import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '@server/helpers/database-utils' import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { JobQueue } from '@server/lib/job-queue' import { loadVideoByUrl, VideoLoadByUrlType } from '@server/lib/model-loaders' import { MVideoAccountLightBlacklistAllFiles, MVideoImmutable, MVideoThumbnail } from '@server/types/models' import { APObjectId } from '@shared/models' import { getAPId } from '../activity' import { refreshVideoIfNeeded } from './refresh' import { APVideoCreator, fetchRemoteVideo, SyncParam, syncVideoExternalAttributes } from './shared' type GetVideoResult = Promise<{ video: T created: boolean autoBlacklisted?: boolean }> type GetVideoParamAll = { videoObject: APObjectId syncParam?: SyncParam fetchType?: 'all' allowRefresh?: boolean } type GetVideoParamImmutable = { videoObject: APObjectId syncParam?: SyncParam fetchType: 'only-immutable-attributes' allowRefresh: false } type GetVideoParamOther = { videoObject: APObjectId syncParam?: SyncParam fetchType?: 'all' | 'only-video' allowRefresh?: boolean } function getOrCreateAPVideo (options: GetVideoParamAll): GetVideoResult function getOrCreateAPVideo (options: GetVideoParamImmutable): GetVideoResult function getOrCreateAPVideo (options: GetVideoParamOther): GetVideoResult async function getOrCreateAPVideo ( options: GetVideoParamAll | GetVideoParamImmutable | GetVideoParamOther ): GetVideoResult { // Default params const syncParam = options.syncParam || { rates: true, shares: true, comments: true, thumbnail: true, refreshVideo: false } const fetchType = options.fetchType || 'all' const allowRefresh = options.allowRefresh !== false // Get video url const videoUrl = getAPId(options.videoObject) let videoFromDatabase = await loadVideoByUrl(videoUrl, fetchType) if (videoFromDatabase) { if (allowRefresh === true) { // Typings ensure allowRefresh === false in only-immutable-attributes fetch type videoFromDatabase = await scheduleRefresh(videoFromDatabase as MVideoThumbnail, fetchType, syncParam) } return { video: videoFromDatabase, created: false } } const { videoObject } = await fetchRemoteVideo(videoUrl) if (!videoObject) throw new Error('Cannot fetch remote video with url: ' + videoUrl) // videoUrl is just an alias/rediraction, so process object id instead if ( !== videoUrl) return getOrCreateAPVideo({ ...options, fetchType: 'all', videoObject }) try { const creator = new APVideoCreator(videoObject) const { autoBlacklisted, videoCreated } = await retryTransactionWrapper(creator.create.bind(creator), syncParam.thumbnail) await syncVideoExternalAttributes(videoCreated, videoObject, syncParam) return { video: videoCreated, created: true, autoBlacklisted } } catch (err) { // Maybe a concurrent getOrCreateAPVideo call created this video if ( === 'SequelizeUniqueConstraintError') { const alreadyCreatedVideo = await loadVideoByUrl(videoUrl, fetchType) if (alreadyCreatedVideo) return { video: alreadyCreatedVideo, created: false } logger.error('Cannot create video %s because of SequelizeUniqueConstraintError error, but cannot find it in database.', videoUrl) } throw err } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { getOrCreateAPVideo } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function scheduleRefresh (video: MVideoThumbnail, fetchType: VideoLoadByUrlType, syncParam: SyncParam) { if (!video.isOutdated()) return video const refreshOptions = { video, fetchedType: fetchType, syncParam } if (syncParam.refreshVideo === true) { return refreshVideoIfNeeded(refreshOptions) } await JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'activitypub-refresher', payload: { type: 'video', url: video.url } }) return video }