import express from 'express' import OAuth2Server, { InvalidClientError, InvalidGrantError, InvalidRequestError, Request, Response, UnauthorizedClientError, UnsupportedGrantTypeError } from '@node-oauth/oauth2-server' import { randomBytesPromise } from '@server/helpers/core-utils.js' import { isOTPValid } from '@server/helpers/otp.js' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config.js' import { UserRegistrationModel } from '@server/models/user/user-registration.js' import { MOAuthClient } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { sha1 } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils' import { HttpStatusCode, ServerErrorCode, UserRegistrationState } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { OTP } from '../../initializers/constants.js' import { BypassLogin, getAccessToken, getClient, getRefreshToken, getUser, revokeToken, saveToken } from './oauth-model.js' import { Hooks } from '../plugins/hooks.js' class MissingTwoFactorError extends Error { code = HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 name = ServerErrorCode.MISSING_TWO_FACTOR } class InvalidTwoFactorError extends Error { code = HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 name = ServerErrorCode.INVALID_TWO_FACTOR } class RegistrationWaitingForApproval extends Error { code = HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 name = ServerErrorCode.ACCOUNT_WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL } class RegistrationApprovalRejected extends Error { code = HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 name = ServerErrorCode.ACCOUNT_APPROVAL_REJECTED } /** * * Reimplement some functions of OAuth2Server to inject external auth methods * */ const oAuthServer = new OAuth2Server({ // Wants seconds accessTokenLifetime: CONFIG.OAUTH2.TOKEN_LIFETIME.ACCESS_TOKEN / 1000, refreshTokenLifetime: CONFIG.OAUTH2.TOKEN_LIFETIME.REFRESH_TOKEN / 1000, // See for the model specifications model: { getAccessToken, getClient, getRefreshToken, getUser, revokeToken, saveToken } as any // FIXME: typings }) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function handleOAuthToken (req: express.Request, options: { refreshTokenAuthName?: string, bypassLogin?: BypassLogin }) { const request = new Request(req) const { refreshTokenAuthName, bypassLogin } = options if (request.method !== 'POST') { throw new InvalidRequestError('Invalid request: method must be POST') } if (![ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ])) { throw new InvalidRequestError('Invalid request: content must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded') } const clientId = request.body.client_id const clientSecret = request.body.client_secret if (!clientId || !clientSecret) { throw new InvalidClientError('Invalid client: cannot retrieve client credentials') } const client = await getClient(clientId, clientSecret) if (!client) { throw new InvalidClientError('Invalid client: client is invalid') } const grantType = request.body.grant_type if (!grantType) { throw new InvalidRequestError('Missing parameter: `grant_type`') } if (![ 'password', 'refresh_token' ].includes(grantType)) { throw new UnsupportedGrantTypeError('Unsupported grant type: `grant_type` is invalid') } if (!client.grants.includes(grantType)) { throw new UnauthorizedClientError('Unauthorized client: `grant_type` is invalid') } if (grantType === 'password') { return handlePasswordGrant({ request, client, bypassLogin }) } return handleRefreshGrant({ request, client, refreshTokenAuthName }) } function handleOAuthAuthenticate ( req: express.Request, res: express.Response ) { return oAuthServer.authenticate(new Request(req), new Response(res)) } export { MissingTwoFactorError, InvalidTwoFactorError, handleOAuthToken, handleOAuthAuthenticate } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function handlePasswordGrant (options: { request: Request client: MOAuthClient bypassLogin?: BypassLogin }) { const { client } = options const { bypassLogin, usernameOrEmail, password } = await Hooks.wrapObject({ bypassLogin: options.bypassLogin, usernameOrEmail: options.request.body.username, password: options.request.body.password }, 'filter:oauth.password-grant.get-user.params') if (!options.request.body.username) { throw new InvalidRequestError('Missing parameter: `username`') } if (!bypassLogin && !options.request.body.password) { throw new InvalidRequestError('Missing parameter: `password`') } const user = await getUser(usernameOrEmail, password, bypassLogin) if (!user) { const registration = await UserRegistrationModel.loadByEmailOrUsername(usernameOrEmail) if (registration?.state === UserRegistrationState.REJECTED) { throw new RegistrationApprovalRejected('Registration approval for this account has been rejected') } else if (registration?.state === UserRegistrationState.PENDING) { throw new RegistrationWaitingForApproval('Registration for this account is awaiting approval') } throw new InvalidGrantError('Invalid grant: user credentials are invalid') } if (user.otpSecret) { if (!options.request.headers[OTP.HEADER_NAME]) { throw new MissingTwoFactorError('Missing two factor header') } if (await isOTPValid({ encryptedSecret: user.otpSecret, token: options.request.headers[OTP.HEADER_NAME] }) !== true) { throw new InvalidTwoFactorError('Invalid two factor header') } } const token = await buildToken() return saveToken(token, client, user, { bypassLogin }) } async function handleRefreshGrant (options: { request: Request client: MOAuthClient refreshTokenAuthName: string }) { const { request, client, refreshTokenAuthName } = options if (!request.body.refresh_token) { throw new InvalidRequestError('Missing parameter: `refresh_token`') } const refreshToken = await getRefreshToken(request.body.refresh_token) if (!refreshToken) { throw new InvalidGrantError('Invalid grant: refresh token is invalid') } if ( !== { throw new InvalidGrantError('Invalid grant: refresh token is invalid') } if (refreshToken.refreshTokenExpiresAt && refreshToken.refreshTokenExpiresAt < new Date()) { throw new InvalidGrantError('Invalid grant: refresh token has expired') } await revokeToken({ refreshToken: refreshToken.refreshToken }) const token = await buildToken() return saveToken(token, client, refreshToken.user, { refreshTokenAuthName }) } function generateRandomToken () { return randomBytesPromise(256) .then(buffer => sha1(buffer)) } function getTokenExpiresAt (type: 'access' | 'refresh') { const lifetime = type === 'access' ? CONFIG.OAUTH2.TOKEN_LIFETIME.ACCESS_TOKEN : CONFIG.OAUTH2.TOKEN_LIFETIME.REFRESH_TOKEN return new Date( + lifetime) } async function buildToken () { const [ accessToken, refreshToken ] = await Promise.all([ generateRandomToken(), generateRandomToken() ]) return { accessToken, refreshToken, accessTokenExpiresAt: getTokenExpiresAt('access'), refreshTokenExpiresAt: getTokenExpiresAt('refresh') } }