import * as ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg' import { ensureDir, pathExists } from 'fs-extra' import { dirname } from 'path' import { buildAbsoluteFixturePath } from './tests' async function generateHighBitrateVideo () { const tempFixturePath = buildAbsoluteFixturePath('video_high_bitrate_1080p.mp4', true) await ensureDir(dirname(tempFixturePath)) const exists = await pathExists(tempFixturePath) if (!exists) { console.log('Generating high bitrate video.') // Generate a random, high bitrate video on the fly, so we don't have to include // a large file in the repo. The video needs to have a certain minimum length so // that FFmpeg properly applies bitrate limits. // return new Promise<string>((res, rej) => { ffmpeg() .outputOptions([ '-f rawvideo', '-video_size 1920x1080', '-i /dev/urandom' ]) .outputOptions([ '-ac 2', '-f s16le', '-i /dev/urandom', '-t 10' ]) .outputOptions([ '-maxrate 10M', '-bufsize 10M' ]) .output(tempFixturePath) .on('error', rej) .on('end', () => res(tempFixturePath)) .run() }) } return tempFixturePath } async function generateVideoWithFramerate (fps = 60) { const tempFixturePath = buildAbsoluteFixturePath(`video_${fps}fps.mp4`, true) await ensureDir(dirname(tempFixturePath)) const exists = await pathExists(tempFixturePath) if (!exists) { console.log('Generating video with framerate %d.', fps) return new Promise<string>((res, rej) => { ffmpeg() .outputOptions([ '-f rawvideo', '-video_size 1280x720', '-i /dev/urandom' ]) .outputOptions([ '-ac 2', '-f s16le', '-i /dev/urandom', '-t 10' ]) .outputOptions([ `-r ${fps}` ]) .output(tempFixturePath) .on('error', rej) .on('end', () => res(tempFixturePath)) .run() }) } return tempFixturePath } export { generateHighBitrateVideo, generateVideoWithFramerate }