import { Transaction } from 'sequelize' import { ActivityAnnounce, ActivityAudience, ActivityCreate, ActivityDislike, ActivityFollow, ActivityLike, ActivityUndo, ContextType } from '@shared/models' import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger' import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video' import { MActor, MActorAudience, MActorFollowActors, MActorLight, MVideo, MVideoAccountLight, MVideoRedundancyVideo, MVideoShare } from '../../../types/models' import { audiencify, getAudience } from '../audience' import { getUndoActivityPubUrl, getVideoDislikeActivityPubUrlByLocalActor, getVideoLikeActivityPubUrlByLocalActor } from '../url' import { buildAnnounceWithVideoAudience } from './send-announce' import { buildCreateActivity } from './send-create' import { buildDislikeActivity } from './send-dislike' import { buildFollowActivity } from './send-follow' import { buildLikeActivity } from './send-like' import { broadcastToFollowers, sendVideoActivityToOrigin, sendVideoRelatedActivity, unicastTo } from './shared/send-utils' function sendUndoFollow (actorFollow: MActorFollowActors, t: Transaction) { const me = actorFollow.ActorFollower const following = actorFollow.ActorFollowing // Same server as ours if (!following.serverId) return'Creating job to send an unfollow request to %s.', following.url) const undoUrl = getUndoActivityPubUrl(actorFollow.url) const followActivity = buildFollowActivity(actorFollow.url, me, following) const undoActivity = undoActivityData(undoUrl, me, followActivity) t.afterCommit(() => { return unicastTo({ data: undoActivity, byActor: me, toActorUrl: following.inboxUrl, contextType: 'Follow' }) }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function sendUndoAnnounce (byActor: MActorLight, videoShare: MVideoShare, video: MVideo, transaction: Transaction) {'Creating job to undo announce %s.', videoShare.url) const undoUrl = getUndoActivityPubUrl(videoShare.url) const { activity: announce, actorsInvolvedInVideo } = await buildAnnounceWithVideoAudience(byActor, videoShare, video, transaction) const undoActivity = undoActivityData(undoUrl, byActor, announce) return broadcastToFollowers({ data: undoActivity, byActor, toFollowersOf: actorsInvolvedInVideo, transaction, actorsException: [ byActor ], contextType: 'Announce' }) } async function sendUndoCacheFile (byActor: MActor, redundancyModel: MVideoRedundancyVideo, transaction: Transaction) {'Creating job to undo cache file %s.', redundancyModel.url) const associatedVideo = redundancyModel.getVideo() if (!associatedVideo) { logger.warn('Cannot send undo activity for redundancy %s: no video files associated.', redundancyModel.url) return } const video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags( const createActivity = buildCreateActivity(redundancyModel.url, byActor, redundancyModel.toActivityPubObject()) return sendUndoVideoRelatedActivity({ byActor, video, url: redundancyModel.url, activity: createActivity, contextType: 'CacheFile', transaction }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function sendUndoLike (byActor: MActor, video: MVideoAccountLight, t: Transaction) {'Creating job to undo a like of video %s.', video.url) const likeUrl = getVideoLikeActivityPubUrlByLocalActor(byActor, video) const likeActivity = buildLikeActivity(likeUrl, byActor, video) return sendUndoVideoRateToOriginActivity({ byActor, video, url: likeUrl, activity: likeActivity, transaction: t }) } async function sendUndoDislike (byActor: MActor, video: MVideoAccountLight, t: Transaction) {'Creating job to undo a dislike of video %s.', video.url) const dislikeUrl = getVideoDislikeActivityPubUrlByLocalActor(byActor, video) const dislikeActivity = buildDislikeActivity(dislikeUrl, byActor, video) return sendUndoVideoRateToOriginActivity({ byActor, video, url: dislikeUrl, activity: dislikeActivity, transaction: t }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { sendUndoFollow, sendUndoLike, sendUndoDislike, sendUndoAnnounce, sendUndoCacheFile } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function undoActivityData ( url: string, byActor: MActorAudience, object: ActivityFollow | ActivityLike | ActivityDislike | ActivityCreate | ActivityAnnounce, audience?: ActivityAudience ): ActivityUndo { if (!audience) audience = getAudience(byActor) return audiencify( { type: 'Undo' as 'Undo', id: url, actor: byActor.url, object }, audience ) } async function sendUndoVideoRelatedActivity (options: { byActor: MActor video: MVideoAccountLight url: string activity: ActivityFollow | ActivityCreate | ActivityAnnounce contextType: ContextType transaction: Transaction }) { const activityBuilder = (audience: ActivityAudience) => { const undoUrl = getUndoActivityPubUrl(options.url) return undoActivityData(undoUrl, options.byActor, options.activity, audience) } return sendVideoRelatedActivity(activityBuilder, options) } async function sendUndoVideoRateToOriginActivity (options: { byActor: MActor video: MVideoAccountLight url: string activity: ActivityLike | ActivityDislike transaction: Transaction }) { const activityBuilder = (audience: ActivityAudience) => { const undoUrl = getUndoActivityPubUrl(options.url) return undoActivityData(undoUrl, options.byActor, options.activity, audience) } return sendVideoActivityToOrigin(activityBuilder, { ...options, contextType: 'Rate' }) }