import { maxBy, minBy, randomInt } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { AbuseState, AbuseStateType, ActivityPubActorType, ActorImageType, ActorImageType_Type, FollowState, JobType, NSFWPolicyType, RunnerJobState, RunnerJobStateType, UserExportState, UserExportStateType, UserImportState, UserImportStateType, UserRegistrationState, UserRegistrationStateType, VideoChannelSyncState, VideoChannelSyncStateType, VideoCommentPolicy, VideoCommentPolicyType, VideoImportState, VideoImportStateType, VideoPlaylistPrivacy, VideoPlaylistPrivacyType, VideoPlaylistType, VideoPlaylistType_Type, VideoPrivacy, VideoPrivacyType, VideoRateType, VideoResolution, VideoState, VideoStateType } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { isTestInstance, isTestOrDevInstance, root } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils' import { RepeatOptions } from 'bullmq' import { Encoding, randomBytes } from 'crypto' import { readJsonSync } from 'fs-extra/esm' import invert from 'lodash-es/invert.js' import { join } from 'path' // Do not use barrels, remain constants as independent as possible import { cpus } from 'os' import { parseDurationToMs, sanitizeHost, sanitizeUrl } from '../helpers/core-utils.js' import { CONFIG, registerConfigChangedHandler } from './config.js' // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const LAST_MIGRATION_VERSION = 865 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const API_VERSION = 'v1' export const PEERTUBE_VERSION: string = readJsonSync(join(root(), 'package.json')).version export const PAGINATION = { GLOBAL: { COUNT: { DEFAULT: 15, MAX: 100 } }, OUTBOX: { COUNT: { MAX: 50 } } } export const WEBSERVER = { URL: '', HOST: '', SCHEME: '', WS: '', HOSTNAME: '', PORT: 0, RTMP_URL: '', RTMPS_URL: '', RTMP_BASE_LIVE_URL: '', RTMPS_BASE_LIVE_URL: '' } // Sortable columns per schema export const SORTABLE_COLUMNS = { ADMIN_USERS: [ 'id', 'username', 'videoQuotaUsed', 'createdAt', 'lastLoginDate', 'role' ], USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS: [ 'id', 'createdAt' ], ACCOUNTS: [ 'createdAt' ], JOBS: [ 'createdAt' ], VIDEO_CHANNELS: [ 'id', 'name', 'updatedAt', 'createdAt' ], VIDEO_IMPORTS: [ 'createdAt' ], VIDEO_CHANNEL_SYNCS: [ 'externalChannelUrl', 'videoChannel', 'createdAt', 'lastSyncAt', 'state' ], VIDEO_COMMENT_THREADS: [ 'createdAt', 'totalReplies' ], VIDEO_COMMENTS: [ 'createdAt' ], VIDEO_PASSWORDS: [ 'createdAt' ], VIDEO_RATES: [ 'createdAt' ], BLACKLISTS: [ 'id', 'name', 'duration', 'views', 'likes', 'dislikes', 'uuid', 'createdAt' ], INSTANCE_FOLLOWERS: [ 'createdAt', 'state', 'score' ], INSTANCE_FOLLOWING: [ 'createdAt', 'redundancyAllowed', 'state' ], ACCOUNT_FOLLOWERS: [ 'createdAt' ], CHANNEL_FOLLOWERS: [ 'createdAt' ], USER_REGISTRATIONS: [ 'createdAt', 'state' ], RUNNERS: [ 'createdAt' ], RUNNER_REGISTRATION_TOKENS: [ 'createdAt' ], RUNNER_JOBS: [ 'updatedAt', 'createdAt', 'priority', 'state', 'progress' ], VIDEOS: [ 'name', 'duration', 'createdAt', 'publishedAt', 'originallyPublishedAt', 'views', 'likes', 'trending', 'hot', 'best', 'localVideoFilesSize' ], // Don't forget to update peertube-search-index with the same values VIDEOS_SEARCH: [ 'name', 'duration', 'createdAt', 'publishedAt', 'originallyPublishedAt', 'views', 'likes', 'match' ], VIDEO_CHANNELS_SEARCH: [ 'match', 'displayName', 'createdAt' ], VIDEO_PLAYLISTS_SEARCH: [ 'match', 'displayName', 'createdAt' ], ABUSES: [ 'id', 'createdAt', 'state' ], ACCOUNTS_BLOCKLIST: [ 'createdAt' ], SERVERS_BLOCKLIST: [ 'createdAt' ], WATCHED_WORDS_LISTS: [ 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'listName' ], USER_NOTIFICATIONS: [ 'createdAt', 'read' ], VIDEO_PLAYLISTS: [ 'name', 'displayName', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ], PLUGINS: [ 'name', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' ], AVAILABLE_PLUGINS: [ 'npmName', 'popularity', 'trending' ], VIDEO_REDUNDANCIES: [ 'name' ] } export const ROUTE_CACHE_LIFETIME = { FEEDS: '15 minutes', ROBOTS: '2 hours', SITEMAP: '1 day', SECURITYTXT: '2 hours', NODEINFO: '10 minutes', DNT_POLICY: '1 week', ACTIVITY_PUB: { VIDEOS: '1 second' // 1 second, cache concurrent requests after a broadcast for example }, STATS: '4 hours', WELL_KNOWN: '1 day' } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Number of points we add/remove after a successful/bad request export const ACTOR_FOLLOW_SCORE = { PENALTY: -10, BONUS: 10, BASE: 1000, MAX: 10000 } export const FOLLOW_STATES: { [ id: string ]: FollowState } = { PENDING: 'pending', ACCEPTED: 'accepted', REJECTED: 'rejected' } export const REMOTE_SCHEME = { HTTP: 'https', WS: 'wss' } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const JOB_ATTEMPTS: { [id in JobType]: number } = { 'activitypub-http-broadcast': 1, 'activitypub-http-broadcast-parallel': 1, 'activitypub-http-unicast': 1, 'activitypub-http-fetcher': 2, 'activitypub-follow': 5, 'activitypub-cleaner': 1, 'video-file-import': 1, 'video-transcoding': 1, 'video-import': 1, 'email': 5, 'actor-keys': 3, 'videos-views-stats': 1, 'activitypub-refresher': 1, 'video-redundancy': 1, 'video-live-ending': 1, 'video-studio-edition': 1, 'manage-video-torrent': 1, 'video-channel-import': 1, 'after-video-channel-import': 1, 'move-to-object-storage': 3, 'move-to-file-system': 3, 'transcoding-job-builder': 1, 'generate-video-storyboard': 1, 'notify': 1, 'federate-video': 1, 'create-user-export': 1, 'import-user-archive': 1, 'video-transcription': 2 } // Excluded keys are jobs that can be configured by admins export const JOB_CONCURRENCY: { [id in Exclude]: number } = { 'activitypub-http-broadcast': 1, 'activitypub-http-broadcast-parallel': 30, 'activitypub-http-unicast': 30, 'activitypub-http-fetcher': 3, 'activitypub-cleaner': 1, 'activitypub-follow': 1, 'video-file-import': 1, 'email': 5, 'actor-keys': 1, 'videos-views-stats': 1, 'activitypub-refresher': 1, 'video-redundancy': 1, 'video-live-ending': 10, 'video-studio-edition': 1, 'manage-video-torrent': 1, // Keep it to 1 to prevent concurrency issues 'move-to-object-storage': 1, 'move-to-file-system': 1, 'video-channel-import': 1, 'after-video-channel-import': 1, 'transcoding-job-builder': 1, 'generate-video-storyboard': 1, 'notify': 5, 'federate-video': 3, 'create-user-export': 1, 'import-user-archive': 1, 'video-transcription': 1 } export const JOB_TTL: { [id in JobType]: number } = { 'activitypub-http-broadcast': 60000 * 10, // 10 minutes 'activitypub-http-broadcast-parallel': 60000 * 10, // 10 minutes 'activitypub-http-unicast': 60000 * 10, // 10 minutes 'activitypub-http-fetcher': 1000 * 3600 * 10, // 10 hours 'activitypub-follow': 60000 * 10, // 10 minutes 'activitypub-cleaner': 1000 * 3600, // 1 hour 'video-file-import': 1000 * 3600, // 1 hour 'video-transcoding': 1000 * 3600 * 48, // 2 days, transcoding could be long 'video-studio-edition': 1000 * 3600 * 10, // 10 hours 'video-import': CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEOS.TIMEOUT, 'email': 60000 * 10, // 10 minutes 'actor-keys': 60000 * 20, // 20 minutes 'videos-views-stats': undefined, // Unlimited 'activitypub-refresher': 60000 * 10, // 10 minutes 'video-redundancy': 1000 * 3600 * 3, // 3 hours 'video-live-ending': 1000 * 60 * 10, // 10 minutes 'generate-video-storyboard': 1000 * 3600 * 6, // 6 hours 'manage-video-torrent': 1000 * 3600 * 3, // 3 hours 'move-to-object-storage': 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3, // 3 hours 'move-to-file-system': 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3, // 3 hours 'video-channel-import': 1000 * 60 * 60 * 4, // 4 hours 'after-video-channel-import': 60000 * 5, // 5 minutes 'transcoding-job-builder': 60000, // 1 minute 'notify': 60000 * 5, // 5 minutes 'federate-video': 60000 * 5, // 5 minutes, 'create-user-export': 60000 * 60 * 24, // 24 hours 'import-user-archive': 60000 * 60 * 24, // 24 hours 'video-transcription': 1000 * 3600 * 6 // 6 hours } export const REPEAT_JOBS: { [ id in JobType ]?: RepeatOptions } = { 'videos-views-stats': { pattern: randomInt(1, 20) + ' * * * *' // Between 1-20 minutes past the hour }, 'activitypub-cleaner': { pattern: '30 5 * * ' + randomInt(0, 7) // 1 time per week (random day) at 5:30 AM } } export const JOB_PRIORITY = { TRANSCODING: 100, VIDEO_STUDIO: 150, TRANSCRIPTION: 200 } export const JOB_REMOVAL_OPTIONS = { COUNT: 10000, // Max jobs to store SUCCESS: { // Success jobs 'DEFAULT': parseDurationToMs('2 days'), 'activitypub-http-broadcast-parallel': parseDurationToMs('10 minutes'), 'activitypub-http-unicast': parseDurationToMs('1 hour'), 'videos-views-stats': parseDurationToMs('3 hours'), 'activitypub-refresher': parseDurationToMs('10 hours') }, FAILURE: { // Failed job DEFAULT: parseDurationToMs('7 days') } } export const VIDEO_IMPORT_TIMEOUT = Math.floor(JOB_TTL['video-import'] * 0.9) export const RUNNER_JOBS = { MAX_FAILURES: 5, LAST_CONTACT_UPDATE_INTERVAL: 30000 } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const BROADCAST_CONCURRENCY = 30 // How many requests in parallel we do in activitypub-http-broadcast job export const CRAWL_REQUEST_CONCURRENCY = 1 // How many requests in parallel to fetch remote data (likes, shares...) export const AP_CLEANER = { CONCURRENCY: 10, // How many requests in parallel we do in activitypub-cleaner job UNAVAILABLE_TRESHOLD: 3, // How many attempts we do before removing an unavailable remote resource PERIOD: parseDurationToMs('1 week') // /!\ Has to be sync with REPEAT_JOBS } export const REQUEST_TIMEOUTS = { DEFAULT: 7000, // 7 seconds FILE: 30000, // 30 seconds VIDEO_FILE: 60000, // 1 minute REDUNDANCY: JOB_TTL['video-redundancy'] } export const SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS = { RUNNER_JOB_WATCH_DOG: Math.min(CONFIG.REMOTE_RUNNERS.STALLED_JOBS.VOD, CONFIG.REMOTE_RUNNERS.STALLED_JOBS.LIVE), ACTOR_FOLLOW_SCORES: 60000 * 60, // 1 hour REMOVE_OLD_JOBS: 60000 * 60, // 1 hour UPDATE_VIDEOS: 60000, // 1 minute YOUTUBE_DL_UPDATE: 60000 * 60 * 24, // 1 day GEO_IP_UPDATE: 60000 * 60 * 24, // 1 day VIDEO_VIEWS_BUFFER_UPDATE: CONFIG.VIEWS.VIDEOS.LOCAL_BUFFER_UPDATE_INTERVAL, CHECK_PLUGINS: CONFIG.PLUGINS.INDEX.CHECK_LATEST_VERSIONS_INTERVAL, CHECK_PEERTUBE_VERSION: 60000 * 60 * 24, // 1 day AUTO_FOLLOW_INDEX_INSTANCES: 60000 * 60 * 24, // 1 day REMOVE_OLD_VIEWS: 60000 * 60 * 24, // 1 day REMOVE_OLD_HISTORY: 60000 * 60 * 24, // 1 day REMOVE_EXPIRED_USER_EXPORTS: 1000 * 3600, // 1 hour UPDATE_INBOX_STATS: 1000 * 60, // 1 minute REMOVE_DANGLING_RESUMABLE_UPLOADS: 60000 * 60, // 1 hour CHANNEL_SYNC_CHECK_INTERVAL: CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEO_CHANNEL_SYNCHRONIZATION.CHECK_INTERVAL } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS = { USERS: { NAME: { min: 1, max: 120 }, // Length DESCRIPTION: { min: 3, max: 1000 }, // Length USERNAME: { min: 1, max: 50 }, // Length PASSWORD: { min: 6, max: 255 }, // Length VIDEO_QUOTA: { min: -1 }, VIDEO_QUOTA_DAILY: { min: -1 }, VIDEO_LANGUAGES: { max: 500 }, // Array length BLOCKED_REASON: { min: 3, max: 250 } // Length }, ABUSES: { REASON: { min: 2, max: 3000 }, // Length MODERATION_COMMENT: { min: 2, max: 3000 } // Length }, ABUSE_MESSAGES: { MESSAGE: { min: 2, max: 3000 } // Length }, USER_REGISTRATIONS: { REASON_MESSAGE: { min: 2, max: 3000 }, // Length MODERATOR_MESSAGE: { min: 2, max: 3000 } // Length }, VIDEO_BLACKLIST: { REASON: { min: 2, max: 300 } // Length }, VIDEO_CHANNELS: { NAME: { min: 1, max: 120 }, // Length DESCRIPTION: { min: 3, max: 1000 }, // Length SUPPORT: { min: 3, max: 1000 }, // Length EXTERNAL_CHANNEL_URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 }, // Length URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length }, VIDEO_CHANNEL_SYNCS: { EXTERNAL_CHANNEL_URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length }, VIDEO_CAPTIONS: { CAPTION_FILE: { EXTNAME: [ '.vtt', '.srt' ], FILE_SIZE: { max: 20 * 1024 * 1024 // 20MB } } }, VIDEO_IMPORTS: { URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 }, // Length TORRENT_NAME: { min: 3, max: 255 }, // Length TORRENT_FILE: { EXTNAME: [ '.torrent' ], FILE_SIZE: { max: 1024 * 200 // 200 KB } } }, VIDEOS_REDUNDANCY: { URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length }, VIDEO_RATES: { URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length }, VIDEOS: { NAME: { min: 3, max: 120 }, // Length LANGUAGE: { min: 1, max: 10 }, // Length TRUNCATED_DESCRIPTION: { min: 3, max: 250 }, // Length DESCRIPTION: { min: 3, max: 10000 }, // Length SUPPORT: { min: 3, max: 1000 }, // Length IMAGE: { EXTNAME: [ '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.webp' ], FILE_SIZE: { max: 8 * 1024 * 1024 // 8MB } }, EXTNAME: [] as string[], INFO_HASH: { min: 40, max: 40 }, // Length, info hash is 20 bytes length but we represent it in hexadecimal so 20 * 2 DURATION: { min: 0 }, // Number TAGS: { min: 0, max: 5 }, // Number of total tags TAG: { min: 2, max: 30 }, // Length VIEWS: { min: 0 }, LIKES: { min: 0 }, DISLIKES: { min: 0 }, FILE_SIZE: { min: -1 }, PARTIAL_UPLOAD_SIZE: { max: 50 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 }, // 50GB URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length }, VIDEO_SOURCE: { FILENAME: { min: 1, max: 1000 } // Length }, VIDEO_PLAYLISTS: { NAME: { min: 1, max: 120 }, // Length DESCRIPTION: { min: 3, max: 1000 }, // Length URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 }, // Length IMAGE: { EXTNAME: [ '.jpg', '.jpeg' ], FILE_SIZE: { max: 8 * 1024 * 1024 // 8MB } } }, ACTORS: { PUBLIC_KEY: { min: 10, max: 5000 }, // Length PRIVATE_KEY: { min: 10, max: 5000 }, // Length URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 }, // Length IMAGE: { EXTNAME: [ '.png', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.gif', '.webp' ], FILE_SIZE: { max: 8 * 1024 * 1024 // 8MB } } }, VIDEO_EVENTS: { COUNT: { min: 0 } }, VIDEO_COMMENTS: { TEXT: { min: 1, max: 10000 }, // Length URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length }, VIDEO_SHARE: { URL: { min: 3, max: 2000 } // Length }, CONTACT_FORM: { FROM_NAME: { min: 1, max: 120 }, // Length BODY: { min: 3, max: 5000 } // Length }, PLUGINS: { NAME: { min: 1, max: 214 }, // Length DESCRIPTION: { min: 1, max: 20000 } // Length }, COMMONS: { URL: { min: 5, max: 2000 } // Length }, VIDEO_STUDIO: { TASKS: { min: 1, max: 10 }, // Number of tasks CUT_TIME: { min: 0 } // Value }, LOGS: { CLIENT_MESSAGE: { min: 1, max: 1000 }, // Length CLIENT_STACK_TRACE: { min: 1, max: 15000 }, // Length CLIENT_META: { min: 1, max: 15000 }, // Length CLIENT_USER_AGENT: { min: 1, max: 200 } // Length }, RUNNERS: { TOKEN: { min: 1, max: 1000 }, // Length NAME: { min: 1, max: 100 }, // Length DESCRIPTION: { min: 1, max: 1000 } // Length }, RUNNER_JOBS: { TOKEN: { min: 1, max: 1000 }, // Length REASON: { min: 1, max: 5000 }, // Length ERROR_MESSAGE: { min: 1, max: 5000 }, // Length PROGRESS: { min: 0, max: 100 } // Value }, VIDEO_PASSWORD: { LENGTH: { min: 2, max: 100 } }, VIDEO_CHAPTERS: { TITLE: { min: 1, max: 100 } // Length }, WATCHED_WORDS: { LIST_NAME: { min: 1, max: 100 }, // Length WORDS: { min: 1, max: 500 }, // Number of total words WORD: { min: 1, max: 100 } // Length } } export const VIEW_LIFETIME = { VIEW: CONFIG.VIEWS.VIDEOS.VIEW_EXPIRATION, VIEWER_COUNTER: 60000 * 2, // 2 minutes VIEWER_STATS: 60000 * 60 // 1 hour } export let VIEWER_SYNC_REDIS = 30000 // Sync viewer into redis export const MAX_LOCAL_VIEWER_WATCH_SECTIONS = 100 export let CONTACT_FORM_LIFETIME = 60000 * 60 // 1 hour export const DEFAULT_AUDIO_RESOLUTION = VideoResolution.H_480P export const DEFAULT_AUDIO_MERGE_RESOLUTION = 25 export const VIDEO_RATE_TYPES: { [ id: string ]: VideoRateType } = { LIKE: 'like', DISLIKE: 'dislike' } export const USER_IMPORT = { MAX_PLAYLIST_ELEMENTS: 1000 } export const FFMPEG_NICE = { // parent process defaults to niceness = 0 // reminder: lower = higher priority, max value is 19, lowest is -20 LIVE: 5, // prioritize over VOD and THUMBNAIL THUMBNAIL: 10, VOD: 15 } export const VIDEO_CATEGORIES = { 1: 'Music', 2: 'Films', 3: 'Vehicles', 4: 'Art', 5: 'Sports', 6: 'Travels', 7: 'Gaming', 8: 'People', 9: 'Comedy', 10: 'Entertainment', 11: 'News & Politics', 12: 'How To', 13: 'Education', 14: 'Activism', 15: 'Science & Technology', 16: 'Animals', 17: 'Kids', 18: 'Food' } // See export const VIDEO_LICENCES = { 1: 'Attribution', 2: 'Attribution - Share Alike', 3: 'Attribution - No Derivatives', 4: 'Attribution - Non Commercial', 5: 'Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike', 6: 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives', 7: 'Public Domain Dedication' } export const VIDEO_LANGUAGES: { [id: string]: string } = {} export const VIDEO_PRIVACIES: { [ id in VideoPrivacyType ]: string } = { [VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC]: 'Public', [VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED]: 'Unlisted', [VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE]: 'Private', [VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL]: 'Internal', [VideoPrivacy.PASSWORD_PROTECTED]: 'Password protected' } export const VIDEO_STATES: { [ id in VideoStateType ]: string } = { [VideoState.PUBLISHED]: 'Published', [VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE]: 'To transcode', [VideoState.TO_IMPORT]: 'To import', [VideoState.WAITING_FOR_LIVE]: 'Waiting for livestream', [VideoState.LIVE_ENDED]: 'Livestream ended', [VideoState.TO_MOVE_TO_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]: 'To move to an external storage', [VideoState.TRANSCODING_FAILED]: 'Transcoding failed', [VideoState.TO_MOVE_TO_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_FAILED]: 'External storage move failed', [VideoState.TO_EDIT]: 'To edit', [VideoState.TO_MOVE_TO_FILE_SYSTEM]: 'To move to file system', [VideoState.TO_MOVE_TO_FILE_SYSTEM_FAILED]: 'Move to file system failed' } export const VIDEO_IMPORT_STATES: { [ id in VideoImportStateType ]: string } = { [VideoImportState.FAILED]: 'Failed', [VideoImportState.PENDING]: 'Pending', [VideoImportState.SUCCESS]: 'Success', [VideoImportState.REJECTED]: 'Rejected', [VideoImportState.CANCELLED]: 'Cancelled', [VideoImportState.PROCESSING]: 'Processing' } export const VIDEO_CHANNEL_SYNC_STATE: { [ id in VideoChannelSyncStateType ]: string } = { [VideoChannelSyncState.FAILED]: 'Failed', [VideoChannelSyncState.SYNCED]: 'Synchronized', [VideoChannelSyncState.PROCESSING]: 'Processing', [VideoChannelSyncState.WAITING_FIRST_RUN]: 'Waiting first run' } export const ABUSE_STATES: { [ id in AbuseStateType ]: string } = { [AbuseState.PENDING]: 'Pending', [AbuseState.REJECTED]: 'Rejected', [AbuseState.ACCEPTED]: 'Accepted' } export const USER_REGISTRATION_STATES: { [ id in UserRegistrationStateType ]: string } = { [UserRegistrationState.PENDING]: 'Pending', [UserRegistrationState.REJECTED]: 'Rejected', [UserRegistrationState.ACCEPTED]: 'Accepted' } export const VIDEO_PLAYLIST_PRIVACIES: { [ id in VideoPlaylistPrivacyType ]: string } = { [VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC]: 'Public', [VideoPlaylistPrivacy.UNLISTED]: 'Unlisted', [VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE]: 'Private' } export const VIDEO_PLAYLIST_TYPES: { [ id in VideoPlaylistType_Type ]: string } = { [VideoPlaylistType.REGULAR]: 'Regular', [VideoPlaylistType.WATCH_LATER]: 'Watch later' } export const RUNNER_JOB_STATES: { [ id in RunnerJobStateType ]: string } = { [RunnerJobState.PROCESSING]: 'Processing', [RunnerJobState.COMPLETED]: 'Completed', [RunnerJobState.COMPLETING]: 'Completing', [RunnerJobState.PENDING]: 'Pending', [RunnerJobState.ERRORED]: 'Errored', [RunnerJobState.WAITING_FOR_PARENT_JOB]: 'Waiting for parent job to finish', [RunnerJobState.CANCELLED]: 'Cancelled', [RunnerJobState.PARENT_ERRORED]: 'Parent job failed', [RunnerJobState.PARENT_CANCELLED]: 'Parent job cancelled' } export const USER_EXPORT_STATES: { [ id in UserExportStateType ]: string } = { [UserExportState.PENDING]: 'Pending', [UserExportState.PROCESSING]: 'Processing', [UserExportState.COMPLETED]: 'Completed', [UserExportState.ERRORED]: 'Failed' } export const USER_IMPORT_STATES: { [ id in UserImportStateType ]: string } = { [UserImportState.PENDING]: 'Pending', [UserImportState.PROCESSING]: 'Processing', [UserImportState.COMPLETED]: 'Completed', [UserImportState.ERRORED]: 'Failed' } export const VIDEO_COMMENTS_POLICY: { [ id in VideoCommentPolicyType ]: string } = { [VideoCommentPolicy.DISABLED]: 'Disabled', [VideoCommentPolicy.ENABLED]: 'Enabled', [VideoCommentPolicy.REQUIRES_APPROVAL]: 'Requires approval' } export const MIMETYPES = { AUDIO: { MIMETYPE_EXT: { 'audio/mpeg': '.mp3', 'audio/mp3': '.mp3', 'application/ogg': '.ogg', 'audio/ogg': '.ogg', 'audio/x-ms-wma': '.wma', 'audio/wav': '.wav', 'audio/x-wav': '.wav', 'audio/x-flac': '.flac', 'audio/flac': '.flac', 'audio/vnd.dlna.adts': '.aac', 'audio/aac': '.aac', // Keep priority for preferred mime type 'audio/m4a': '.m4a', 'audio/x-m4a': '.m4a', 'audio/mp4': '.m4a', 'audio/vnd.dolby.dd-raw': '.ac3', 'audio/ac3': '.ac3' }, EXT_MIMETYPE: null as { [ id: string ]: string } }, VIDEO: { MIMETYPE_EXT: null as { [ id: string ]: string | string[] }, MIMETYPES_REGEX: null as string, EXT_MIMETYPE: null as { [ id: string ]: string } }, IMAGE: { MIMETYPE_EXT: { 'image/png': '.png', 'image/gif': '.gif', 'image/webp': '.webp', 'image/jpg': '.jpg', 'image/jpeg': '.jpg' }, EXT_MIMETYPE: null as { [ id: string ]: string } }, VIDEO_CAPTIONS: { MIMETYPE_EXT: { 'text/vtt': '.vtt', 'application/x-subrip': '.srt', 'text/plain': '.srt' }, EXT_MIMETYPE: null as { [ id: string ]: string } }, TORRENT: { MIMETYPE_EXT: { 'application/x-bittorrent': '.torrent' } }, M3U8: { MIMETYPE_EXT: { 'application/': '.m3u8' } }, AP_VIDEO: { MIMETYPE_EXT: { 'video/mp4': '.mp4', 'video/ogg': '.ogv', 'video/webm': '.webm', 'audio/mp4': '.mp4' } }, AP_TORRENT: { MIMETYPE_EXT: { 'application/x-bittorrent': '.torrent' } }, AP_MAGNET: { MIMETYPE_EXT: { 'application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet': '.magnet' } } } MIMETYPES.AUDIO.EXT_MIMETYPE = invert(MIMETYPES.AUDIO.MIMETYPE_EXT) MIMETYPES.IMAGE.EXT_MIMETYPE = invert(MIMETYPES.IMAGE.MIMETYPE_EXT) MIMETYPES.VIDEO_CAPTIONS.EXT_MIMETYPE = invert(MIMETYPES.VIDEO_CAPTIONS.MIMETYPE_EXT) export const BINARY_CONTENT_TYPES = new Set([ 'binary/octet-stream', 'application/octet-stream', 'application/x-binary' ]) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const OVERVIEWS = { VIDEOS: { SAMPLE_THRESHOLD: 6, SAMPLES_COUNT: 20 } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const SERVER_ACTOR_NAME = 'peertube' export const ACTIVITY_PUB = { POTENTIAL_ACCEPT_HEADERS: [ 'application/activity+json', 'application/ld+json', 'application/ld+json; profile=""' ], ACCEPT_HEADER: 'application/activity+json, application/ld+json', COLLECTION_ITEMS_PER_PAGE: 10, FETCH_PAGE_LIMIT: 2000, MAX_RECURSION_COMMENTS: 100, ACTOR_REFRESH_INTERVAL: 3600 * 24 * 1000 * 2, // 2 days VIDEO_REFRESH_INTERVAL: 3600 * 24 * 1000 * 2, // 2 days VIDEO_PLAYLIST_REFRESH_INTERVAL: 3600 * 24 * 1000 * 2 // 2 days } export const ACTIVITY_PUB_ACTOR_TYPES: { [ id: string ]: ActivityPubActorType } = { GROUP: 'Group', PERSON: 'Person', APPLICATION: 'Application', ORGANIZATION: 'Organization', SERVICE: 'Service' } export const HTTP_SIGNATURE = { HEADER_NAME: 'signature', ALGORITHM: 'rsa-sha256', HEADERS_TO_SIGN_WITH_PAYLOAD: [ '(request-target)', 'host', 'date', 'digest' ], HEADERS_TO_SIGN_WITHOUT_PAYLOAD: [ '(request-target)', 'host', 'date' ], CLOCK_SKEW_SECONDS: 1800 } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export let PRIVATE_RSA_KEY_SIZE = 2048 // Password encryption export const BCRYPT_SALT_SIZE = 10 export const ENCRYPTION = { ALGORITHM: 'aes-256-cbc', IV: 16, SALT: 'peertube', ENCODING: 'hex' as Encoding } export const USER_PASSWORD_RESET_LIFETIME = 60000 * 60 // 60 minutes export const USER_PASSWORD_CREATE_LIFETIME = 60000 * 60 * 24 * 7 // 7 days export const TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_LIFETIME = 60000 * 10 // 10 minutes export let JWT_TOKEN_USER_EXPORT_FILE_LIFETIME = '15 minutes' export const EMAIL_VERIFY_LIFETIME = 60000 * 60 // 60 minutes export const NSFW_POLICY_TYPES: { [ id: string ]: NSFWPolicyType } = { DO_NOT_LIST: 'do_not_list', BLUR: 'blur', DISPLAY: 'display' } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const USER_EXPORT_MAX_ITEMS = 1000 export const USER_EXPORT_FILE_PREFIX = 'user-export-' // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Express static paths (router) export const STATIC_PATHS = { // Need to keep this legacy path for previously generated torrents LEGACY_WEB_VIDEOS: '/static/webseed/', WEB_VIDEOS: '/static/web-videos/', // Need to keep this legacy path for previously generated torrents LEGACY_PRIVATE_WEB_VIDEOS: '/static/webseed/private/', PRIVATE_WEB_VIDEOS: '/static/web-videos/private/', REDUNDANCY: '/static/redundancy/', STREAMING_PLAYLISTS: { HLS: '/static/streaming-playlists/hls', PRIVATE_HLS: '/static/streaming-playlists/hls/private/' } } export const DOWNLOAD_PATHS = { TORRENTS: '/download/torrents/', GENERATE_VIDEO: '/download/videos/generate/', WEB_VIDEOS: '/download/web-videos/', HLS_VIDEOS: '/download/streaming-playlists/hls/videos/', USER_EXPORTS: '/download/user-exports/', ORIGINAL_VIDEO_FILE: '/download/original-video-files/' } export const LAZY_STATIC_PATHS = { THUMBNAILS: '/lazy-static/thumbnails/', BANNERS: '/lazy-static/banners/', AVATARS: '/lazy-static/avatars/', PREVIEWS: '/lazy-static/previews/', VIDEO_CAPTIONS: '/lazy-static/video-captions/', TORRENTS: '/lazy-static/torrents/', STORYBOARDS: '/lazy-static/storyboards/' } export const OBJECT_STORAGE_PROXY_PATHS = { // Need to keep this legacy path for previously generated torrents LEGACY_PRIVATE_WEB_VIDEOS: '/object-storage-proxy/webseed/private/', PRIVATE_WEB_VIDEOS: '/object-storage-proxy/web-videos/private/', STREAMING_PLAYLISTS: { PRIVATE_HLS: '/object-storage-proxy/streaming-playlists/hls/private/' } } // Cache control export const STATIC_MAX_AGE = { SERVER: '2h', LAZY_SERVER: '2d', CLIENT: '30d' } // Videos thumbnail size export const THUMBNAILS_SIZE = { width: minBy(CONFIG.THUMBNAILS.SIZES, 'width').width, height: minBy(CONFIG.THUMBNAILS.SIZES, 'width').height, minRemoteWidth: 150 } export const PREVIEWS_SIZE = { width: maxBy(CONFIG.THUMBNAILS.SIZES, 'width').width, height: maxBy(CONFIG.THUMBNAILS.SIZES, 'width').height, minRemoteWidth: 400 } export const ACTOR_IMAGES_SIZE: { [key in ActorImageType_Type]: { width: number, height: number }[] } = { [ActorImageType.AVATAR]: [ // 1/1 ratio { width: 1500, height: 1500 }, { width: 600, height: 600 }, { width: 120, height: 120 }, { width: 48, height: 48 } ], [ActorImageType.BANNER]: [ // 6/1 ratio { width: 1920, height: 317 }, { width: 600, height: 100 } ] } export const STORYBOARD = { SPRITE_MAX_SIZE: 192, SPRITES_MAX_EDGE_COUNT: 11 } export const EMBED_SIZE = { width: 560, height: 315 } // Sub folders of cache directory export const FILES_CACHE = { PREVIEWS: { DIRECTORY: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.CACHE_DIR, 'previews'), MAX_AGE: 1000 * 3600 * 3 // 3 hours }, STORYBOARDS: { DIRECTORY: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.CACHE_DIR, 'storyboards'), MAX_AGE: 1000 * 3600 * 24 // 24 hours }, VIDEO_CAPTIONS: { DIRECTORY: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.CACHE_DIR, 'video-captions'), MAX_AGE: 1000 * 3600 * 3 // 3 hours }, TORRENTS: { DIRECTORY: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.CACHE_DIR, 'torrents'), MAX_AGE: 1000 * 3600 * 3 // 3 hours } } export const LRU_CACHE = { USER_TOKENS: { MAX_SIZE: 1000 }, FILENAME_TO_PATH_PERMANENT_FILE_CACHE: { MAX_SIZE: 1000 }, STATIC_VIDEO_FILES_RIGHTS_CHECK: { MAX_SIZE: 5000, TTL: parseDurationToMs('10 seconds') }, VIDEO_TOKENS: { MAX_SIZE: 100_000, TTL: parseDurationToMs('8 hours') }, WATCHED_WORDS_REGEX: { MAX_SIZE: 100, TTL: parseDurationToMs('24 hours') }, TRACKER_IPS: { MAX_SIZE: 100_000 } } export const DIRECTORIES = { RESUMABLE_UPLOAD: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR, 'resumable-uploads'), HLS_STREAMING_PLAYLIST: { PUBLIC: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS_DIR, 'hls'), PRIVATE: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS_DIR, 'hls', 'private') }, WEB_VIDEOS: { PUBLIC: CONFIG.STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS_DIR, PRIVATE: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS_DIR, 'private') }, ORIGINAL_VIDEOS: CONFIG.STORAGE.ORIGINAL_VIDEO_FILES_DIR, HLS_REDUNDANCY: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.REDUNDANCY_DIR, 'hls'), LOCAL_PIP_DIRECTORY: join(CONFIG.STORAGE.BIN_DIR, 'pip') } export const RESUMABLE_UPLOAD_SESSION_LIFETIME = SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.REMOVE_DANGLING_RESUMABLE_UPLOADS export const VIDEO_LIVE = { EXTENSION: '.ts', CLEANUP_DELAY: 1000 * 60 * 5, // 5 minutes SEGMENT_TIME_SECONDS: { DEFAULT_LATENCY: 4, // 4 seconds SMALL_LATENCY: 2 // 2 seconds }, SEGMENTS_LIST_SIZE: 15, // 15 maximum segments in live playlist REPLAY_DIRECTORY: 'replay', EDGE_LIVE_DELAY_SEGMENTS_NOTIFICATION: 4, MAX_SOCKET_WAITING_DATA: 1024 * 1000 * 100, // 100MB RTMP: { CHUNK_SIZE: 60000, GOP_CACHE: true, PING: 60, PING_TIMEOUT: 30, BASE_PATH: 'live' } } export const MEMOIZE_TTL = { OVERVIEWS_SAMPLE: 1000 * 3600 * 4, // 4 hours INFO_HASH_EXISTS: 1000 * 60, // 1 minute VIDEO_DURATION: 1000 * 10, // 10 seconds LIVE_ABLE_TO_UPLOAD: 1000 * 60, // 1 minute LIVE_CHECK_SOCKET_HEALTH: 1000 * 60, // 1 minute GET_STATS_FOR_OPEN_TELEMETRY_METRICS: 1000 * 60, // 1 minute EMBED_HTML: 1000 * 10 // 10 seconds } export const MEMOIZE_LENGTH = { INFO_HASH_EXISTS: 200, VIDEO_DURATION: 200 } export const totalCPUs = Math.max(cpus().length, 1) export const WORKER_THREADS = { DOWNLOAD_IMAGE: { CONCURRENCY: 3, MAX_THREADS: 1 }, PROCESS_IMAGE: { CONCURRENCY: 1, MAX_THREADS: Math.min(totalCPUs, 5) }, GET_IMAGE_SIZE: { CONCURRENCY: 1, MAX_THREADS: Math.min(totalCPUs, 5) }, SIGN_JSON_LD_OBJECT: { CONCURRENCY: 1, MAX_THREADS: 1 // FIXME: we would want 2 threads but there is an issue with JSONLD in worker thread where CPU jumps and stays at 100% }, BUILD_DIGEST: { CONCURRENCY: 1, MAX_THREADS: 1 } } export const REDUNDANCY = { VIDEOS: { RANDOMIZED_FACTOR: 5 } } export const ACCEPT_HEADERS = [ 'html', 'application/json' ].concat(ACTIVITY_PUB.POTENTIAL_ACCEPT_HEADERS) export const OTP = { HEADER_NAME: 'x-peertube-otp', HEADER_REQUIRED_VALUE: 'required; app' } export const ASSETS_PATH = { DEFAULT_AUDIO_BACKGROUND: join(root(), 'dist', 'core', 'assets', 'default-audio-background.jpg'), DEFAULT_LIVE_BACKGROUND: join(root(), 'dist', 'core', 'assets', 'default-live-background.jpg') } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS = { TITLE: '', DESCRIPTION: '', CUSTOM_CSS: '', META_TAGS: '', SERVER_CONFIG: '' } export const MAX_LOGS_OUTPUT_CHARACTERS = 10 * 1000 * 1000 export const LOG_FILENAME = 'peertube.log' export const AUDIT_LOG_FILENAME = 'peertube-audit.log' // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const TRACKER_RATE_LIMITS = { INTERVAL: 60000 * 5, // 5 minutes ANNOUNCES_PER_IP_PER_INFOHASH: 15, // maximum announces per torrent in the interval ANNOUNCES_PER_IP: 30, // maximum announces for all our torrents in the interval BLOCK_IP_LIFETIME: parseDurationToMs('3 minutes') } export const P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION = 2 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_FILE_NAME = 'plugins-global.css' export const PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_PATH = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR, PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_FILE_NAME) export let PLUGIN_EXTERNAL_AUTH_TOKEN_LIFETIME = 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 minutes export const DEFAULT_THEME_NAME = 'default' export const DEFAULT_USER_THEME_NAME = 'instance-default' // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const SEARCH_INDEX = { ROUTES: { VIDEOS: '/api/v1/search/videos', VIDEO_CHANNELS: '/api/v1/search/video-channels' } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const STATS_TIMESERIE = { MAX_DAYS: 365 * 10 // Around 10 years } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Special constants for a test instance if (process.env.PRODUCTION_CONSTANTS !== 'true') { if (isTestOrDevInstance()) { PRIVATE_RSA_KEY_SIZE = 1024 ACTOR_FOLLOW_SCORE.BASE = 20 REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP = 'http' REMOTE_SCHEME.WS = 'ws' STATIC_MAX_AGE.SERVER = '0' SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.ACTOR_FOLLOW_SCORES = 1000 SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.REMOVE_OLD_JOBS = 10000 SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.REMOVE_OLD_HISTORY = 5000 SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.REMOVE_OLD_VIEWS = 5000 SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.UPDATE_VIDEOS = 5000 SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.AUTO_FOLLOW_INDEX_INSTANCES = 5000 SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.UPDATE_INBOX_STATS = 5000 SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.CHECK_PEERTUBE_VERSION = 2000 REPEAT_JOBS['videos-views-stats'] = { every: 5000 } REPEAT_JOBS['activitypub-cleaner'] = { every: 5000 } AP_CLEANER.PERIOD = 5000 REDUNDANCY.VIDEOS.RANDOMIZED_FACTOR = 1 CONTACT_FORM_LIFETIME = 1000 // 1 second JOB_ATTEMPTS['email'] = 1 FILES_CACHE.VIDEO_CAPTIONS.MAX_AGE = 3000 MEMOIZE_TTL.OVERVIEWS_SAMPLE = 3000 MEMOIZE_TTL.LIVE_ABLE_TO_UPLOAD = 3000 MEMOIZE_TTL.EMBED_HTML = 1 OVERVIEWS.VIDEOS.SAMPLE_THRESHOLD = 2 PLUGIN_EXTERNAL_AUTH_TOKEN_LIFETIME = 5000 JOB_REMOVAL_OPTIONS.SUCCESS['videos-views-stats'] = 10000 VIEWER_SYNC_REDIS = 1000 } if (isTestInstance()) { ACTIVITY_PUB.COLLECTION_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 2 ACTIVITY_PUB.ACTOR_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000 // 10 seconds ACTIVITY_PUB.VIDEO_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000 // 10 seconds ACTIVITY_PUB.VIDEO_PLAYLIST_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000 // 10 seconds CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.ACTORS.IMAGE.FILE_SIZE.max = 100 * 1024 // 100KB CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.IMAGE.FILE_SIZE.max = 400 * 1024 // 400KB VIEW_LIFETIME.VIEWER_COUNTER = 1000 * 5 // 5 second VIEW_LIFETIME.VIEWER_STATS = 1000 * 5 // 5 second VIDEO_LIVE.CLEANUP_DELAY = getIntEnv('PEERTUBE_TEST_CONSTANTS_VIDEO_LIVE_CLEANUP_DELAY') ?? 5000 VIDEO_LIVE.SEGMENT_TIME_SECONDS.DEFAULT_LATENCY = 2 VIDEO_LIVE.SEGMENT_TIME_SECONDS.SMALL_LATENCY = 1 VIDEO_LIVE.EDGE_LIVE_DELAY_SEGMENTS_NOTIFICATION = 1 RUNNER_JOBS.LAST_CONTACT_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 2000 JWT_TOKEN_USER_EXPORT_FILE_LIFETIME = '2 seconds' } } updateWebserverUrls() updateWebserverConfig() registerConfigChangedHandler(() => { updateWebserverUrls() updateWebserverConfig() }) export async function loadLanguages () { if (Object.keys(VIDEO_LANGUAGES).length !== 0) return Object.assign(VIDEO_LANGUAGES, await buildLanguages()) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const FILES_CONTENT_HASH = { MANIFEST: generateContentHash(), FAVICON: generateContentHash(), LOGO: generateContentHash() } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const VIDEO_FILTERS = { WATERMARK: { SIZE_RATIO: 1 / 10, HORIZONTAL_MARGIN_RATIO: 1 / 20, VERTICAL_MARGIN_RATIO: 1 / 20 } } export async function buildLanguages () { const { iso6393 } = await import('iso-639-3') const languages: { [id: string]: string } = {} const additionalLanguages = { sgn: true, // Sign languages (macro language) ase: true, // American sign language asq: true, // Austrian sign language sdl: true, // Arabian sign language bfi: true, // British sign language bzs: true, // Brazilian sign language csl: true, // Chinese sign language cse: true, // Czech sign language dsl: true, // Danish sign language fsl: true, // French sign language gsg: true, // German sign language pks: true, // Pakistan sign language jsl: true, // Japanese sign language sfs: true, // South African sign language swl: true, // Swedish sign language rsl: true, // Russian sign language fse: true, // Finnish sign language kab: true, // Kabyle gcf: true, // Guadeloupean lat: true, // Latin epo: true, // Esperanto tlh: true, // Klingon jbo: true, // Lojban avk: true, // Kotava zxx: true // No linguistic content (ISO-639-2) } // Only add ISO639-1 languages and some sign languages (ISO639-3) iso6393 .filter(l => { return (l.iso6391 !== undefined && l.type === 'living') || additionalLanguages[l.iso6393] === true }) .forEach(l => { languages[l.iso6391 || l.iso6393] = }) // Override Occitan label languages['oc'] = 'Occitan' languages['el'] = 'Greek' languages['tok'] = 'Toki Pona' // Override Portuguese label languages['pt'] = 'Portuguese (Brazilian)' languages['pt-PT'] = 'Portuguese (Portugal)' // Override Spanish labels languages['es'] = 'Spanish (Spain)' languages['es-419'] = 'Spanish (Latin America)' // Chinese languages languages['zh-Hans'] = 'Simplified Chinese' languages['zh-Hant'] = 'Traditional Chinese' // Catalan languages languages['ca-valencia'] = 'Valencian' return languages } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function buildVideoMimetypeExt () { const data = { // streamable formats that warrant cross-browser compatibility 'video/webm': '.webm', // We'll add .ogg if additional extensions are enabled // We could add .ogg here but since it could be an audio file, // it would be confusing for users because PeerTube will refuse their file (based on the mimetype) 'video/ogg': [ '.ogv' ], 'video/mp4': '.mp4' } if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.ENABLED) { if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.ALLOW_ADDITIONAL_EXTENSIONS) { data['video/ogg'].push('.ogg') Object.assign(data, { 'video/x-matroska': '.mkv', // Developed by Apple 'video/quicktime': [ '.mov', '.qt', '.mqv' ], // often used as output format by editing software 'video/mov': '.mov', // Windows: 'video/x-m4v': '.m4v', 'video/m4v': '.m4v', // Developed by the Adobe Flash Platform 'video/x-flv': '.flv', 'video/x-f4v': '.f4v', // replacement for flv // Developed by Microsoft 'video/x-ms-wmv': '.wmv', 'video/x-msvideo': '.avi', 'video/avi': '.avi', // Developed by 3GPP // common video formats for cell phones 'video/3gpp': [ '.3gp', '.3gpp' ], 'video/3gpp2': [ '.3g2', '.3gpp2' ], // Developed by FFmpeg/Mplayer 'application/x-nut': '.nut', // The standard video format used by many Sony and Panasonic HD camcorders. // It is also used for storing high definition video on Blu-ray discs. 'video/mp2t': '.mts', 'video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts': '.mts', 'video/m2ts': '.m2ts', // Old formats reliant on MPEG-1/MPEG-2 'video/mpv': '.mpv', 'video/mpeg2': '.m2v', 'video/mpeg': [ '.m1v', '.mpg', '.mpe', '.mpeg', '.vob' ], 'video/dvd': '.vob', // Could be anything 'application/octet-stream': null, 'application/mxf': '.mxf' // often used as exchange format by editing software }) } if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.ALLOW_AUDIO_FILES) { Object.assign(data, MIMETYPES.AUDIO.MIMETYPE_EXT) } } return data } function updateWebserverUrls () { WEBSERVER.URL = sanitizeUrl(CONFIG.WEBSERVER.SCHEME + '://' + CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME + ':' + CONFIG.WEBSERVER.PORT) WEBSERVER.HOST = sanitizeHost(CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME + ':' + CONFIG.WEBSERVER.PORT, REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP) WEBSERVER.WS = CONFIG.WEBSERVER.WS WEBSERVER.SCHEME = CONFIG.WEBSERVER.SCHEME WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME = CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME WEBSERVER.PORT = CONFIG.WEBSERVER.PORT const rtmpHostname = CONFIG.LIVE.RTMP.PUBLIC_HOSTNAME || CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME const rtmpsHostname = CONFIG.LIVE.RTMPS.PUBLIC_HOSTNAME || CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME WEBSERVER.RTMP_URL = 'rtmp://' + rtmpHostname + ':' + CONFIG.LIVE.RTMP.PORT WEBSERVER.RTMPS_URL = 'rtmps://' + rtmpsHostname + ':' + CONFIG.LIVE.RTMPS.PORT WEBSERVER.RTMP_BASE_LIVE_URL = WEBSERVER.RTMP_URL + '/' + VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.BASE_PATH WEBSERVER.RTMPS_BASE_LIVE_URL = WEBSERVER.RTMPS_URL + '/' + VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.BASE_PATH } function updateWebserverConfig () { MIMETYPES.VIDEO.MIMETYPE_EXT = buildVideoMimetypeExt() MIMETYPES.VIDEO.MIMETYPES_REGEX = buildMimetypesRegex(MIMETYPES.VIDEO.MIMETYPE_EXT) MIMETYPES.VIDEO.EXT_MIMETYPE = buildVideoExtMimetype(MIMETYPES.VIDEO.MIMETYPE_EXT) CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.EXTNAME = Object.keys(MIMETYPES.VIDEO.EXT_MIMETYPE) } function buildVideoExtMimetype (obj: { [ id: string ]: string | string[] }) { const result: { [id: string]: string } = {} for (const mimetype of Object.keys(obj)) { const value = obj[mimetype] if (!value) continue const extensions = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [ value ] for (const extension of extensions) { result[extension] = mimetype } } return result } function buildMimetypesRegex (obj: { [id: string]: string | string[] }) { return Object.keys(obj) .map(m => `(${m})`) .join('|') } function generateContentHash () { return randomBytes(20).toString('hex') } function getIntEnv (path: string) { if (process.env[path]) return parseInt(process.env[path]) return undefined }