import { sanitizeUrl } from '@server/helpers/core-utils' import { ResultList } from '../../../shared/models' import { PeertubePluginIndexList } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index-list.model' import { PeerTubePluginIndex } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-index.model' import { PeertubePluginLatestVersionRequest, PeertubePluginLatestVersionResponse } from '../../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin-latest-version.model' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { doJSONRequest } from '../../helpers/requests' import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config' import { PEERTUBE_VERSION } from '../../initializers/constants' import { PluginModel } from '../../models/server/plugin' import { PluginManager } from './plugin-manager' async function listAvailablePluginsFromIndex (options: PeertubePluginIndexList) { const { start = 0, count = 20, search, sort = 'npmName', pluginType } = options const searchParams: PeertubePluginIndexList & Record<string, string | number> = { start, count, sort, pluginType, search, currentPeerTubeEngine: options.currentPeerTubeEngine || PEERTUBE_VERSION } const uri = CONFIG.PLUGINS.INDEX.URL + '/api/v1/plugins' try { const { body } = await doJSONRequest<any>(uri, { searchParams }) logger.debug('Got result from PeerTube index.', { body }) addInstanceInformation(body) return body as ResultList<PeerTubePluginIndex> } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot list available plugins from index %s.', uri, { err }) return undefined } } function addInstanceInformation (result: ResultList<PeerTubePluginIndex>) { for (const d of { d.installed = PluginManager.Instance.isRegistered(d.npmName) = PluginModel.normalizePluginName(d.npmName) } return result } async function getLatestPluginsVersion (npmNames: string[]): Promise<PeertubePluginLatestVersionResponse> { const bodyRequest: PeertubePluginLatestVersionRequest = { npmNames, currentPeerTubeEngine: PEERTUBE_VERSION } const uri = sanitizeUrl(CONFIG.PLUGINS.INDEX.URL) + '/api/v1/plugins/latest-version' const options = { json: bodyRequest, method: 'POST' as 'POST' } const { body } = await doJSONRequest<PeertubePluginLatestVersionResponse>(uri, options) return body } async function getLatestPluginVersion (npmName: string) { const results = await getLatestPluginsVersion([ npmName ]) if (Array.isArray(results) === false || results.length !== 1) { logger.warn('Cannot get latest supported plugin version of %s.', npmName) return undefined } return results[0].latestVersion } export { listAvailablePluginsFromIndex, getLatestPluginVersion, getLatestPluginsVersion }