMax.Line {
highlightMax.Line = uint64(y)
if uint64(y) == highlightMax.Line && x > highlightMax.Col {
highlightMax.Col = x
if uint64(y) == highlightMin.Line && x < highlightMin.Col {
highlightMin.Col = x
inHighlight = true
} else if inHighlight {
inHighlight = false
if isCursor && !ebiten.IsFocused() {
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, float64(px)+1, float64(py)+1, float64(cellSize.X)-2, float64(cellSize.Y)-2, g.terminal.Theme().DefaultBackground())
for x := uint16(0); x < buffer.ViewWidth(); x++ {
cell := buffer.GetCell(x, uint16(y))
if cell == nil || cell.Rune().Rune == 0 {
px := cellSize.X * int(x)
colour = cell.Fg()
if g.terminal.GetActiveBuffer().IsCursorVisible() && int(buffer.CursorLine()) == y && buffer.CursorColumn() == x {
colour = g.terminal.Theme().CursorForeground()
} else if buffer.InSelection(termutil.Position{
Line: uint64(y),
Col: x,
}) {
colour = g.terminal.Theme().SelectionForeground()
} else if colour == nil {
colour = defFg
useFace = regularFace
if cell.Bold() && cell.Italic() {
useFace = boldItalicFace
} else if cell.Bold() {
useFace = boldFace
} else if cell.Italic() {
useFace = italicFace
if cell.Underline() {
uly := float64(py + (dotDepth+cellSize.Y)/2)
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, float64(px), uly, float64(px+cellSize.X), uly, colour)
text.Draw(screen, string(cell.Rune().Rune), useFace, px, py+dotDepth, colour)
if cell.Strikethrough() {
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, float64(px), float64(py+(cellSize.Y/2)), float64(px+cellSize.X), float64(py+(cellSize.Y/2)), colour)
for _, sixel := range buffer.GetVisibleSixels() {
sx := float64(int(sixel.Sixel.X) * cellSize.X)
sy := float64(sixel.ViewLineOffset * cellSize.Y)
op := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
op.GeoM.Translate(sx, sy)
// draw annotations and overlays
if highlightRendered {
if annotation := buffer.GetHighlightAnnotation(); annotation != nil {
if highlightMin.Col == uint16(g.size.X) {
highlightMin.Col = 0
if highlightMin.Line == uint64(g.size.Y) {
highlightMin.Line = 0
mx, _ := ebiten.CursorPosition()
padding := float64(cellSize.X) / 2
lineX := float64(mx)
var lineY float64
var lineHeight float64
annotationX := mx - cellSize.X*2
var annotationY float64
annotationWidth := float64(cellSize.X) * annotation.Width
var annotationHeight float64
if annotationX+int(annotationWidth)+int(padding*2) > g.size.X {
annotationX = g.size.X - (int(annotationWidth) + int(padding*2))
if annotationX < int(padding) {
annotationX = int(padding)
if (highlightMin.Line + (highlightMax.Line-highlightMin.Line)/2) < uint64(buffer.ViewHeight()/2) {
// annotate underneath max
pixelsUnderHighlight := float64(g.size.Y) - float64((highlightMax.Line+1)*uint64(cellSize.Y))
// we need to reserve at least one cell height for the label line
pixelsAvailableY := pixelsUnderHighlight - float64(cellSize.Y)
annotationHeight = annotation.Height * float64(cellSize.Y)
if annotationHeight > pixelsAvailableY {
annotationHeight = pixelsAvailableY
lineHeight = pixelsUnderHighlight - padding - annotationHeight
if lineHeight > annotationHeight {
if annotationHeight > float64(cellSize.Y)*3 {
lineHeight = annotationHeight
} else {
lineHeight = float64(cellSize.Y) * 3
annotationY = float64((highlightMax.Line+1)*uint64(cellSize.Y)) + lineHeight + float64(padding)
lineY = float64((highlightMax.Line + 1) * uint64(cellSize.Y))
} else {
//annotate above min
pixelsAboveHighlight := float64((highlightMin.Line) * uint64(cellSize.Y))
// we need to reserve at least one cell height for the label line
pixelsAvailableY := pixelsAboveHighlight - float64(cellSize.Y)
annotationHeight = annotation.Height * float64(cellSize.Y)
if annotationHeight > pixelsAvailableY {
annotationHeight = pixelsAvailableY
lineHeight = pixelsAboveHighlight - annotationHeight
if lineHeight > annotationHeight {
if annotationHeight > float64(cellSize.Y)*3 {
lineHeight = annotationHeight
} else {
lineHeight = float64(cellSize.Y) * 3
annotationY = float64((highlightMin.Line)*uint64(cellSize.Y)) - lineHeight - float64(padding*2) - annotationHeight
lineY = annotationY + annotationHeight + +padding
// draw opaque box below and above highlighted line(s)
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, 0, float64(highlightMin.Line*uint64(cellSize.Y)), float64(cellSize.X*int(highlightMin.Col)), float64(cellSize.Y), color.RGBA{A: 0x80})
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, float64((cellSize.X)*int(highlightMax.Col+1)), float64(highlightMax.Line*uint64(cellSize.Y)), float64(g.size.X), float64(cellSize.Y), color.RGBA{A: 0x80})
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, 0, 0, float64(g.size.X), float64(highlightMin.Line*uint64(cellSize.Y)), color.RGBA{A: 0x80})
afterLineY := float64((1 + highlightMax.Line) * uint64(cellSize.Y))
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, 0, afterLineY, float64(g.size.X), float64(g.size.Y)-afterLineY, color.RGBA{A: 0x80})
// annotation border
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, float64(annotationX)-padding, annotationY-padding, float64(annotationWidth)+(padding*2), annotationHeight+(padding*2), g.terminal.Theme().SelectionBackground())
// annotation background
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, 1+float64(annotationX)-padding, 1+annotationY-padding, float64(annotationWidth)+(padding*2)-2, annotationHeight+(padding*2)-2, g.terminal.Theme().DefaultBackground())
// vertical line
ebitenutil.DrawLine(screen, lineX, float64(lineY), lineX, lineY+lineHeight, g.terminal.Theme().SelectionBackground())
var tY int
var tX int
if annotation.Image != nil {
tY += annotation.Image.Bounds().Dy() + cellSize.Y/2
op := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
op.GeoM.Translate(float64(annotationX), annotationY)
for _, r := range annotation.Text {
if r == '\n' {
tY += cellSize.Y
tX = 0
text.Draw(screen, string(r), regularFace, annotationX+tX, int(annotationY)+dotDepth+tY, g.terminal.Theme().DefaultForeground())
tX += cellSize.X
if len(g.popupMessages) > 0 {
pad := cellSize.Y / 2 // horizontal and vertical padding
msgEndY := endY
for _, msg := range g.popupMessages {
lines := strings.Split(msg.Text, "\n")
msgX := pad
msgY := msgEndY - float64(pad*3) - float64(cellSize.Y*len(lines))
msgText := msg.Text
boxWidth := float64(pad*2) + float64(cellSize.X*len(msgText))
boxHeight := float64(pad*2) + float64(cellSize.Y*len(lines))
if boxWidth < endX/8 {
boxWidth = endX / 8
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, float64(msgX-1), msgY-1, boxWidth+2, boxHeight+2, msg.Foreground)
ebitenutil.DrawRect(screen, float64(msgX), msgY, boxWidth, boxHeight, msg.Background)
for y, line := range lines {
for x, r := range line {
text.Draw(screen, string(r), regularFace, msgX+pad+(x*cellSize.X), pad+(y*cellSize.Y)+int(msgY)+dotDepth, msg.Foreground)
msgEndY = msgEndY - float64(pad*4) - float64(len(lines)*g.CellSize().Y)
if g.screenshotRequested {