import { PlaylistObject } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects/playlist-object' import { crawlCollectionPage } from './crawl' import { ACTIVITY_PUB, CRAWL_REQUEST_CONCURRENCY } from '../../initializers/constants' import { AccountModel } from '../../models/account/account' import { isArray } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/misc' import { getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel } from './actor' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { VideoPlaylistModel } from '../../models/video/video-playlist' import { doRequest } from '../../helpers/requests' import { checkUrlsSameHost } from '../../helpers/activitypub' import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird' import { PlaylistElementObject } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects/playlist-element-object' import { getOrCreateVideoAndAccountAndChannel } from './videos' import { isPlaylistElementObjectValid, isPlaylistObjectValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/playlist' import { VideoPlaylistElementModel } from '../../models/video/video-playlist-element' import { VideoModel } from '../../models/video/video' import { VideoPlaylistPrivacy } from '../../../shared/models/videos/playlist/video-playlist-privacy.model' import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../initializers/database' import { createPlaylistMiniatureFromUrl } from '../thumbnail' import { FilteredModelAttributes } from '../../typings/sequelize' import { AccountModelId } from '../../typings/models' function playlistObjectToDBAttributes (playlistObject: PlaylistObject, byAccount: AccountModelId, to: string[]) { const privacy = to.indexOf(ACTIVITY_PUB.PUBLIC) !== -1 ? VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC : VideoPlaylistPrivacy.UNLISTED return { name:, description: playlistObject.content, privacy, url:, uuid: playlistObject.uuid, ownerAccountId:, videoChannelId: null, createdAt: new Date(playlistObject.published), updatedAt: new Date(playlistObject.updated) } } function playlistElementObjectToDBAttributes (elementObject: PlaylistElementObject, videoPlaylist: VideoPlaylistModel, video: VideoModel) { return { position: elementObject.position, url:, startTimestamp: elementObject.startTimestamp || null, stopTimestamp: elementObject.stopTimestamp || null, videoPlaylistId:, videoId: } } async function createAccountPlaylists (playlistUrls: string[], account: AccountModel) { await, async playlistUrl => { try { const exists = await VideoPlaylistModel.doesPlaylistExist(playlistUrl) if (exists === true) return // Fetch url const { body } = await doRequest({ uri: playlistUrl, json: true, activityPub: true }) if (!isPlaylistObjectValid(body)) { throw new Error(`Invalid playlist object when fetch account playlists: ${JSON.stringify(body)}`) } if (!isArray( { throw new Error('Playlist does not have an audience.') } return createOrUpdateVideoPlaylist(body, account, } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot add playlist element %s.', playlistUrl, { err }) } }, { concurrency: CRAWL_REQUEST_CONCURRENCY }) } async function createOrUpdateVideoPlaylist (playlistObject: PlaylistObject, byAccount: AccountModelId, to: string[]) { const playlistAttributes = playlistObjectToDBAttributes(playlistObject, byAccount, to) if (isArray(playlistObject.attributedTo) && playlistObject.attributedTo.length === 1) { const actor = await getOrCreateActorAndServerAndModel(playlistObject.attributedTo[0]) if (actor.VideoChannel) { playlistAttributes.videoChannelId = } else { logger.warn('Attributed to of video playlist %s is not a video channel.',, { playlistObject }) } } const [ playlist ] = await VideoPlaylistModel.upsert(playlistAttributes, { returning: true }) let accItems: string[] = [] await crawlCollectionPage(, items => { accItems = accItems.concat(items) return Promise.resolve() }) const refreshedPlaylist = await VideoPlaylistModel.loadWithAccountAndChannel(, null) if (playlistObject.icon) { try { const thumbnailModel = await createPlaylistMiniatureFromUrl(playlistObject.icon.url, refreshedPlaylist) await refreshedPlaylist.setAndSaveThumbnail(thumbnailModel, undefined) } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot generate thumbnail of %s.',, { err }) } } else if (refreshedPlaylist.hasThumbnail()) { await refreshedPlaylist.Thumbnail.destroy() refreshedPlaylist.Thumbnail = null } return resetVideoPlaylistElements(accItems, refreshedPlaylist) } async function refreshVideoPlaylistIfNeeded (videoPlaylist: VideoPlaylistModel): Promise { if (!videoPlaylist.isOutdated()) return videoPlaylist try { const { statusCode, playlistObject } = await fetchRemoteVideoPlaylist(videoPlaylist.url) if (statusCode === 404) {'Cannot refresh remote video playlist %s: it does not exist anymore. Deleting it.', videoPlaylist.url) await videoPlaylist.destroy() return undefined } if (playlistObject === undefined) { logger.warn('Cannot refresh remote playlist %s: invalid body.', videoPlaylist.url) await videoPlaylist.setAsRefreshed() return videoPlaylist } const byAccount = videoPlaylist.OwnerAccount await createOrUpdateVideoPlaylist(playlistObject, byAccount, return videoPlaylist } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot refresh video playlist %s.', videoPlaylist.url, { err }) await videoPlaylist.setAsRefreshed() return videoPlaylist } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { createAccountPlaylists, playlistObjectToDBAttributes, playlistElementObjectToDBAttributes, createOrUpdateVideoPlaylist, refreshVideoPlaylistIfNeeded } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function resetVideoPlaylistElements (elementUrls: string[], playlist: VideoPlaylistModel) { const elementsToCreate: FilteredModelAttributes[] = [] await, async elementUrl => { try { // Fetch url const { body } = await doRequest({ uri: elementUrl, json: true, activityPub: true }) if (!isPlaylistElementObjectValid(body)) throw new Error(`Invalid body in video get playlist element ${elementUrl}`) if (checkUrlsSameHost(, elementUrl) !== true) { throw new Error(`Playlist element url ${elementUrl} host is different from the AP object id ${}`) } const { video } = await getOrCreateVideoAndAccountAndChannel({ videoObject: { id: body.url }, fetchType: 'only-video' }) elementsToCreate.push(playlistElementObjectToDBAttributes(body, playlist, video)) } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot add playlist element %s.', elementUrl, { err }) } }, { concurrency: CRAWL_REQUEST_CONCURRENCY }) await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { await VideoPlaylistElementModel.deleteAllOf(, t) for (const element of elementsToCreate) { await VideoPlaylistElementModel.create(element, { transaction: t }) } })'Reset playlist %s with %s elements.', playlist.url, elementsToCreate.length) return undefined } async function fetchRemoteVideoPlaylist (playlistUrl: string): Promise<{ statusCode: number, playlistObject: PlaylistObject }> { const options = { uri: playlistUrl, method: 'GET', json: true, activityPub: true }'Fetching remote playlist %s.', playlistUrl) const { response, body } = await doRequest(options) if (isPlaylistObjectValid(body) === false || checkUrlsSameHost(, playlistUrl) !== true) { logger.debug('Remote video playlist JSON is not valid.', { body }) return { statusCode: response.statusCode, playlistObject: undefined } } return { statusCode: response.statusCode, playlistObject: body } }