import { map } from 'lodash' import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize' import { FRIEND_SCORE, PODS_SCORE } from '../../initializers' import { logger, isHostValid } from '../../helpers' import { addMethodsToModel, getSort } from '../utils' import { PodInstance, PodAttributes, PodMethods } from './pod-interface' let Pod: Sequelize.Model let toFormattedJSON: PodMethods.ToFormattedJSON let countAll: PodMethods.CountAll let incrementScores: PodMethods.IncrementScores let list: PodMethods.List let listForApi: PodMethods.ListForApi let listAllIds: PodMethods.ListAllIds let listRandomPodIdsWithRequest: PodMethods.ListRandomPodIdsWithRequest let listBadPods: PodMethods.ListBadPods let load: PodMethods.Load let loadByHost: PodMethods.LoadByHost let removeAll: PodMethods.RemoveAll let updatePodsScore: PodMethods.UpdatePodsScore export default function (sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize, DataTypes: Sequelize.DataTypes) { Pod = sequelize.define('Pod', { host: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { isHost: value => { const res = isHostValid(value) if (res === false) throw new Error('Host not valid.') } } }, publicKey: { type: DataTypes.STRING(5000), allowNull: false }, score: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, defaultValue: FRIEND_SCORE.BASE, allowNull: false, validate: { isInt: true, max: FRIEND_SCORE.MAX } }, email: { type: DataTypes.STRING(400), allowNull: false, validate: { isEmail: true } } }, { indexes: [ { fields: [ 'host' ], unique: true }, { fields: [ 'score' ] } ] } ) const classMethods = [ associate, countAll, incrementScores, list, listForApi, listAllIds, listRandomPodIdsWithRequest, listBadPods, load, loadByHost, updatePodsScore, removeAll ] const instanceMethods = [ toFormattedJSON ] addMethodsToModel(Pod, classMethods, instanceMethods) return Pod } // ------------------------------ METHODS ------------------------------ toFormattedJSON = function (this: PodInstance) { const json = { id:, host:, email:, score: this.score as number, createdAt: this.createdAt } return json } // ------------------------------ Statics ------------------------------ function associate (models) { Pod.belongsToMany(models.Request, { foreignKey: 'podId', through: models.RequestToPod, onDelete: 'cascade' }) } countAll = function () { return Pod.count() } incrementScores = function (ids: number[], value: number) { const update = { score: Sequelize.literal('score +' + value) } const options = { where: { id: { $in: ids } }, // In this case score is a literal and not an integer so we do not validate it validate: false } return Pod.update(update, options) } list = function () { return Pod.findAll() } listForApi = function (start: number, count: number, sort: string) { const query = { offset: start, limit: count, order: [ getSort(sort) ] } return Pod.findAndCountAll(query).then(({ rows, count }) => { return { data: rows, total: count } }) } listAllIds = function (transaction: Sequelize.Transaction) { const query = { attributes: [ 'id' ], transaction } return Pod.findAll(query).then(pods => { return map(pods, 'id') }) } listRandomPodIdsWithRequest = function (limit: number, tableWithPods: string, tableWithPodsJoins: string) { return Pod.count().then(count => { // Optimization... if (count === 0) return [] let start = Math.floor(Math.random() * count) - limit if (start < 0) start = 0 const query = { attributes: [ 'id' ], order: [ [ 'id', 'ASC' ] ], offset: start, limit: limit, where: { id: { $in: Sequelize.literal(`(SELECT DISTINCT "${tableWithPods}"."podId" FROM "${tableWithPods}" ${tableWithPodsJoins})`) } } } return Pod.findAll(query).then(pods => { return map(pods, 'id') }) }) } listBadPods = function () { const query = { where: { score: { $lte: 0 } } } return Pod.findAll(query) } load = function (id: number) { return Pod.findById(id) } loadByHost = function (host: string) { const query = { where: { host: host } } return Pod.findOne(query) } removeAll = function () { return Pod.destroy() } updatePodsScore = function (goodPods: number[], badPods: number[]) {'Updating %d good pods and %d bad pods scores.', goodPods.length, badPods.length) if (goodPods.length !== 0) { incrementScores(goodPods, PODS_SCORE.BONUS).catch(err => { logger.error('Cannot increment scores of good pods.', err) }) } if (badPods.length !== 0) { incrementScores(badPods, PODS_SCORE.PENALTY) .then(() => removeBadPods()) .catch(err => { if (err) logger.error('Cannot decrement scores of bad pods.', err) }) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Remove pods with a score of 0 (too many requests where they were unreachable) async function removeBadPods () { try { const pods = await listBadPods() const podsRemovePromises = => pod.destroy()) await Promise.all(podsRemovePromises) const numberOfPodsRemoved = pods.length if (numberOfPodsRemoved) {'Removed %d pods.', numberOfPodsRemoved) } else {'No need to remove bad pods.') } } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot remove bad pods.', err) } }