import { checkBadCountPagination, checkBadSortPagination, checkBadStartPagination, FIXTURE_URLS } from '@server/tests/shared' import { HttpStatusCode, VideoChannelSyncCreate } from '@shared/models' import { ChannelSyncsCommand, createSingleServer, makePostBodyRequest, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel } from '@shared/server-commands' describe('Test video channel sync API validator', () => { const path = '/api/v1/video-channel-syncs' let server: PeerTubeServer let command: ChannelSyncsCommand let rootChannelId: number let rootChannelSyncId: number const userInfo = { accessToken: '', username: 'user1', id: -1, channelId: -1, syncId: -1 } async function withChannelSyncDisabled<T> (callback: () => Promise<T>): Promise<void> { try { await server.config.disableChannelSync() await callback() } finally { await server.config.enableChannelSync() } } async function withMaxSyncsPerUser<T> (maxSync: number, callback: () => Promise<T>): Promise<void> { const origConfig = await server.config.getCustomConfig() await server.config.updateExistingSubConfig({ newConfig: { import: { videoChannelSynchronization: { maxPerUser: maxSync } } } }) try { await callback() } finally { await server.config.updateCustomConfig({ newCustomConfig: origConfig }) } } before(async function () { this.timeout(30_000) server = await createSingleServer(1) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) await setDefaultVideoChannel([ server ]) command = server.channelSyncs rootChannelId = { userInfo.accessToken = await server.users.generateUserAndToken(userInfo.username) const { videoChannels, id: userId } = await server.users.getMyInfo({ token: userInfo.accessToken }) = userId userInfo.channelId = videoChannels[0].id } await server.config.enableChannelSync() }) describe('When creating a sync', function () { let baseCorrectParams: VideoChannelSyncCreate before(function () { baseCorrectParams = { externalChannelUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.youtubeChannel, videoChannelId: rootChannelId } }) it('Should fail when sync is disabled', async function () { await withChannelSyncDisabled(async () => { await command.create({ token: server.accessToken, attributes: baseCorrectParams, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) }) it('Should fail with nothing', async function () { const fields = {} await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path, token: server.accessToken, fields, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) }) it('Should fail with no authentication', async function () { await command.create({ token: null, attributes: baseCorrectParams, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) }) it('Should fail without a target url', async function () { const attributes: VideoChannelSyncCreate = { ...baseCorrectParams, externalChannelUrl: null } await command.create({ token: server.accessToken, attributes, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) }) it('Should fail without a channelId', async function () { const attributes: VideoChannelSyncCreate = { ...baseCorrectParams, videoChannelId: null } await command.create({ token: server.accessToken, attributes, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) }) it('Should fail with a channelId refering nothing', async function () { const attributes: VideoChannelSyncCreate = { ...baseCorrectParams, videoChannelId: 42 } await command.create({ token: server.accessToken, attributes, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) }) it('Should fail to create a sync when the user does not own the channel', async function () { await command.create({ token: userInfo.accessToken, attributes: baseCorrectParams, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) it('Should succeed to create a sync with root and for another user\'s channel', async function () { const { videoChannelSync } = await command.create({ token: server.accessToken, attributes: { ...baseCorrectParams, videoChannelId: userInfo.channelId }, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) userInfo.syncId = }) it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', async function () { const { videoChannelSync } = await command.create({ token: server.accessToken, attributes: baseCorrectParams, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) rootChannelSyncId = }) it('Should fail when the user exceeds allowed number of synchronizations', async function () { await withMaxSyncsPerUser(1, async () => { await command.create({ token: server.accessToken, attributes: { ...baseCorrectParams, videoChannelId: userInfo.channelId }, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) }) }) }) describe('When listing my channel syncs', function () { const myPath = '/api/v1/accounts/root/video-channel-syncs' it('Should fail with a bad start pagination', async function () { await checkBadStartPagination(server.url, myPath, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with a bad count pagination', async function () { await checkBadCountPagination(server.url, myPath, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect sort', async function () { await checkBadSortPagination(server.url, myPath, server.accessToken) }) it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', async function () { await command.listByAccount({ accountName: 'root', token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) }) it('Should fail with no authentication', async function () { await command.listByAccount({ accountName: 'root', token: null, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) }) it('Should fail when a simple user lists another user\'s synchronizations', async function () { await command.listByAccount({ accountName: 'root', token: userInfo.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) it('Should succeed when root lists another user\'s synchronizations', async function () { await command.listByAccount({ accountName: userInfo.username, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) }) it('Should succeed even with synchronization disabled', async function () { await withChannelSyncDisabled(async function () { await command.listByAccount({ accountName: 'root', token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) }) }) }) describe('When triggering deletion', function () { it('should fail with no authentication', async function () { await command.delete({ channelSyncId: userInfo.syncId, token: null, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) }) it('Should fail when channelSyncId does not refer to any sync', async function () { await command.delete({ channelSyncId: 42, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) }) it('Should fail when sync is not owned by the user', async function () { await command.delete({ channelSyncId: rootChannelSyncId, token: userInfo.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) it('Should succeed when root delete a sync they do not own', async function () { await command.delete({ channelSyncId: userInfo.syncId, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204 }) }) it('should succeed when user delete a sync they own', async function () { const { videoChannelSync } = await command.create({ attributes: { externalChannelUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.youtubeChannel, videoChannelId: userInfo.channelId }, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) await command.delete({ channelSyncId:, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204 }) }) it('Should succeed even when synchronization is disabled', async function () { await withChannelSyncDisabled(async function () { await command.delete({ channelSyncId: rootChannelSyncId, token: server.accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204 }) }) }) }) after(async function () { await server?.kill() }) })