import { uniqify } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { FileStorage, ThumbnailType, ThumbnailType_Type } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { DIRECTORIES, USER_EXPORT_FILE_PREFIX } from '@server/initializers/constants.js' import { listKeysOfPrefix, removeObjectByFullKey } from '@server/lib/object-storage/object-storage-helpers.js' import { UserExportModel } from '@server/models/user/user-export.js' import { StoryboardModel } from '@server/models/video/storyboard.js' import { VideoCaptionModel } from '@server/models/video/video-caption.js' import { VideoFileModel } from '@server/models/video/video-file.js' import { VideoSourceModel } from '@server/models/video/video-source.js' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '@server/models/video/video-streaming-playlist.js' import Bluebird from 'bluebird' import { remove } from 'fs-extra/esm' import { readdir, stat } from 'fs/promises' import { basename, dirname, join } from 'path' import { getUUIDFromFilename } from '../core/helpers/utils.js' import { CONFIG } from '../core/initializers/config.js' import { initDatabaseModels } from '../core/initializers/database.js' import { ActorImageModel } from '../core/models/actor/actor-image.js' import { VideoRedundancyModel } from '../core/models/redundancy/video-redundancy.js' import { ThumbnailModel } from '../core/models/video/thumbnail.js' import { VideoModel } from '../core/models/video/video.js' import { askConfirmation, displayPeerTubeMustBeStoppedWarning } from './shared/common.js' run() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(-1) }) async function run () { await initDatabaseModels(true) displayPeerTubeMustBeStoppedWarning() await new FSPruner().prune() console.log('\n') await new ObjectStoragePruner().prune() } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Object storage // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ObjectStoragePruner { private readonly keysToDelete: { bucket: string, key: string }[] = [] async prune () { if (!CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ENABLED) return console.log('Pruning object storage.') await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS, this.doesWebVideoFileExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS, this.doesStreamingPlaylistFileExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ORIGINAL_VIDEO_FILES, this.doesOriginalFileExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.USER_EXPORTS, this.doesUserExportFileExistFactory()) if (this.keysToDelete.length === 0) { console.log('No unknown object storage files to delete.') return } const formattedKeysToDelete ={ bucket, key }) => ` In bucket ${bucket}: ${key}`).join('\n') console.log(`${this.keysToDelete.length} unknown files from object storage can be deleted:\n${formattedKeysToDelete}\n`) const res = await askPruneConfirmation() if (res !== true) { console.log('Exiting without deleting object storage files.') return } console.log('Deleting object storage files...\n') for (const { bucket, key } of this.keysToDelete) { await removeObjectByFullKey(key, { BUCKET_NAME: bucket }) } console.log(`${this.keysToDelete.length} object storage files deleted.`) } private async findFilesToDelete ( config: { BUCKET_NAME: string, PREFIX?: string }, existFun: (file: string) => Promise | boolean ) { try { const keys = await listKeysOfPrefix('', config) await, async key => { if (await existFun(key) !== true) { this.keysToDelete.push({ bucket: config.BUCKET_NAME, key }) } }, { concurrency: 20 }) } catch (err) { const prefixMessage = config.PREFIX ? ` and prefix ${config.PREFIX}` : '' console.error('Cannot find files to delete in bucket ' + config.BUCKET_NAME + prefixMessage) } } private doesWebVideoFileExistFactory () { return (key: string) => { const filename = this.sanitizeKey(key, CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS) return VideoFileModel.doesOwnedFileExist(filename, FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) } } private doesStreamingPlaylistFileExistFactory () { return (key: string) => { const uuid = basename(dirname(this.sanitizeKey(key, CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS))) return VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.doesOwnedVideoUUIDExist(uuid, FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) } } private doesOriginalFileExistFactory () { return (key: string) => { const filename = this.sanitizeKey(key, CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ORIGINAL_VIDEO_FILES) return VideoSourceModel.doesOwnedFileExist(filename, FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) } } private doesUserExportFileExistFactory () { return (key: string) => { const filename = this.sanitizeKey(key, CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.USER_EXPORTS) return UserExportModel.doesOwnedFileExist(filename, FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) } } private sanitizeKey (key: string, config: { PREFIX: string }) { return key.replace(new RegExp(`^${config.PREFIX}`), '') } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FS // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FSPruner { private pathsToDelete: string[] = [] async prune () { const dirs = Object.values(CONFIG.STORAGE) if (uniqify(dirs).length !== dirs.length) { console.error('Cannot prune storage because you put multiple storage keys in the same directory.') process.exit(0) } console.log('Pruning filesystem storage.') console.log('Detecting files to remove, it can take a while...') await this.findFilesToDelete(DIRECTORIES.WEB_VIDEOS.PUBLIC, this.doesWebVideoFileExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(DIRECTORIES.WEB_VIDEOS.PRIVATE, this.doesWebVideoFileExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(DIRECTORIES.HLS_STREAMING_PLAYLIST.PRIVATE, this.doesHLSPlaylistExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(DIRECTORIES.HLS_STREAMING_PLAYLIST.PUBLIC, this.doesHLSPlaylistExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(DIRECTORIES.ORIGINAL_VIDEOS, this.doesOriginalVideoExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.STORAGE.TORRENTS_DIR, this.doesTorrentFileExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.STORAGE.REDUNDANCY_DIR, this.doesRedundancyExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.STORAGE.PREVIEWS_DIR, this.doesThumbnailExistFactory(true, ThumbnailType.PREVIEW)) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, this.doesThumbnailExistFactory(false, ThumbnailType.MINIATURE)) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.STORAGE.CAPTIONS_DIR, this.doesCaptionExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.STORAGE.STORYBOARDS_DIR, this.doesStoryboardExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.STORAGE.ACTOR_IMAGES_DIR, this.doesActorImageExistFactory()) await this.findFilesToDelete(CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_PERSISTENT_DIR, this.doesUserExportExistFactory()) const tmpFiles = await readdir(CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR) this.pathsToDelete = [ ...this.pathsToDelete, => join(CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR, t)) ] if (this.pathsToDelete.length === 0) { console.log('No unknown filesystem files to delete.') return } const formattedKeysToDelete = => ` ${p}`).join('\n') console.log(`${this.pathsToDelete.length} unknown files from filesystem can be deleted:\n${formattedKeysToDelete}\n`) const res = await askPruneConfirmation() if (res !== true) { console.log('Exiting without deleting filesystem files.') return } console.log('Deleting filesystem files...\n') for (const path of this.pathsToDelete) { await remove(path) } console.log(`${this.pathsToDelete.length} filesystem files deleted.`) } private async findFilesToDelete (directory: string, existFun: (file: string) => Promise | boolean) { const files = await readdir(directory) await, async file => { const filePath = join(directory, file) if (await existFun(filePath) !== true) { this.pathsToDelete.push(filePath) } }, { concurrency: 20 }) } private doesWebVideoFileExistFactory () { return (filePath: string) => { // Don't delete private directory if (filePath === DIRECTORIES.WEB_VIDEOS.PRIVATE) return true return VideoFileModel.doesOwnedFileExist(basename(filePath), FileStorage.FILE_SYSTEM) } } private doesHLSPlaylistExistFactory () { return (hlsPath: string) => { // Don't delete private directory if (hlsPath === DIRECTORIES.HLS_STREAMING_PLAYLIST.PRIVATE) return true return VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.doesOwnedVideoUUIDExist(basename(hlsPath), FileStorage.FILE_SYSTEM) } } private doesOriginalVideoExistFactory () { return (filePath: string) => { return VideoSourceModel.doesOwnedFileExist(basename(filePath), FileStorage.FILE_SYSTEM) } } private doesTorrentFileExistFactory () { return (filePath: string) => VideoFileModel.doesOwnedTorrentFileExist(basename(filePath)) } private doesThumbnailExistFactory (keepOnlyOwned: boolean, type: ThumbnailType_Type) { return async (filePath: string) => { const thumbnail = await ThumbnailModel.loadByFilename(basename(filePath), type) if (!thumbnail) return false if (keepOnlyOwned) { const video = await VideoModel.load(thumbnail.videoId) if (video.isOwned() === false) return false } return true } } private doesActorImageExistFactory () { return async (filePath: string) => { const image = await ActorImageModel.loadByFilename(basename(filePath)) return !!image } } private doesStoryboardExistFactory () { return async (filePath: string) => { const storyboard = await StoryboardModel.loadByFilename(basename(filePath)) return !!storyboard } } private doesCaptionExistFactory () { return async (filePath: string) => { const caption = await VideoCaptionModel.loadWithVideoByFilename(basename(filePath)) return !!caption } } private doesRedundancyExistFactory () { return async (filePath: string) => { const isPlaylist = (await stat(filePath)).isDirectory() if (isPlaylist) { // Don't delete HLS redundancy directory if (filePath === DIRECTORIES.HLS_REDUNDANCY) return true const uuid = getUUIDFromFilename(filePath) const video = await VideoModel.loadWithFiles(uuid) if (!video) return false const p = video.getHLSPlaylist() if (!p) return false const redundancy = await VideoRedundancyModel.loadLocalByStreamingPlaylistId( return !!redundancy } // WebTorrent support redundancy has been removed from PeerTube return false } } private doesUserExportExistFactory () { return (filePath: string) => { const filename = basename(filePath) // Only detect non-existing user export if (!filename.startsWith(USER_EXPORT_FILE_PREFIX)) return true return UserExportModel.doesOwnedFileExist(filename, FileStorage.FILE_SYSTEM) } } } async function askPruneConfirmation () { return askConfirmation( 'These unknown files can be deleted, but please check your backups first (bugs happen). ' + 'Can we delete these files?' ) }