
981 lines
23 KiB
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2021-07-30 17:29:20 -05:00
package termutil
import (
func parseCSI(readChan chan MeasuredRune) (final rune, params []string, intermediate []rune, raw []rune) {
var b MeasuredRune
param := ""
intermediate = []rune{}
for {
b = <-readChan
raw = append(raw, b.Rune)
switch true {
case b.Rune >= 0x30 && b.Rune <= 0x3F:
param = param + string(b.Rune)
case b.Rune > 0 && b.Rune <= 0x2F:
intermediate = append(intermediate, b.Rune)
case b.Rune >= 0x40 && b.Rune <= 0x7e:
final = b.Rune
break CSI
unprocessed := strings.Split(param, ";")
for _, par := range unprocessed {
if par != "" {
par = strings.TrimLeft(par, "0")
if par == "" {
par = "0"
params = append(params, par)
return final, params, intermediate, raw
func (t *Terminal) handleCSI(readChan chan MeasuredRune) (renderRequired bool) {
final, params, intermediate, raw := parseCSI(readChan)
t.log("CSI P(%q) I(%q) %c", strings.Join(params, ";"), string(intermediate), final)
for _, b := range intermediate {
Rune: b,
Width: 1,
switch final {
case 'c':
return t.csiSendDeviceAttributesHandler(params)
case 'd':
return t.csiLinePositionAbsoluteHandler(params)
case 'f':
return t.csiCursorPositionHandler(params)
case 'g':
return t.csiTabClearHandler(params)
case 'h':
return t.csiSetModeHandler(params)
case 'l':
return t.csiResetModeHandler(params)
case 'm':
return t.sgrSequenceHandler(params)
case 'n':
return t.csiDeviceStatusReportHandler(params)
case 'r':
return t.csiSetMarginsHandler(params)
case 't':
return t.csiWindowManipulation(params)
case 'A':
return t.csiCursorUpHandler(params)
case 'B':
return t.csiCursorDownHandler(params)
case 'C':
return t.csiCursorForwardHandler(params)
case 'D':
return t.csiCursorBackwardHandler(params)
case 'E':
return t.csiCursorNextLineHandler(params)
case 'F':
return t.csiCursorPrecedingLineHandler(params)
case 'G':
return t.csiCursorCharacterAbsoluteHandler(params)
case 'H':
return t.csiCursorPositionHandler(params)
case 'J':
return t.csiEraseInDisplayHandler(params)
case 'K':
return t.csiEraseInLineHandler(params)
case 'L':
return t.csiInsertLinesHandler(params)
case 'M':
return t.csiDeleteLinesHandler(params)
case 'P':
return t.csiDeleteHandler(params)
case 'S':
return t.csiScrollUpHandler(params)
case 'T':
return t.csiScrollDownHandler(params)
case 'X':
return t.csiEraseCharactersHandler(params)
case '@':
return t.csiInsertBlankCharactersHandler(params)
case 'p': // reset handler
if string(intermediate) == "!" {
return t.csiSoftResetHandler(params)
return false
// TODO review this:
// if this is an unknown CSI sequence, write it to stdout as we can't handle it?
//_ = t.writeToRealStdOut(append([]rune{0x1b, '['}, raw...)...)
_ = raw
t.log("UNKNOWN CSI P(%s) I(%s) %c", strings.Join(params, ";"), string(intermediate), final)
return false
type WindowState uint8
const (
StateUnknown WindowState = iota
type WindowManipulator interface {
State() WindowState
SetTitle(title string)
Position() (int, int)
SizeInPixels() (int, int)
CellSizeInPixels() (int, int)
SizeInChars() (int, int)
ResizeInPixels(int, int)
ResizeInChars(int, int)
ScreenSizeInPixels() (int, int)
ScreenSizeInChars() (int, int)
Move(x, y int)
IsFullscreen() bool
SetFullscreen(enabled bool)
GetTitle() string
ReportError(err error)
func (t *Terminal) csiWindowManipulation(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
if t.windowManipulator == nil {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(params); i++ {
switch params[i] {
case "1":
case "2":
case "3": //move window
if i+2 >= len(params) {
return false
x, _ := strconv.Atoi(params[i+1])
y, _ := strconv.Atoi(params[i+2])
i += 2
t.windowManipulator.Move(x, y)
case "4": //resize h,w
w, h := t.windowManipulator.SizeInPixels()
if i+1 < len(params) {
h, _ = strconv.Atoi(params[i+1])
if i+2 < len(params) {
w, _ = strconv.Atoi(params[i+2])
sw, sh := t.windowManipulator.ScreenSizeInPixels()
if w == 0 {
w = sw
if h == 0 {
h = sh
t.windowManipulator.ResizeInPixels(w, h)
case "8":
// resize in rows, cols
w, h := t.windowManipulator.SizeInChars()
if i+1 < len(params) {
h, _ = strconv.Atoi(params[i+1])
if i+2 < len(params) {
w, _ = strconv.Atoi(params[i+2])
sw, sh := t.windowManipulator.ScreenSizeInChars()
if w == 0 {
w = sw
if h == 0 {
h = sh
t.windowManipulator.ResizeInChars(w, h)
case "9":
if i+1 >= len(params) {
return false
switch params[i+1] {
case "0":
case "1":
case "2":
w, _ := t.windowManipulator.SizeInPixels()
_, sh := t.windowManipulator.ScreenSizeInPixels()
t.windowManipulator.ResizeInPixels(w, sh)
case "3":
_, h := t.windowManipulator.SizeInPixels()
sw, _ := t.windowManipulator.ScreenSizeInPixels()
t.windowManipulator.ResizeInPixels(sw, h)
case "10":
if i+1 >= len(params) {
return false
switch params[i+1] {
case "0":
case "1":
case "2":
// toggle
case "11":
if t.windowManipulator.State() != StateMinimised {
} else {
case "13":
if i < len(params)-1 {
x, y := t.windowManipulator.Position()
t.WriteToPty([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[3;%d;%dt", x, y)))
case "14":
if i < len(params)-1 {
w, h := t.windowManipulator.SizeInPixels()
t.WriteToPty([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[4;%d;%dt", h, w)))
case "15":
w, h := t.windowManipulator.ScreenSizeInPixels()
t.WriteToPty([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[5;%d;%dt", h, w)))
case "16":
w, h := t.windowManipulator.CellSizeInPixels()
t.WriteToPty([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[6;%d;%dt", h, w)))
case "18":
w, h := t.windowManipulator.SizeInChars()
t.WriteToPty([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[8;%d;%dt", h, w)))
case "19":
w, h := t.windowManipulator.ScreenSizeInChars()
t.WriteToPty([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[9;%d;%dt", h, w)))
case "20":
t.WriteToPty([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("\x1b]L%s\x1b\\", t.windowManipulator.GetTitle())))
case "21":
t.WriteToPty([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("\x1b]l%s\x1b\\", t.windowManipulator.GetTitle())))
case "22":
if i < len(params)-1 {
case "23":
if i < len(params)-1 {
return true
// CSI c
// Send Device Attributes (Primary/Secondary/Tertiary DA)
func (t *Terminal) csiSendDeviceAttributesHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
// we are VT100
// for DA1 we'll respond ?1;2
// for DA2 we'll respond >0;0;0
response := "?1;2"
if len(params) > 0 && len(params[0]) > 0 && params[0][0] == '>' {
response = ">0;0;0"
// write response to source pty
t.WriteToPty([]byte("\x1b[" + response + "c"))
return false
// CSI n
// Device Status Report (DSR)
func (t *Terminal) csiDeviceStatusReportHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
if len(params) == 0 {
return false
switch params[0] {
case "5":
t.WriteToPty([]byte("\x1b[0n")) // everything is cool
case "6": // report cursor position
return false
// CSI A
// Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU)
func (t *Terminal) csiCursorUpHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
distance := 1
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
distance, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || distance < 1 {
distance = 1
t.GetActiveBuffer().movePosition(0, -int16(distance))
return true
// CSI B
// Cursor Down Ps Times (default = 1) (CUD)
func (t *Terminal) csiCursorDownHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
distance := 1
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
distance, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || distance < 1 {
distance = 1
t.GetActiveBuffer().movePosition(0, int16(distance))
return true
// CSI C
// Cursor Forward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUF)
func (t *Terminal) csiCursorForwardHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
distance := 1
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
distance, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || distance < 1 {
distance = 1
t.GetActiveBuffer().movePosition(int16(distance), 0)
return true
// CSI D
// Cursor Backward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUB)
func (t *Terminal) csiCursorBackwardHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
distance := 1
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
distance, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || distance < 1 {
distance = 1
t.GetActiveBuffer().movePosition(-int16(distance), 0)
return true
// CSI E
// Cursor Next Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL)
func (t *Terminal) csiCursorNextLineHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
distance := 1
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
distance, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || distance < 1 {
distance = 1
t.GetActiveBuffer().movePosition(0, int16(distance))
t.GetActiveBuffer().setPosition(0, t.GetActiveBuffer().CursorLine())
return true
// CSI F
// Cursor Preceding Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CPL)
func (t *Terminal) csiCursorPrecedingLineHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
distance := 1
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
distance, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || distance < 1 {
distance = 1
t.GetActiveBuffer().movePosition(0, -int16(distance))
t.GetActiveBuffer().setPosition(0, t.GetActiveBuffer().CursorLine())
return true
// CSI G
// Cursor Horizontal Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA)
func (t *Terminal) csiCursorCharacterAbsoluteHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
distance := 1
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
distance, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || params[0] == "" {
distance = 1
t.GetActiveBuffer().setPosition(uint16(distance-1), t.GetActiveBuffer().CursorLine())
return true
func parseCursorPosition(params []string) (x, y int) {
x, y = 1, 1
if len(params) >= 1 {
var err error
if params[0] != "" {
y, err = strconv.Atoi(string(params[0]))
if err != nil || y < 1 {
y = 1
if len(params) >= 2 {
if params[1] != "" {
var err error
x, err = strconv.Atoi(string(params[1]))
if err != nil || x < 1 {
x = 1
return x, y
// CSI f
// Horizontal and Vertical Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (HVP)
// AND
// CSI H
// Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP)
func (t *Terminal) csiCursorPositionHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
x, y := parseCursorPosition(params)
t.GetActiveBuffer().setPosition(uint16(x-1), uint16(y-1))
return true
// CSI S
// Scroll up Ps lines (default = 1) (SU), VT420, ECMA-48
func (t *Terminal) csiScrollUpHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
distance := 1
if len(params) > 1 {
return false
if len(params) == 1 {
var err error
distance, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || distance < 1 {
distance = 1
return true
// CSI @
// Insert Ps (Blank) Character(s) (default = 1) (ICH)
func (t *Terminal) csiInsertBlankCharactersHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
count := 1
if len(params) > 1 {
return false
if len(params) == 1 {
var err error
count, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || count < 1 {
count = 1
return true
// CSI L
// Insert Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (IL)
func (t *Terminal) csiInsertLinesHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
count := 1
if len(params) > 1 {
return false
if len(params) == 1 {
var err error
count, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || count < 1 {
count = 1
return true
// CSI M
// Delete Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (DL)
func (t *Terminal) csiDeleteLinesHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
count := 1
if len(params) > 1 {
return false
if len(params) == 1 {
var err error
count, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || count < 1 {
count = 1
return true
// CSI T
// Scroll down Ps lines (default = 1) (SD), VT420
func (t *Terminal) csiScrollDownHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
distance := 1
if len(params) > 1 {
return false
if len(params) == 1 {
var err error
distance, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || distance < 1 {
distance = 1
return true
// CSI r
// Set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of window) (DECSTBM), VT100
func (t *Terminal) csiSetMarginsHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
top := 1
bottom := int(t.GetActiveBuffer().ViewHeight())
if len(params) > 2 {
return false
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
top, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || top < 1 {
top = 1
if len(params) > 1 {
var err error
bottom, err = strconv.Atoi(params[1])
if err != nil || bottom > int(t.GetActiveBuffer().ViewHeight()) || bottom < 1 {
bottom = int(t.GetActiveBuffer().ViewHeight())
t.activeBuffer.setVerticalMargins(uint(top), uint(bottom))
t.GetActiveBuffer().setPosition(0, 0)
return true
// CSI X
// Erase Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (ECH)
func (t *Terminal) csiEraseCharactersHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
count := 1
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
count, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || count < 1 {
count = 1
return true
// CSI l
// Reset Mode (RM)
func (t *Terminal) csiResetModeHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
return t.csiSetModes(params, false)
// CSI h
// Set Mode (SM)
func (t *Terminal) csiSetModeHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
return t.csiSetModes(params, true)
func (t *Terminal) csiSetModes(modes []string, enabled bool) bool {
if len(modes) == 0 {
return false
if len(modes) == 1 {
return t.csiSetMode(modes[0], enabled)
// should we propagate DEC prefix?
const decPrefix = '?'
isDec := len(modes[0]) > 0 && modes[0][0] == decPrefix
var render bool
// iterate through params, propagating DEC prefix to subsequent elements
for i, v := range modes {
updatedMode := v
if i > 0 && isDec {
updatedMode = string(decPrefix) + v
render = t.csiSetMode(updatedMode, enabled) || render
return render
func parseModes(mode string) []string {
var output []string
if mode == "" {
return nil
var prefix string
if mode[0] == '?' {
prefix = "?"
mode = mode[1:]
for len(mode) > 4 {
output = append(output, prefix+mode[:4])
mode = mode[4:]
output = append(output, prefix+mode)
return output
func (t *Terminal) csiSetMode(modes string, enabled bool) bool {
for _, modeStr := range parseModes(modes) {
switch modeStr {
case "4":
t.activeBuffer.modes.ReplaceMode = !enabled
case "20":
t.activeBuffer.modes.LineFeedMode = false
case "?1":
t.activeBuffer.modes.ApplicationCursorKeys = enabled
case "?3":
if t.windowManipulator != nil {
if enabled {
// DECCOLM - COLumn mode, 132 characters per line
t.windowManipulator.ResizeInChars(132, int(t.activeBuffer.viewHeight))
} else {
// DECCOLM - 80 characters per line (erases screen)
t.windowManipulator.ResizeInChars(80, int(t.activeBuffer.viewHeight))
case "?5": // DECSCNM
t.activeBuffer.modes.ScreenMode = enabled
case "?6":
t.activeBuffer.modes.OriginMode = enabled
case "?7":
// auto-wrap mode
t.activeBuffer.modes.AutoWrap = enabled
case "?9":
if enabled {
//terminal.logger.Infof("Turning on X10 mouse mode")
t.activeBuffer.mouseMode = (MouseModeX10)
} else {
//terminal.logger.Infof("Turning off X10 mouse mode")
t.activeBuffer.mouseMode = (MouseModeNone)
case "?12", "?13":
t.activeBuffer.modes.BlinkingCursor = enabled
case "?25":
t.activeBuffer.modes.ShowCursor = enabled
case "?47", "?1047":
if enabled {
} else {
case "?1000": // ?10061000 seen from htop
// enable mouse tracking
// 1000 refers to ext mode for extended mouse click area - otherwise only x <= 255-31
if enabled {
t.activeBuffer.mouseMode = (MouseModeVT200)
} else {
t.activeBuffer.mouseMode = (MouseModeNone)
case "?1002":
if enabled {
//terminal.logger.Infof("Turning on Button Event mouse mode")
t.activeBuffer.mouseMode = (MouseModeButtonEvent)
} else {
//terminal.logger.Infof("Turning off Button Event mouse mode")
t.activeBuffer.mouseMode = (MouseModeNone)
case "?1003":
if enabled {
t.activeBuffer.mouseMode = MouseModeAnyEvent
} else {
t.activeBuffer.mouseMode = MouseModeNone
case "?1005":
if enabled {
t.activeBuffer.mouseExtMode = MouseExtUTF
} else {
t.activeBuffer.mouseExtMode = MouseExtNone
case "?1006":
if enabled {
//.logger.Infof("Turning on SGR ext mouse mode")
t.activeBuffer.mouseExtMode = MouseExtSGR
} else {
//terminal.logger.Infof("Turning off SGR ext mouse mode")
t.activeBuffer.mouseExtMode = (MouseExtNone)
case "?1015":
if enabled {
//terminal.logger.Infof("Turning on URXVT ext mouse mode")
t.activeBuffer.mouseExtMode = (MouseExtURXVT)
} else {
//terminal.logger.Infof("Turning off URXVT ext mouse mode")
t.activeBuffer.mouseExtMode = (MouseExtNone)
case "?1048":
if enabled {
} else {
case "?1049":
if enabled {
} else {
case "?2004":
t.activeBuffer.modes.BracketedPasteMode = enabled
case "?80":
t.activeBuffer.modes.SixelScrolling = enabled
t.log("Unsupported CSI mode %s = %t", modeStr, enabled)
return false
// CSI d
// Line Position Absolute [row] (default = [1,column]) (VPA)
func (t *Terminal) csiLinePositionAbsoluteHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
row := 1
if len(params) > 0 {
var err error
row, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || row < 1 {
row = 1
t.GetActiveBuffer().setPosition(t.GetActiveBuffer().CursorColumn(), uint16(row-1))
return true
// CSI P
// Delete Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (DCH)
func (t *Terminal) csiDeleteHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
n := 1
if len(params) >= 1 {
var err error
n, err = strconv.Atoi(params[0])
if err != nil || n < 1 {
n = 1
return true
// CSI g
// tab clear (TBC)
func (t *Terminal) csiTabClearHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
n := "0"
if len(params) > 0 {
n = params[0]
switch n {
case "0", "":
case "3":
return false
return true
// CSI J
// Erase in Display (ED), VT100
func (t *Terminal) csiEraseInDisplayHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
n := "0"
if len(params) > 0 {
n = params[0]
switch n {
case "0", "":
case "1":
case "2", "3":
return false
return true
// CSI K
// Erase in Line (EL), VT100
func (t *Terminal) csiEraseInLineHandler(params []string) (renderRequired bool) {
n := "0"
if len(params) > 0 {
n = params[0]
switch n {
case "0", "": //erase adter cursor
case "1": // erase to cursor inclusive
case "2": // erase entire
return false
return true
// CSI m
// Character Attributes (SGR)
func (t *Terminal) sgrSequenceHandler(params []string) bool {
if len(params) == 0 {
params = []string{"0"}
for i := range params {
p := strings.Replace(strings.Replace(params[i], "[", "", -1), "]", "", -1)
switch p {
case "00", "0", "":
attr := t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr()
*attr = CellAttributes{}
case "1", "01":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().bold = true
case "2", "02":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().dim = true
case "3", "03":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().italic = true
case "4", "04":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().underline = true
case "5", "05":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().blink = true
case "7", "07":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().inverse = true
case "8", "08":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().hidden = true
case "9", "09":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().strikethrough = true
case "21":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().bold = false
case "22":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().dim = false
case "23":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().italic = false
case "24":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().underline = false
case "25":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().blink = false
case "27":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().inverse = false
case "28":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().hidden = false
case "29":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().strikethrough = false
case "38": // set foreground
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().fgColour, _ = t.theme.ColourFromAnsi(params[i+1:], false)
return false
case "48": // set background
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().bgColour, _ = t.theme.ColourFromAnsi(params[i+1:], true)
return false
case "39":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().fgColour = t.theme.DefaultForeground()
case "49":
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().bgColour = t.theme.DefaultBackground()
bi, err := strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil {
return false
i := byte(bi)
switch true {
case i >= 30 && i <= 37, i >= 90 && i <= 97:
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().fgColour = t.theme.ColourFrom4Bit(i)
case i >= 40 && i <= 47, i >= 100 && i <= 107:
t.GetActiveBuffer().getCursorAttr().bgColour = t.theme.ColourFrom4Bit(i)
return false
func (t *Terminal) csiSoftResetHandler(params []string) bool {
return true