243 lines
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243 lines
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import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { database as db } from '../../initializers'
import {
} from '../../models'
import { httpRequestJobScheduler } from '../jobs'
import { signObject, activityPubContextify } from '../../helpers'
import { Activity } from '../../../shared'
import { VideoAbuseInstance } from '../../models/video/video-abuse-interface'
import { getActivityPubUrl } from '../../helpers/activitypub'
import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger'
async function sendCreateVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoChannelObject = videoChannel.toActivityPubObject()
const data = await createActivityData(videoChannel.url, videoChannel.Account, videoChannelObject)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, [ videoChannel.Account ], t)
async function sendUpdateVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoChannelObject = videoChannel.toActivityPubObject()
const data = await updateActivityData(videoChannel.url, videoChannel.Account, videoChannelObject)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, [ videoChannel.Account ], t)
async function sendDeleteVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const data = await deleteActivityData(videoChannel.url, videoChannel.Account)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, [ videoChannel.Account ], t)
async function sendAddVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoObject = video.toActivityPubObject()
const data = await addActivityData(video.url, video.VideoChannel.Account, video.VideoChannel.url, videoObject)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, [ video.VideoChannel.Account ], t)
async function sendUpdateVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoObject = video.toActivityPubObject()
const data = await updateActivityData(video.url, video.VideoChannel.Account, videoObject)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, [ video.VideoChannel.Account ], t)
async function sendDeleteVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const data = await deleteActivityData(video.url, video.VideoChannel.Account)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, [ video.VideoChannel.Account ], t)
async function sendDeleteAccount (account: AccountInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const data = await deleteActivityData(account.url, account)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, [ account ], t)
async function sendAnnounce (byAccount: AccountInstance, instance: VideoInstance | VideoChannelInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const object = instance.toActivityPubObject()
let url = ''
let objectActorUrl: string
if ((instance as any).VideoChannel !== undefined) {
objectActorUrl = (instance as VideoInstance).VideoChannel.Account.url
url = getActivityPubUrl('video', instance.uuid) + '#announce'
} else {
objectActorUrl = (instance as VideoChannelInstance).Account.url
url = getActivityPubUrl('videoChannel', instance.uuid) + '#announce'
const objectWithActor = Object.assign(object, {
actor: objectActorUrl
const data = await announceActivityData(url, byAccount, objectWithActor)
return broadcastToFollowers(data, [ byAccount ], t)
async function sendVideoAbuse (
fromAccount: AccountInstance,
videoAbuse: VideoAbuseInstance,
video: VideoInstance,
t: Sequelize.Transaction
) {
const url = getActivityPubUrl('videoAbuse', videoAbuse.id.toString())
const data = await createActivityData(url, fromAccount, video.url)
return unicastTo(data, video.VideoChannel.Account.sharedInboxUrl, t)
async function sendAccept (fromAccount: AccountInstance, toAccount: AccountInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const data = await acceptActivityData(fromAccount)
return unicastTo(data, toAccount.inboxUrl, t)
async function sendFollow (fromAccount: AccountInstance, toAccount: AccountInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const data = await followActivityData(toAccount.url, fromAccount)
return unicastTo(data, toAccount.inboxUrl, t)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function broadcastToFollowers (data: any, toAccountFollowers: AccountInstance[], t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const toAccountFollowerIds = toAccountFollowers.map(a => a.id)
const result = await db.AccountFollow.listAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls(toAccountFollowerIds)
if (result.data.length === 0) {
logger.info('Not broadcast because of 0 followers for %s.', toAccountFollowerIds.join(', '))
const jobPayload = {
uris: result.data,
body: data
return httpRequestJobScheduler.createJob(t, 'httpRequestBroadcastHandler', jobPayload)
async function unicastTo (data: any, toAccountUrl: string, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const jobPayload = {
uris: [ toAccountUrl ],
body: data
return httpRequestJobScheduler.createJob(t, 'httpRequestUnicastHandler', jobPayload)
function buildSignedActivity (byAccount: AccountInstance, data: Object) {
const activity = activityPubContextify(data)
return signObject(byAccount, activity) as Promise<Activity>
async function getPublicActivityTo (account: AccountInstance) {
const inboxUrls = await account.getFollowerSharedInboxUrls()
return inboxUrls.concat('https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public')
async function createActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, object: any) {
const to = await getPublicActivityTo(byAccount)
const base = {
type: 'Create',
id: url,
actor: byAccount.url,
return buildSignedActivity(byAccount, base)
async function updateActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, object: any) {
const to = await getPublicActivityTo(byAccount)
const base = {
type: 'Update',
id: url,
actor: byAccount.url,
return buildSignedActivity(byAccount, base)
async function deleteActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance) {
const base = {
type: 'Delete',
id: url,
actor: byAccount.url
return buildSignedActivity(byAccount, base)
async function addActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, target: string, object: any) {
const to = await getPublicActivityTo(byAccount)
const base = {
type: 'Add',
id: url,
actor: byAccount.url,
return buildSignedActivity(byAccount, base)
async function announceActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance, object: any) {
const base = {
type: 'Announce',
id: url,
actor: byAccount.url,
return buildSignedActivity(byAccount, base)
async function followActivityData (url: string, byAccount: AccountInstance) {
const base = {
type: 'Follow',
id: byAccount.url,
actor: byAccount.url,
object: url
return buildSignedActivity(byAccount, base)
async function acceptActivityData (byAccount: AccountInstance) {
const base = {
type: 'Accept',
id: byAccount.url,
actor: byAccount.url
return buildSignedActivity(byAccount, base)