418 lines
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418 lines
9.4 KiB
import { merge } from 'lodash'
import { About, CustomConfig, HttpStatusCode, ServerConfig } from '@shared/models'
import { DeepPartial } from '@shared/typescript-utils'
import { AbstractCommand, OverrideCommandOptions } from '../shared/abstract-command'
export class ConfigCommand extends AbstractCommand {
static getCustomConfigResolutions (enabled: boolean) {
return {
'144p': enabled,
'240p': enabled,
'360p': enabled,
'480p': enabled,
'720p': enabled,
'1080p': enabled,
'1440p': enabled,
'2160p': enabled
enableImports () {
return this.updateExistingSubConfig({
newConfig: {
import: {
videos: {
http: {
enabled: true
torrent: {
enabled: true
enableLive (options: {
allowReplay?: boolean
transcoding?: boolean
resolutions?: 'min' | 'max' // Default max
} = {}) {
const { allowReplay, transcoding, resolutions = 'max' } = options
return this.updateExistingSubConfig({
newConfig: {
live: {
enabled: true,
allowReplay: allowReplay ?? true,
transcoding: {
enabled: transcoding ?? true,
resolutions: ConfigCommand.getCustomConfigResolutions(resolutions === 'max')
disableTranscoding () {
return this.updateExistingSubConfig({
newConfig: {
transcoding: {
enabled: false
videoStudio: {
enabled: false
enableTranscoding (webtorrent = true, hls = true) {
return this.updateExistingSubConfig({
newConfig: {
transcoding: {
enabled: true,
allowAudioFiles: true,
allowAdditionalExtensions: true,
resolutions: ConfigCommand.getCustomConfigResolutions(true),
webtorrent: {
enabled: webtorrent
hls: {
enabled: hls
enableMinimumTranscoding (webtorrent = true, hls = true) {
return this.updateExistingSubConfig({
newConfig: {
transcoding: {
enabled: true,
resolutions: {
'240p': true
webtorrent: {
enabled: webtorrent
hls: {
enabled: hls
enableStudio () {
return this.updateExistingSubConfig({
newConfig: {
videoStudio: {
enabled: true
getConfig (options: OverrideCommandOptions = {}) {
const path = '/api/v1/config'
return this.getRequestBody<ServerConfig>({
implicitToken: false,
defaultExpectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200
async getIndexHTMLConfig (options: OverrideCommandOptions = {}) {
const text = await this.getRequestText({
path: '/',
implicitToken: false,
defaultExpectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200
const match = text.match('<script type="application/javascript">window.PeerTubeServerConfig = (".+?")</script>')
// We parse the string twice, first to extract the string and then to extract the JSON
return JSON.parse(JSON.parse(match[1])) as ServerConfig
getAbout (options: OverrideCommandOptions = {}) {
const path = '/api/v1/config/about'
return this.getRequestBody<About>({
implicitToken: false,
defaultExpectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200
getCustomConfig (options: OverrideCommandOptions = {}) {
const path = '/api/v1/config/custom'
return this.getRequestBody<CustomConfig>({
implicitToken: true,
defaultExpectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200
updateCustomConfig (options: OverrideCommandOptions & {
newCustomConfig: CustomConfig
}) {
const path = '/api/v1/config/custom'
return this.putBodyRequest({
fields: options.newCustomConfig,
implicitToken: true,
defaultExpectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200
deleteCustomConfig (options: OverrideCommandOptions = {}) {
const path = '/api/v1/config/custom'
return this.deleteRequest({
implicitToken: true,
defaultExpectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200
async updateExistingSubConfig (options: OverrideCommandOptions & {
newConfig: DeepPartial<CustomConfig>
}) {
const existing = await this.getCustomConfig({ ...options, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 })
return this.updateCustomConfig({ ...options, newCustomConfig: merge({}, existing, options.newConfig) })
updateCustomSubConfig (options: OverrideCommandOptions & {
newConfig: DeepPartial<CustomConfig>
}) {
const newCustomConfig: CustomConfig = {
instance: {
name: 'PeerTube updated',
shortDescription: 'my short description',
description: 'my super description',
terms: 'my super terms',
codeOfConduct: 'my super coc',
creationReason: 'my super creation reason',
moderationInformation: 'my super moderation information',
administrator: 'Kuja',
maintenanceLifetime: 'forever',
businessModel: 'my super business model',
hardwareInformation: '2vCore 3GB RAM',
languages: [ 'en', 'es' ],
categories: [ 1, 2 ],
isNSFW: true,
defaultNSFWPolicy: 'blur',
defaultClientRoute: '/videos/recently-added',
customizations: {
javascript: 'alert("coucou")',
css: 'body { background-color: red; }'
theme: {
default: 'default'
services: {
twitter: {
username: '@MySuperUsername',
whitelisted: true
client: {
videos: {
miniature: {
preferAuthorDisplayName: false
menu: {
login: {
redirectOnSingleExternalAuth: false
cache: {
previews: {
size: 2
captions: {
size: 3
torrents: {
size: 4
signup: {
enabled: false,
limit: 5,
requiresEmailVerification: false,
minimumAge: 16
admin: {
email: 'superadmin1@example.com'
contactForm: {
enabled: true
user: {
videoQuota: 5242881,
videoQuotaDaily: 318742
videoChannels: {
maxPerUser: 20
transcoding: {
enabled: true,
allowAdditionalExtensions: true,
allowAudioFiles: true,
threads: 1,
concurrency: 3,
profile: 'default',
resolutions: {
'0p': false,
'144p': false,
'240p': false,
'360p': true,
'480p': true,
'720p': false,
'1080p': false,
'1440p': false,
'2160p': false
alwaysTranscodeOriginalResolution: true,
webtorrent: {
enabled: true
hls: {
enabled: false
live: {
enabled: true,
allowReplay: false,
latencySetting: {
enabled: false
maxDuration: -1,
maxInstanceLives: -1,
maxUserLives: 50,
transcoding: {
enabled: true,
threads: 4,
profile: 'default',
resolutions: {
'144p': true,
'240p': true,
'360p': true,
'480p': true,
'720p': true,
'1080p': true,
'1440p': true,
'2160p': true
alwaysTranscodeOriginalResolution: true
videoStudio: {
enabled: false
import: {
videos: {
concurrency: 3,
http: {
enabled: false
torrent: {
enabled: false
trending: {
videos: {
algorithms: {
enabled: [ 'hot', 'most-viewed', 'most-liked' ],
default: 'hot'
autoBlacklist: {
videos: {
ofUsers: {
enabled: false
followers: {
instance: {
enabled: true,
manualApproval: false
followings: {
instance: {
autoFollowBack: {
enabled: false
autoFollowIndex: {
indexUrl: 'https://instances.joinpeertube.org/api/v1/instances/hosts',
enabled: false
broadcastMessage: {
enabled: true,
level: 'warning',
message: 'hello',
dismissable: true
search: {
remoteUri: {
users: true,
anonymous: true
searchIndex: {
enabled: true,
url: 'https://search.joinpeertube.org',
disableLocalSearch: true,
isDefaultSearch: true
merge(newCustomConfig, options.newConfig)
return this.updateCustomConfig({ ...options, newCustomConfig })