/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { cleanupTests, createUser, deleteVideoChannelImage, doubleFollow, flushAndRunMultipleServers, getVideo, getVideoChannel, getVideoChannelVideos, testImage, updateVideo, updateVideoChannelImage, uploadVideo, userLogin, wait } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils' import { addVideoChannel, deleteVideoChannel, getAccountVideoChannelsList, getMyUserInformation, getVideoChannelsList, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, updateVideoChannel, viewVideo } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils/index' import { waitJobs } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils/server/jobs' import { User, Video, VideoChannel, VideoDetails } from '../../../../shared/index' const expect = chai.expect async function findChannel (server: ServerInfo, channelId: number) { const res = await getVideoChannelsList(server.url, 0, 5, '-name') const videoChannel = res.body.data.find(c => c.id === channelId) return videoChannel as VideoChannel } describe('Test video channels', function () { let servers: ServerInfo[] let userInfo: User let firstVideoChannelId: number let secondVideoChannelId: number let videoUUID: string before(async function () { this.timeout(60000) servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2) await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) { const res = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken) const user: User = res.body firstVideoChannelId = user.videoChannels[0].id } await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should have one video channel (created with root)', async () => { const res = await getVideoChannelsList(servers[0].url, 0, 2) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) expect(res.body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) }) it('Should create another video channel', async function () { this.timeout(10000) { const videoChannel = { name: 'second_video_channel', displayName: 'second video channel', description: 'super video channel description', support: 'super video channel support text' } const res = await addVideoChannel(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoChannel) secondVideoChannelId = res.body.videoChannel.id } // The channel is 1 is propagated to servers 2 { const videoAttributesArg = { name: 'my video name', channelId: secondVideoChannelId, support: 'video support field' } const res = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoAttributesArg) videoUUID = res.body.video.uuid } await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should have two video channels when getting my information', async () => { const res = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken) userInfo = res.body expect(userInfo.videoChannels).to.be.an('array') expect(userInfo.videoChannels).to.have.lengthOf(2) const videoChannels = userInfo.videoChannels expect(videoChannels[0].name).to.equal('root_channel') expect(videoChannels[0].displayName).to.equal('Main root channel') expect(videoChannels[1].name).to.equal('second_video_channel') expect(videoChannels[1].displayName).to.equal('second video channel') expect(videoChannels[1].description).to.equal('super video channel description') expect(videoChannels[1].support).to.equal('super video channel support text') }) it('Should have two video channels when getting account channels on server 1', async function () { const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[0].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host }) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(res.body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(2) const videoChannels = res.body.data expect(videoChannels[0].name).to.equal('root_channel') expect(videoChannels[0].displayName).to.equal('Main root channel') expect(videoChannels[1].name).to.equal('second_video_channel') expect(videoChannels[1].displayName).to.equal('second video channel') expect(videoChannels[1].description).to.equal('super video channel description') expect(videoChannels[1].support).to.equal('super video channel support text') }) it('Should paginate and sort account channels', async function () { { const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[0].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host, start: 0, count: 1, sort: 'createdAt' }) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) const videoChannel: VideoChannel = res.body.data[0] expect(videoChannel.name).to.equal('root_channel') } { const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[0].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host, start: 0, count: 1, sort: '-createdAt' }) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) const videoChannel: VideoChannel = res.body.data[0] expect(videoChannel.name).to.equal('second_video_channel') } { const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[0].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host, start: 1, count: 1, sort: '-createdAt' }) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) const videoChannel: VideoChannel = res.body.data[0] expect(videoChannel.name).to.equal('root_channel') } }) it('Should have one video channel when getting account channels on server 2', async function () { const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[1].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host }) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) expect(res.body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) const videoChannels = res.body.data expect(videoChannels[0].name).to.equal('second_video_channel') expect(videoChannels[0].displayName).to.equal('second video channel') expect(videoChannels[0].description).to.equal('super video channel description') expect(videoChannels[0].support).to.equal('super video channel support text') }) it('Should list video channels', async function () { const res = await getVideoChannelsList(servers[0].url, 1, 1, '-name') expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(res.body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(res.body.data[0].name).to.equal('root_channel') expect(res.body.data[0].displayName).to.equal('Main root channel') }) it('Should update video channel', async function () { this.timeout(15000) const videoChannelAttributes = { displayName: 'video channel updated', description: 'video channel description updated', support: 'support updated' } await updateVideoChannel(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, 'second_video_channel', videoChannelAttributes) await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should have video channel updated', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideoChannelsList(server.url, 0, 1, '-name') expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(res.body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(res.body.data[0].name).to.equal('second_video_channel') expect(res.body.data[0].displayName).to.equal('video channel updated') expect(res.body.data[0].description).to.equal('video channel description updated') expect(res.body.data[0].support).to.equal('support updated') } }) it('Should not have updated the video support field', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoUUID) const video: VideoDetails = res.body expect(video.support).to.equal('video support field') } }) it('Should update the channel support field and update videos too', async function () { this.timeout(35000) const videoChannelAttributes = { support: 'video channel support text updated', bulkVideosSupportUpdate: true } await updateVideoChannel(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, 'second_video_channel', videoChannelAttributes) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideo(server.url, videoUUID) const video: VideoDetails = res.body expect(video.support).to.equal(videoChannelAttributes.support) } }) it('Should update video channel avatar', async function () { this.timeout(15000) const fixture = 'avatar.png' await updateVideoChannelImage({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, videoChannelName: 'second_video_channel', fixture, type: 'avatar' }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const videoChannel = await findChannel(server, secondVideoChannelId) await testImage(server.url, 'avatar-resized', videoChannel.avatar.path, '.png') } }) it('Should update video channel banner', async function () { this.timeout(15000) const fixture = 'banner.jpg' await updateVideoChannelImage({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, videoChannelName: 'second_video_channel', fixture, type: 'banner' }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const res = await getVideoChannel(server.url, 'second_video_channel@' + servers[0].host) const videoChannel = res.body await testImage(server.url, 'banner-resized', videoChannel.banner.path) } }) it('Should delete the video channel avatar', async function () { this.timeout(15000) await deleteVideoChannelImage({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, videoChannelName: 'second_video_channel', type: 'avatar' }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const videoChannel = await findChannel(server, secondVideoChannelId) expect(videoChannel.avatar).to.be.null } }) it('Should delete the video channel banner', async function () { this.timeout(15000) await deleteVideoChannelImage({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, videoChannelName: 'second_video_channel', type: 'banner' }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const videoChannel = await findChannel(server, secondVideoChannelId) expect(videoChannel.banner).to.be.null } }) it('Should list the second video channel videos', async function () { this.timeout(10000) for (const server of servers) { const channelURI = 'second_video_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port const res1 = await getVideoChannelVideos(server.url, server.accessToken, channelURI, 0, 5) expect(res1.body.total).to.equal(1) expect(res1.body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(res1.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(res1.body.data[0].name).to.equal('my video name') } }) it('Should change the video channel of a video', async function () { this.timeout(10000) await updateVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, { channelId: firstVideoChannelId }) await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should list the first video channel videos', async function () { this.timeout(10000) for (const server of servers) { const secondChannelURI = 'second_video_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port const res1 = await getVideoChannelVideos(server.url, server.accessToken, secondChannelURI, 0, 5) expect(res1.body.total).to.equal(0) const channelURI = 'root_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port const res2 = await getVideoChannelVideos(server.url, server.accessToken, channelURI, 0, 5) expect(res2.body.total).to.equal(1) const videos: Video[] = res2.body.data expect(videos).to.be.an('array') expect(videos).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(videos[0].name).to.equal('my video name') } }) it('Should delete video channel', async function () { await deleteVideoChannel(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, 'second_video_channel') }) it('Should have video channel deleted', async function () { const res = await getVideoChannelsList(servers[0].url, 0, 10) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) expect(res.body.data).to.be.an('array') expect(res.body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(res.body.data[0].displayName).to.equal('Main root channel') }) it('Should create the main channel with an uuid if there is a conflict', async function () { { const videoChannel = { name: 'toto_channel', displayName: 'My toto channel' } await addVideoChannel(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoChannel) } { await createUser({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, username: 'toto', password: 'password' }) const accessToken = await userLogin(servers[0], { username: 'toto', password: 'password' }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, accessToken) const videoChannel = res.body.videoChannels[0] expect(videoChannel.name).to.match(/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/) } }) it('Should report correct channel views per days', async function () { this.timeout(10000) { const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[0].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host, withStats: true }) const channels: VideoChannel[] = res.body.data for (const channel of channels) { expect(channel).to.haveOwnProperty('viewsPerDay') expect(channel.viewsPerDay).to.have.length(30 + 1) // daysPrior + today for (const v of channel.viewsPerDay) { expect(v.date).to.be.an('string') expect(v.views).to.equal(0) } } } { // video has been posted on channel firstVideoChannelId since last update await viewVideo(servers[0].url, videoUUID, 204, ',') await viewVideo(servers[0].url, videoUUID, 204, ',') // Wait the repeatable job await wait(8000) const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[0].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host, withStats: true }) const channelWithView = res.body.data.find((channel: VideoChannel) => channel.id === firstVideoChannelId) expect(channelWithView.viewsPerDay.slice(-1)[0].views).to.equal(2) } }) it('Should report correct videos count', async function () { const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[0].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host, withStats: true }) const channels: VideoChannel[] = res.body.data const totoChannel = channels.find(c => c.name === 'toto_channel') const rootChannel = channels.find(c => c.name === 'root_channel') expect(rootChannel.videosCount).to.equal(1) expect(totoChannel.videosCount).to.equal(0) }) it('Should search among account video channels', async function () { { const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[0].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host, search: 'root' }) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) const channels = res.body.data expect(channels).to.have.lengthOf(1) } { const res = await getAccountVideoChannelsList({ url: servers[0].url, accountName: userInfo.account.name + '@' + userInfo.account.host, search: 'does not exist' }) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(0) const channels = res.body.data expect(channels).to.have.lengthOf(0) } }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests(servers) }) })