import { FfmpegCommand } from 'fluent-ffmpeg' import { getFFmpegCommandWrapperOptions } from '@server/helpers/ffmpeg' import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config' import { VIDEO_LIVE } from '@server/initializers/constants' import { VideoTranscodingProfilesManager } from '@server/lib/transcoding/default-transcoding-profiles' import { FFmpegLive } from '@shared/ffmpeg' import { getLiveSegmentTime } from '../../live-utils' import { AbstractTranscodingWrapper } from './abstract-transcoding-wrapper' export class FFmpegTranscodingWrapper extends AbstractTranscodingWrapper { private ffmpegCommand: FfmpegCommand private aborted = false private errored = false private ended = false async run () { this.ffmpegCommand = CONFIG.LIVE.TRANSCODING.ENABLED ? await this.buildFFmpegLive().getLiveTranscodingCommand({ inputUrl: this.inputLocalUrl, outPath: this.outDirectory, masterPlaylistName: this.streamingPlaylist.playlistFilename, segmentListSize: this.segmentListSize, segmentDuration: this.segmentDuration, toTranscode: this.toTranscode, bitrate: this.bitrate, ratio: this.ratio, hasAudio: this.hasAudio }) : this.buildFFmpegLive().getLiveMuxingCommand({ inputUrl: this.inputLocalUrl, outPath: this.outDirectory, masterPlaylistName: this.streamingPlaylist.playlistFilename, segmentListSize: VIDEO_LIVE.SEGMENTS_LIST_SIZE, segmentDuration: getLiveSegmentTime(this.videoLive.latencyMode) })'Running local live muxing/transcoding for %s.', this.videoUUID, this.lTags()) let ffmpegShellCommand: string this.ffmpegCommand.on('start', cmdline => { ffmpegShellCommand = cmdline logger.debug('Running ffmpeg command for live', { ffmpegShellCommand, ...this.lTags() }) }) this.ffmpegCommand.on('error', (err, stdout, stderr) => { this.onFFmpegError({ err, stdout, stderr, ffmpegShellCommand }) }) this.ffmpegCommand.on('end', () => { this.onFFmpegEnded() }) } abort () { if (this.ended || this.errored || this.aborted) return this.ffmpegCommand.kill('SIGINT') this.aborted = true this.emit('end') } private onFFmpegError (options: { err: any stdout: string stderr: string ffmpegShellCommand: string }) { const { err, stdout, stderr, ffmpegShellCommand } = options // Don't care that we killed the ffmpeg process if (err?.message?.includes('Exiting normally')) return if (this.ended || this.errored || this.aborted) return logger.error('FFmpeg transcoding error.', { err, stdout, stderr, ffmpegShellCommand, ...this.lTags() }) this.errored = true this.emit('error', { err }) } private onFFmpegEnded () { if (this.ended || this.errored || this.aborted) return this.ended = true this.emit('end') } private buildFFmpegLive () { return new FFmpegLive(getFFmpegCommandWrapperOptions('live', VideoTranscodingProfilesManager.Instance.getAvailableEncoders())) } }