import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger.js' import { VideoFileModel } from '@server/models/video/video-file.js' import { remove } from 'fs-extra' import { join } from 'path' import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' import { QueryTypes } from 'sequelize' import { CONFIG } from '../config.js' async function up (utils: { transaction: Sequelize.Transaction queryInterface: Sequelize.QueryInterface sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize }): Promise { const { transaction } = utils { const query = 'SELECT "videoFileId" FROM "videoRedundancy" WHERE "strategy" IS NOT NULL AND "videoFileId" IS NOT NULL' const rows = await utils.sequelize.query<{ videoFileId: number }>(query, { transaction, type: QueryTypes.SELECT as QueryTypes.SELECT }) for (const { videoFileId } of rows) { try { const videoFile = await VideoFileModel.loadWithVideo(videoFileId, transaction) const filePath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.REDUNDANCY_DIR, videoFile.filename) await remove(filePath) } catch (err) { logger.error(`Cannot delete redundancy file (videoFileId: ${videoFileId}).`, { err }) } } } { const query = 'DELETE FROM "videoRedundancy" WHERE "videoFileId" IS NOT NULL' await utils.sequelize.query(query, { transaction }) } { await utils.sequelize.query('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS video_redundancy_video_file_id', { transaction }) } { await utils.queryInterface.removeColumn('videoRedundancy', 'videoFileId', { transaction }) } { const data = { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, defaultValue: null, allowNull: false } await utils.queryInterface.changeColumn('videoRedundancy', 'videoStreamingPlaylistId', data, { transaction }) } } function down (options) { throw new Error('Not implemented.') } export { down, up }