import { ChildProcess, fork } from 'child_process' import { randomInt } from '../../core-utils/miscs/miscs' import { parallelTests } from '../server/servers' class MockSmtpServer { private static instance: MockSmtpServer private started = false private emailChildProcess: ChildProcess private emails: object[] private constructor () { this.emailChildProcess = fork(`${__dirname}/email-child-process`, []) this.emailChildProcess.on('message', (msg: any) => { if ( { return this.emails.push( } }) process.on('exit', () => this.kill()) } collectEmails (emailsCollection: object[]) { return new Promise<number>((res, rej) => { const port = parallelTests() ? randomInt(1000, 2000) : 1025 if (this.started) { this.emails = emailsCollection return res() } // ensure maildev isn't started until // unexpected exit can be reported to test runner this.emailChildProcess.send({ start: true, port }) this.emailChildProcess.on('exit', () => { return rej(new Error('maildev exited unexpectedly, confirm port not in use')) }) this.emailChildProcess.on('message', (msg: any) => { if (msg.err) return rej(new Error(msg.err)) this.started = true this.emails = emailsCollection return res(port) }) }) } kill () { if (!this.emailChildProcess) return process.kill( this.emailChildProcess = null MockSmtpServer.instance = null } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { MockSmtpServer }