import * as ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg' import { VideoFileMetadata } from '@shared/models/videos/video-file-metadata' import { getMaxBitrate, VideoResolution } from '../../shared/models/videos' import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/config' import { VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS } from '../initializers/constants' import { logger } from './logger' function ffprobePromise (path: string) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { ffmpeg.ffprobe(path, (err, data) => { if (err) return rej(err) return res(data) }) }) } async function getAudioStream (videoPath: string, existingProbe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData) { // without position, ffprobe considers the last input only // we make it consider the first input only // if you pass a file path to pos, then ffprobe acts on that file directly const data = existingProbe || await ffprobePromise(videoPath) if (Array.isArray(data.streams)) { const audioStream = data.streams.find(stream => stream['codec_type'] === 'audio') if (audioStream) { return { absolutePath: data.format.filename, audioStream, bitrate: parseInt(audioStream['bit_rate'] + '', 10) } } } return { absolutePath: data.format.filename } } function getMaxAudioBitrate (type: 'aac' | 'mp3' | string, bitrate: number) { const baseKbitrate = 384 const toBits = (kbits: number) => kbits * 8000 if (type === 'aac') { switch (true) { case bitrate > toBits(baseKbitrate): return baseKbitrate default: return -1 // we interpret it as a signal to copy the audio stream as is } } if (type === 'mp3') { /* a 192kbit/sec mp3 doesn't hold as much information as a 192kbit/sec aac. That's why, when using aac, we can go to lower kbit/sec. The equivalences made here are not made to be accurate, especially with good mp3 encoders. */ switch (true) { case bitrate <= toBits(192): return 128 case bitrate <= toBits(384): return 256 default: return baseKbitrate } } return undefined } async function getVideoStreamSize (path: string, existingProbe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData) { const videoStream = await getVideoStreamFromFile(path, existingProbe) return videoStream === null ? { width: 0, height: 0 } : { width: videoStream.width, height: videoStream.height } } async function getVideoStreamCodec (path: string) { const videoStream = await getVideoStreamFromFile(path) if (!videoStream) return '' const videoCodec = videoStream.codec_tag_string const baseProfileMatrix = { High: '6400', Main: '4D40', Baseline: '42E0' } let baseProfile = baseProfileMatrix[videoStream.profile] if (!baseProfile) { logger.warn('Cannot get video profile codec of %s.', path, { videoStream }) baseProfile = baseProfileMatrix['High'] // Fallback } let level = videoStream.level.toString(16) if (level.length === 1) level = `0${level}` return `${videoCodec}.${baseProfile}${level}` } async function getAudioStreamCodec (path: string, existingProbe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData) { const { audioStream } = await getAudioStream(path, existingProbe) if (!audioStream) return '' const audioCodec = audioStream.codec_name if (audioCodec === 'aac') return 'mp4a.40.2' logger.warn('Cannot get audio codec of %s.', path, { audioStream }) return 'mp4a.40.2' // Fallback } async function getVideoFileResolution (path: string, existingProbe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData) { const size = await getVideoStreamSize(path, existingProbe) return { videoFileResolution: Math.min(size.height, size.width), isPortraitMode: size.height > size.width } } async function getVideoFileFPS (path: string, existingProbe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData) { const videoStream = await getVideoStreamFromFile(path, existingProbe) if (videoStream === null) return 0 for (const key of [ 'avg_frame_rate', 'r_frame_rate' ]) { const valuesText: string = videoStream[key] if (!valuesText) continue const [ frames, seconds ] = valuesText.split('/') if (!frames || !seconds) continue const result = parseInt(frames, 10) / parseInt(seconds, 10) if (result > 0) return Math.round(result) } return 0 } async function getMetadataFromFile (path: string, existingProbe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData) { const metadata = existingProbe || await ffprobePromise(path) return new VideoFileMetadata(metadata) } async function getVideoFileBitrate (path: string, existingProbe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData) { const metadata = await getMetadataFromFile(path, existingProbe) return metadata.format.bit_rate as number } async function getDurationFromVideoFile (path: string, existingProbe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData) { const metadata = await getMetadataFromFile(path, existingProbe) return Math.floor(metadata.format.duration) } async function getVideoStreamFromFile (path: string, existingProbe?: ffmpeg.FfprobeData) { const metadata = await getMetadataFromFile(path, existingProbe) return metadata.streams.find(s => s.codec_type === 'video') || null } function computeResolutionsToTranscode (videoFileResolution: number, type: 'vod' | 'live') { const configResolutions = type === 'vod' ? CONFIG.TRANSCODING.RESOLUTIONS : CONFIG.LIVE.TRANSCODING.RESOLUTIONS const resolutionsEnabled: number[] = [] // Put in the order we want to proceed jobs const resolutions = [ VideoResolution.H_NOVIDEO, VideoResolution.H_480P, VideoResolution.H_360P, VideoResolution.H_720P, VideoResolution.H_240P, VideoResolution.H_1080P, VideoResolution.H_4K ] for (const resolution of resolutions) { if (configResolutions[resolution + 'p'] === true && videoFileResolution > resolution) { resolutionsEnabled.push(resolution) } } return resolutionsEnabled } async function canDoQuickTranscode (path: string): Promise { const probe = await ffprobePromise(path) // NOTE: This could be optimized by running ffprobe only once (but it runs fast anyway) const videoStream = await getVideoStreamFromFile(path, probe) const parsedAudio = await getAudioStream(path, probe) const fps = await getVideoFileFPS(path, probe) const bitRate = await getVideoFileBitrate(path, probe) const resolution = await getVideoFileResolution(path, probe) // check video params if (videoStream == null) return false if (videoStream['codec_name'] !== 'h264') return false if (videoStream['pix_fmt'] !== 'yuv420p') return false if (fps < VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS.MIN || fps > VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS.MAX) return false if (bitRate > getMaxBitrate(resolution.videoFileResolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS)) return false // check audio params (if audio stream exists) if (parsedAudio.audioStream) { if (parsedAudio.audioStream['codec_name'] !== 'aac') return false const audioBitrate = parsedAudio.bitrate const maxAudioBitrate = getMaxAudioBitrate('aac', audioBitrate) if (maxAudioBitrate !== -1 && audioBitrate > maxAudioBitrate) return false } return true } function getClosestFramerateStandard (fps: number, type: 'HD_STANDARD' | 'STANDARD'): number { return VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS[type].slice(0) .sort((a, b) => fps % a - fps % b)[0] } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { getVideoStreamCodec, getAudioStreamCodec, getVideoStreamSize, getVideoFileResolution, getMetadataFromFile, getMaxAudioBitrate, getDurationFromVideoFile, getAudioStream, getVideoFileFPS, getClosestFramerateStandard, computeResolutionsToTranscode, getVideoFileBitrate, canDoQuickTranscode }