import CliTable3 from 'cli-table3' import { Command, OptionValues, program } from 'commander' import { isAbsolute } from 'path' import { PluginType } from '../../shared/models' import { assignToken, buildServer, getServerCredentials } from './cli' program .name('plugins') .usage('[command] [options]') program .command('list') .description('List installed plugins') .option('-u, --url <url>', 'Server url') .option('-U, --username <username>', 'Username') .option('-p, --password <token>', 'Password') .option('-t, --only-themes', 'List themes only') .option('-P, --only-plugins', 'List plugins only') .action((options, command) => pluginsListCLI(command, options)) program .command('install') .description('Install a plugin or a theme') .option('-u, --url <url>', 'Server url') .option('-U, --username <username>', 'Username') .option('-p, --password <token>', 'Password') .option('-P --path <path>', 'Install from a path') .option('-n, --npm-name <npmName>', 'Install from npm') .option('--plugin-version <pluginVersion>', 'Specify the plugin version to install (only available when installing from npm)') .action((options, command) => installPluginCLI(command, options)) program .command('update') .description('Update a plugin or a theme') .option('-u, --url <url>', 'Server url') .option('-U, --username <username>', 'Username') .option('-p, --password <token>', 'Password') .option('-P --path <path>', 'Update from a path') .option('-n, --npm-name <npmName>', 'Update from npm') .action((options, command) => updatePluginCLI(command, options)) program .command('uninstall') .description('Uninstall a plugin or a theme') .option('-u, --url <url>', 'Server url') .option('-U, --username <username>', 'Username') .option('-p, --password <token>', 'Password') .option('-n, --npm-name <npmName>', 'NPM plugin/theme name') .action((options, command) => uninstallPluginCLI(command, options)) if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) { program.outputHelp() } program.parse(process.argv) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function pluginsListCLI (command: Command, options: OptionValues) { const { url, username, password } = await getServerCredentials(command) const server = buildServer(url) await assignToken(server, username, password) let pluginType: PluginType if (options.onlyThemes) pluginType = PluginType.THEME if (options.onlyPlugins) pluginType = PluginType.PLUGIN const { data } = await server.plugins.list({ start: 0, count: 100, sort: 'name', pluginType }) const table = new CliTable3({ head: [ 'name', 'version', 'homepage' ], colWidths: [ 50, 10, 50 ] }) as any for (const plugin of data) { const npmName = plugin.type === PluginType.PLUGIN ? 'peertube-plugin-' + : 'peertube-theme-' + table.push([ npmName, plugin.version, plugin.homepage ]) } console.log(table.toString()) process.exit(0) } async function installPluginCLI (command: Command, options: OptionValues) { if (!options.path && !options.npmName) { console.error('You need to specify the npm name or the path of the plugin you want to install.\n') program.outputHelp() process.exit(-1) } if (options.path && !isAbsolute(options.path)) { console.error('Path should be absolute.') process.exit(-1) } const { url, username, password } = await getServerCredentials(command) const server = buildServer(url) await assignToken(server, username, password) try { await server.plugins.install({ npmName: options.npmName, path: options.path, pluginVersion: options.pluginVersion }) } catch (err) { console.error('Cannot install plugin.', err) process.exit(-1) } console.log('Plugin installed.') process.exit(0) } async function updatePluginCLI (command: Command, options: OptionValues) { if (!options.path && !options.npmName) { console.error('You need to specify the npm name or the path of the plugin you want to update.\n') program.outputHelp() process.exit(-1) } if (options.path && !isAbsolute(options.path)) { console.error('Path should be absolute.') process.exit(-1) } const { url, username, password } = await getServerCredentials(command) const server = buildServer(url) await assignToken(server, username, password) try { await server.plugins.update({ npmName: options.npmName, path: options.path }) } catch (err) { console.error('Cannot update plugin.', err) process.exit(-1) } console.log('Plugin updated.') process.exit(0) } async function uninstallPluginCLI (command: Command, options: OptionValues) { if (!options.npmName) { console.error('You need to specify the npm name of the plugin/theme you want to uninstall.\n') program.outputHelp() process.exit(-1) } const { url, username, password } = await getServerCredentials(command) const server = buildServer(url) await assignToken(server, username, password) try { await server.plugins.uninstall({ npmName: options.npmName }) } catch (err) { console.error('Cannot uninstall plugin.', err) process.exit(-1) } console.log('Plugin uninstalled.') process.exit(0) }