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Docker guide

This guide requires docker and docker-compose.



PeerTube does not support webserver host change. Keep in mind your domain name is definitive after your first PeerTube start.

Go to your workdir

note: the guide that follows assumes an empty workdir, but you can also clone the repository, use the master branch and cd support/docker/production.

cd /your/peertube/directory

Get the latest Compose file

curl > docker-compose.yml

View the source of the file you're about to download: docker-compose.yml

Get the latest env_file

curl > .env

View the source of the file you're about to download: .env

Tweak the docker-compose.yml file there according to your needs

$EDITOR ./docker-compose.yml

Then tweak the .env file to change the environment variables settings

$EDITOR ./.env

In the downloaded example .env, you must replace:

  • <MY DOMAIN> without 'https://'

Other environment variables are used in /support/docker/production/config/custom-environment-variables.yaml and can be intuited from usage.


The docker compose file includes a configured web server. You can skip this part and comment the appropriate section in the docker compose if you use another webserver/proxy.

Install the template that the nginx container will use. The container will generate the configuration by replacing ${WEBSERVER_HOST} and ${PEERTUBE_HOST} using your docker compose env file.

It will also generate a TLS certificate at startup and schedule a renew

mkdir -p docker-volume/nginx
curl > docker-volume/nginx/peertube

You need to manually generate the first SSL/TLS certificate using Let's Encrypt:

mkdir -p docker-volume/certbot
docker run -it --rm --name certbot -p 80:80 -v "$(pwd)/docker-volume/certbot/conf:/etc/letsencrypt" certbot/certbot certonly --standalone

The docker-compose will automatically renew this certificate and reload nginx.

Test your setup

Run your containers:

docker-compose up

Obtaining your automatically-generated admin credentials

Now that you've installed your PeerTube instance you'll want to grep your peertube container's logs for the root password. You're going to want to run docker-compose logs peertube | grep -A1 root to search the log output for your new PeerTube's instance admin credentials which will look something like this.

$ docker-compose logs peertube | grep -A1 root

peertube_1  | [] 2019-11-16 04:26:06.082 info: Username: root
peertube_1  | [] 2019-11-16 04:26:06.083 info: User password: abcdefghijklmnop

Obtaining Your Automatically Generated DKIM DNS TXT Record

DKIM signature sending and RSA keys generation are enabled by the default Postfix image mwader/postfix-relay with OpenDKIM.

Run cat ./docker-volume/opendkim/keys/*/*.txt to display your DKIM DNS TXT Record containing the public key to configure to your domain :

$ cat ./docker-volume/opendkim/keys/*/*.txt

peertube._domainkey.mydomain.tld.	IN	TXT	( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; "
	  "j5joTnYwat4387VEUyGUnZ0aZxCERi+ndXv2/wMJ0tizq+a9+EgqIb+7lkUc2XciQPNuTujM25GhrQBEKznvHyPA6fHsFheymOuB763QpkmnQQLCxyLygAY9mE/5RY+5Q6J9oDOQIDAQAB" )  ; ----- DKIM key peertube for mydomain.tld

Administrator password

See the production guide "Administrator" section

What now?

See the production guide "What now" section.


Important: Before upgrading, check you have all the storage fields in your production.yaml file.

Pull the latest images and rerun PeerTube:

$ cd /your/peertube/directory
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d

Build your own Docker image

$ git clone /tmp/peertube
$ cd /tmp/peertube
$ docker build . -f ./support/docker/production/Dockerfile.buster


We don't have a Docker image for development. See the CONTRIBUTING guide for more information on how you can hack PeerTube!