import { move, remove } from 'fs-extra' import { join } from 'path' import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { JOB_PRIORITY } from '@server/initializers/constants' import { LiveManager } from '@server/lib/live' import { MStreamingPlaylist, MVideo } from '@server/types/models' import { MRunnerJob } from '@server/types/models/runners' import { buildUUID } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { LiveRTMPHLSTranscodingSuccess, LiveRTMPHLSTranscodingUpdatePayload, LiveVideoError, RunnerJobLiveRTMPHLSTranscodingPayload, RunnerJobLiveRTMPHLSTranscodingPrivatePayload, RunnerJobState } from '@shared/models' import { AbstractJobHandler } from './abstract-job-handler' type CreateOptions = { video: MVideo playlist: MStreamingPlaylist rtmpUrl: string toTranscode: { resolution: number fps: number }[] segmentListSize: number segmentDuration: number outputDirectory: string } // eslint-disable-next-line max-len export class LiveRTMPHLSTranscodingJobHandler extends AbstractJobHandler { async create (options: CreateOptions) { const { video, rtmpUrl, toTranscode, playlist, segmentDuration, segmentListSize, outputDirectory } = options const jobUUID = buildUUID() const payload: RunnerJobLiveRTMPHLSTranscodingPayload = { input: { rtmpUrl }, output: { toTranscode, segmentListSize, segmentDuration } } const privatePayload: RunnerJobLiveRTMPHLSTranscodingPrivatePayload = { videoUUID: video.uuid, masterPlaylistName: playlist.playlistFilename, outputDirectory } const job = await this.createRunnerJob({ type: 'live-rtmp-hls-transcoding', jobUUID, payload, privatePayload, priority: JOB_PRIORITY.TRANSCODING }) return job } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected async specificUpdate (options: { runnerJob: MRunnerJob updatePayload: LiveRTMPHLSTranscodingUpdatePayload }) { const { runnerJob, updatePayload } = options const privatePayload = runnerJob.privatePayload as RunnerJobLiveRTMPHLSTranscodingPrivatePayload const outputDirectory = privatePayload.outputDirectory const videoUUID = privatePayload.videoUUID // Always process the chunk first before moving m3u8 that references this chunk if (updatePayload.type === 'add-chunk') { await move( updatePayload.videoChunkFile as string, join(outputDirectory, updatePayload.videoChunkFilename), { overwrite: true } ) } else if (updatePayload.type === 'remove-chunk') { await remove(join(outputDirectory, updatePayload.videoChunkFilename)) } if (updatePayload.resolutionPlaylistFile && updatePayload.resolutionPlaylistFilename) { await move( updatePayload.resolutionPlaylistFile as string, join(outputDirectory, updatePayload.resolutionPlaylistFilename), { overwrite: true } ) } if (updatePayload.masterPlaylistFile) { await move(updatePayload.masterPlaylistFile as string, join(outputDirectory, privatePayload.masterPlaylistName), { overwrite: true }) } logger.debug( 'Runner live RTMP to HLS job %s for %s updated.', runnerJob.uuid, videoUUID, { updatePayload, ...this.lTags(videoUUID, runnerJob.uuid) } ) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected specificComplete (options: { runnerJob: MRunnerJob }) { return this.stopLive({ runnerJob: options.runnerJob, type: 'ended' }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected isAbortSupported () { return false } protected specificAbort () { throw new Error('Not implemented') } protected specificError (options: { runnerJob: MRunnerJob nextState: RunnerJobState }) { return this.stopLive({ runnerJob: options.runnerJob, type: 'errored' }) } protected specificCancel (options: { runnerJob: MRunnerJob }) { return this.stopLive({ runnerJob: options.runnerJob, type: 'cancelled' }) } private stopLive (options: { runnerJob: MRunnerJob type: 'ended' | 'errored' | 'cancelled' }) { const { runnerJob, type } = options const privatePayload = runnerJob.privatePayload as RunnerJobLiveRTMPHLSTranscodingPrivatePayload const videoUUID = privatePayload.videoUUID const errorType = { ended: null, errored: LiveVideoError.RUNNER_JOB_ERROR, cancelled: LiveVideoError.RUNNER_JOB_CANCEL } LiveManager.Instance.stopSessionOf(privatePayload.videoUUID, errorType[type])'Runner live RTMP to HLS job %s for video %s %s.', runnerJob.uuid, videoUUID, type, this.lTags(runnerJob.uuid, videoUUID)) } }