import { buildUUID } from '@shared/core-utils' import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' async function up (utils: { transaction: Sequelize.Transaction queryInterface: Sequelize.QueryInterface sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize db: any }): Promise { const q = utils.queryInterface // Assert not friends // Create uuid column for author const dataAuthorUUID = { type: Sequelize.UUID, defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4, allowNull: true } await q.addColumn('Authors', 'uuid', dataAuthorUUID) // Set UUID to previous authors { const authors = await utils.db.Author.findAll() for (const author of authors) { author.uuid = buildUUID() await } } dataAuthorUUID.allowNull = false await q.changeColumn('Authors', 'uuid', dataAuthorUUID) // Create one author per user that does not already exist const users = await utils.db.User.findAll() for (const user of users) { const author = await utils.db.Author.find({ where: { userId: } }) if (!author) { await utils.db.Author.create({ name: user.username, podId: null, // It is our pod userId: }) } } // Create video channels table await utils.db.VideoChannel.sync() // For each author, create its default video channel const authors = await utils.db.Author.findAll() for (const author of authors) { await utils.db.VideoChannel.create({ name: `Default ${} channel`, remote: false, authorId: }) } // Create channelId column for videos const dataChannelId = { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, defaultValue: null, allowNull: true } await q.addColumn('Videos', 'channelId', dataChannelId) const query = 'SELECT "id", "authorId" FROM "Videos"' const options = { type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT } const rawVideos = await utils.sequelize.query(query, options) as any for (const rawVideo of rawVideos) { const videoChannel = await utils.db.VideoChannel.findOne({ where: { authorId: rawVideo.authorId } }) const video = await utils.db.Video.findByPk( video.channelId = await } dataChannelId.allowNull = false await q.changeColumn('Videos', 'channelId', dataChannelId) const constraintName = 'Videos_channelId_fkey' const queryForeignKey = 'ALTER TABLE "Videos" ' + ' ADD CONSTRAINT "' + constraintName + '"' + ' FOREIGN KEY ("channelId") REFERENCES "VideoChannels" ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE' await utils.sequelize.query(queryForeignKey) await q.removeColumn('Videos', 'authorId') } function down (options) { // update "Applications" SET "migrationVersion" = 75; // delete from "Authors"; // alter table "Authors" drop column "uuid"; // ALTER SEQUENCE "Authors_id_seq" RESTART WITH 1 // INSERT INTO "Authors" ("name", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "userId") VALUES ('root', NOW(), NOW(), 1); // alter table "Videos" drop column "channelId"; // drop table "VideoChannels"; // alter table "Videos" add column "authorId" INTEGER DEFAULT 1; // alter table "Videos" ADD CONSTRAINT "coucou" FOREIGN KEY ("authorId") REFERENCES "Authors" throw new Error('Not implemented.') } export { up, down }