import { remove } from 'fs-extra/esm' import { ThumbnailType, ThumbnailType_Type, VideoImportCreate, VideoImportPayload, VideoImportState, VideoPrivacy, VideoState } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { moveAndProcessCaptionFile } from '@server/helpers/captions-utils.js' import { isVTTFileValid } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/video-captions.js' import { isVideoFileExtnameValid } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/videos.js' import { isResolvingToUnicastOnly } from '@server/helpers/dns.js' import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger.js' import { YoutubeDLInfo, YoutubeDLWrapper } from '@server/helpers/youtube-dl/index.js' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config.js' import { sequelizeTypescript } from '@server/initializers/database.js' import { Hooks } from '@server/lib/plugins/hooks.js' import { ServerConfigManager } from '@server/lib/server-config-manager.js' import { autoBlacklistVideoIfNeeded } from '@server/lib/video-blacklist.js' import { setVideoTags } from '@server/lib/video.js' import { VideoCaptionModel } from '@server/models/video/video-caption.js' import { VideoImportModel } from '@server/models/video/video-import.js' import { VideoPasswordModel } from '@server/models/video/video-password.js' import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video.js' import { FilteredModelAttributes } from '@server/types/index.js' import { MChannelAccountDefault, MChannelSync, MThumbnail, MUser, MVideoAccountDefault, MVideoCaption, MVideoImportFormattable, MVideoTag, MVideoThumbnail, MVideoWithBlacklistLight } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { getLocalVideoActivityPubUrl } from './activitypub/url.js' import { updateLocalVideoMiniatureFromExisting, updateLocalVideoMiniatureFromUrl } from './thumbnail.js' import { replaceChapters, replaceChaptersFromDescriptionIfNeeded } from './video-chapters.js' class YoutubeDlImportError extends Error { code: YoutubeDlImportError.CODE cause?: Error // Property to remove once ES2022 is used constructor ({ message, code }) { super(message) this.code = code } static fromError (err: Error, code: YoutubeDlImportError.CODE, message?: string) { const ytDlErr = new this({ message: message ?? err.message, code }) ytDlErr.cause = err ytDlErr.stack = err.stack // Useless once ES2022 is used return ytDlErr } } namespace YoutubeDlImportError { export enum CODE { FETCH_ERROR, NOT_ONLY_UNICAST_URL } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function insertFromImportIntoDB (parameters: { video: MVideoThumbnail thumbnailModel: MThumbnail previewModel: MThumbnail videoChannel: MChannelAccountDefault tags: string[] videoImportAttributes: FilteredModelAttributes<VideoImportModel> user: MUser videoPasswords?: string[] }): Promise<MVideoImportFormattable> { const { video, thumbnailModel, previewModel, videoChannel, tags, videoImportAttributes, user, videoPasswords } = parameters const videoImport = await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { const sequelizeOptions = { transaction: t } // Save video object in database const videoCreated = await as (MVideoAccountDefault & MVideoWithBlacklistLight & MVideoTag) videoCreated.VideoChannel = videoChannel if (thumbnailModel) await videoCreated.addAndSaveThumbnail(thumbnailModel, t) if (previewModel) await videoCreated.addAndSaveThumbnail(previewModel, t) if (videoCreated.privacy === VideoPrivacy.PASSWORD_PROTECTED) { await VideoPasswordModel.addPasswords(videoPasswords,, t) } await autoBlacklistVideoIfNeeded({ video: videoCreated, user, notify: false, isRemote: false, isNew: true, isNewFile: true, transaction: t }) await setVideoTags({ video: videoCreated, tags, transaction: t }) // Create video import object in database const videoImport = await VideoImportModel.create( Object.assign({ videoId: }, videoImportAttributes), sequelizeOptions ) as MVideoImportFormattable videoImport.Video = videoCreated return videoImport }) return videoImport } async function buildVideoFromImport ({ channelId, importData, importDataOverride, importType }: { channelId: number importData: YoutubeDLInfo importDataOverride?: Partial<VideoImportCreate> importType: 'url' | 'torrent' }): Promise<MVideoThumbnail> { let videoData = { name: importDataOverride?.name || || 'Unknown name', remote: false, category: importDataOverride?.category || importData.category, licence: importDataOverride?.licence ?? importData.licence ?? CONFIG.DEFAULTS.PUBLISH.LICENCE, language: importDataOverride?.language || importData.language, commentsEnabled: importDataOverride?.commentsEnabled ?? CONFIG.DEFAULTS.PUBLISH.COMMENTS_ENABLED, downloadEnabled: importDataOverride?.downloadEnabled ?? CONFIG.DEFAULTS.PUBLISH.DOWNLOAD_ENABLED, waitTranscoding: importDataOverride?.waitTranscoding ?? true, state: VideoState.TO_IMPORT, nsfw: importDataOverride?.nsfw || importData.nsfw || false, description: importDataOverride?.description || importData.description, support: importDataOverride?.support || null, privacy: importDataOverride?.privacy || VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE, duration: 0, // duration will be set by the import job channelId, originallyPublishedAt: importDataOverride?.originallyPublishedAt ? new Date(importDataOverride?.originallyPublishedAt) : importData.originallyPublishedAtWithoutTime } videoData = await Hooks.wrapObject( videoData, importType === 'url' ? '' : '' ) const video = new VideoModel(videoData) video.url = getLocalVideoActivityPubUrl(video) return video } async function buildYoutubeDLImport (options: { targetUrl: string channel: MChannelAccountDefault user: MUser channelSync?: MChannelSync importDataOverride?: Partial<VideoImportCreate> thumbnailFilePath?: string previewFilePath?: string }) { const { targetUrl, channel, channelSync, importDataOverride, thumbnailFilePath, previewFilePath, user } = options const youtubeDL = new YoutubeDLWrapper( targetUrl, ServerConfigManager.Instance.getEnabledResolutions('vod'), CONFIG.TRANSCODING.ALWAYS_TRANSCODE_ORIGINAL_RESOLUTION ) // Get video infos let youtubeDLInfo: YoutubeDLInfo try { youtubeDLInfo = await youtubeDL.getInfoForDownload() } catch (err) { throw YoutubeDlImportError.fromError( err, YoutubeDlImportError.CODE.FETCH_ERROR, `Cannot fetch information from import for URL ${targetUrl}` ) } if (!await hasUnicastURLsOnly(youtubeDLInfo)) { throw new YoutubeDlImportError({ message: 'Cannot use non unicast IP as targetUrl.', code: YoutubeDlImportError.CODE.NOT_ONLY_UNICAST_URL }) } const video = await buildVideoFromImport({ channelId:, importData: youtubeDLInfo, importDataOverride, importType: 'url' }) const thumbnailModel = await forgeThumbnail({ inputPath: thumbnailFilePath, downloadUrl: youtubeDLInfo.thumbnailUrl, video, type: ThumbnailType.MINIATURE }) const previewModel = await forgeThumbnail({ inputPath: previewFilePath, downloadUrl: youtubeDLInfo.thumbnailUrl, video, type: ThumbnailType.PREVIEW }) const videoImport = await insertFromImportIntoDB({ video, thumbnailModel, previewModel, videoChannel: channel, tags: importDataOverride?.tags || youtubeDLInfo.tags, user, videoImportAttributes: { targetUrl, state: VideoImportState.PENDING, userId:, videoChannelSyncId: channelSync?.id }, videoPasswords: importDataOverride.videoPasswords }) await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async transaction => { // Priority to explicitely set description if (importDataOverride?.description) { const inserted = await replaceChaptersFromDescriptionIfNeeded({ newDescription: importDataOverride.description, video, transaction }) if (inserted) return } // Then priority to youtube-dl chapters if (youtubeDLInfo.chapters.length !== 0) { `Inserting chapters in video ${video.uuid} from youtube-dl`, { chapters: youtubeDLInfo.chapters, tags: [ 'chapters', video.uuid ] } ) await replaceChapters({ video, chapters: youtubeDLInfo.chapters, transaction }) return } if (video.description) { await replaceChaptersFromDescriptionIfNeeded({ newDescription: video.description, video, transaction }) } }) // Get video subtitles await processYoutubeSubtitles(youtubeDL, targetUrl, let fileExt = `.${youtubeDLInfo.ext}` if (!isVideoFileExtnameValid(fileExt)) fileExt = '.mp4' const payload: VideoImportPayload = { type: 'youtube-dl' as 'youtube-dl', videoImportId:, fileExt, // If part of a sync process, there is a parent job that will aggregate children results preventException: !!channelSync } return { videoImport, job: { type: 'video-import' as 'video-import', payload } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { buildYoutubeDLImport, YoutubeDlImportError, insertFromImportIntoDB, buildVideoFromImport } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function forgeThumbnail ({ inputPath, video, downloadUrl, type }: { inputPath?: string downloadUrl?: string video: MVideoThumbnail type: ThumbnailType_Type }): Promise<MThumbnail> { if (inputPath) { return updateLocalVideoMiniatureFromExisting({ inputPath, video, type, automaticallyGenerated: false }) } if (downloadUrl) { try { return await updateLocalVideoMiniatureFromUrl({ downloadUrl, video, type }) } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot process thumbnail %s from youtube-dl.', downloadUrl, { err }) } } return null } async function processYoutubeSubtitles (youtubeDL: YoutubeDLWrapper, targetUrl: string, videoId: number) { try { const subtitles = await youtubeDL.getSubtitles()'Found %s subtitles candidates from youtube-dl import %s.', subtitles.length, targetUrl) for (const subtitle of subtitles) { if (!await isVTTFileValid(subtitle.path)) {'%s is not a valid youtube-dl subtitle, skipping', subtitle.path) await remove(subtitle.path) continue } const videoCaption = new VideoCaptionModel({ videoId, language: subtitle.language, filename: VideoCaptionModel.generateCaptionName(subtitle.language) }) as MVideoCaption // Move physical file await moveAndProcessCaptionFile(subtitle, videoCaption) await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { await VideoCaptionModel.insertOrReplaceLanguage(videoCaption, t) })'Added %s youtube-dl subtitle', subtitle.path) } } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot get video subtitles.', { err }) } } async function hasUnicastURLsOnly (youtubeDLInfo: YoutubeDLInfo) { const hosts = => new URL(u).hostname) const uniqHosts = new Set(hosts) for (const h of uniqHosts) { if (await isResolvingToUnicastOnly(h) !== true) { return false } } return true }