import express from 'express' import { readFile } from 'fs-extra' import { join } from 'path' import validator from 'validator' import { toCompleteUUID } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/misc' import { mdToOneLinePlainText } from '@server/helpers/markdown' import { ActorImageModel } from '@server/models/actor/actor-image' import { root } from '@shared/core-utils' import { escapeHTML } from '@shared/core-utils/renderer' import { sha256 } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { HTMLServerConfig } from '@shared/models' import { buildFileLocale, getDefaultLocale, is18nLocale, POSSIBLE_LOCALES } from '../../shared/core-utils/i18n/i18n' import { HttpStatusCode } from '../../shared/models/http/http-error-codes' import { VideoPlaylistPrivacy, VideoPrivacy } from '../../shared/models/videos' import { logger } from '../helpers/logger' import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/config' import { ACCEPT_HEADERS, CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS, EMBED_SIZE, FILES_CONTENT_HASH, PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_PATH, WEBSERVER } from '../initializers/constants' import { AccountModel } from '../models/account/account' import { getActivityStreamDuration } from '../models/video/formatter/video-format-utils' import { VideoModel } from '../models/video/video' import { VideoChannelModel } from '../models/video/video-channel' import { VideoPlaylistModel } from '../models/video/video-playlist' import { MAccountActor, MChannelActor } from '../types/models' import { getBiggestActorImage } from './actor-image' import { ServerConfigManager } from './server-config-manager' type Tags = { ogType: string twitterCard: 'player' | 'summary' | 'summary_large_image' schemaType: string list?: { numberOfItems: number } escapedSiteName: string escapedTitle: string escapedDescription: string url: string originUrl: string disallowIndexation?: boolean embed?: { url: string createdAt: string duration?: string views?: number } image: { url: string width?: number height?: number } } class ClientHtml { private static htmlCache: { [path: string]: string } = {} static invalidCache () {'Cleaning HTML cache.') ClientHtml.htmlCache = {} } static async getDefaultHTMLPage (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, paramLang?: string) { const html = paramLang ? await ClientHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res, paramLang) : await ClientHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res) let customHtml = ClientHtml.addTitleTag(html) customHtml = ClientHtml.addDescriptionTag(customHtml) return customHtml } static async getWatchHTMLPage (videoIdArg: string, req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const videoId = toCompleteUUID(videoIdArg) // Let Angular application handle errors if (!validator.isInt(videoId) && !validator.isUUID(videoId, 4)) { res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404) return ClientHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res) } const [ html, video ] = await Promise.all([ ClientHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res), VideoModel.loadWithBlacklist(videoId) ]) // Let Angular application handle errors if (!video || video.privacy === VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE || video.privacy === VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL || video.VideoBlacklist) { res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404) return html } const description = mdToOneLinePlainText(video.description) let customHtml = ClientHtml.addTitleTag(html, customHtml = ClientHtml.addDescriptionTag(customHtml, description) const url = WEBSERVER.URL + video.getWatchStaticPath() const originUrl = video.url const title = const siteName = CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME const image = { url: WEBSERVER.URL + video.getPreviewStaticPath() } const embed = { url: WEBSERVER.URL + video.getEmbedStaticPath(), createdAt: video.createdAt.toISOString(), duration: getActivityStreamDuration(video.duration), views: video.views } const ogType = 'video' const twitterCard = CONFIG.SERVICES.TWITTER.WHITELISTED ? 'player' : 'summary_large_image' const schemaType = 'VideoObject' customHtml = ClientHtml.addTags(customHtml, { url, originUrl, escapedSiteName: escapeHTML(siteName), escapedTitle: escapeHTML(title), escapedDescription: escapeHTML(description), image, embed, ogType, twitterCard, schemaType }) return customHtml } static async getWatchPlaylistHTMLPage (videoPlaylistIdArg: string, req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const videoPlaylistId = toCompleteUUID(videoPlaylistIdArg) // Let Angular application handle errors if (!validator.isInt(videoPlaylistId) && !validator.isUUID(videoPlaylistId, 4)) { res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404) return ClientHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res) } const [ html, videoPlaylist ] = await Promise.all([ ClientHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res), VideoPlaylistModel.loadWithAccountAndChannel(videoPlaylistId, null) ]) // Let Angular application handle errors if (!videoPlaylist || videoPlaylist.privacy === VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE) { res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404) return html } const description = mdToOneLinePlainText(videoPlaylist.description) let customHtml = ClientHtml.addTitleTag(html, customHtml = ClientHtml.addDescriptionTag(customHtml, description) const url = WEBSERVER.URL + videoPlaylist.getWatchStaticPath() const originUrl = videoPlaylist.url const title = const siteName = CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME const image = { url: videoPlaylist.getThumbnailUrl() } const embed = { url: WEBSERVER.URL + videoPlaylist.getEmbedStaticPath(), createdAt: videoPlaylist.createdAt.toISOString() } const list = { numberOfItems: videoPlaylist.get('videosLength') as number } const ogType = 'video' const twitterCard = CONFIG.SERVICES.TWITTER.WHITELISTED ? 'player' : 'summary' const schemaType = 'ItemList' customHtml = ClientHtml.addTags(customHtml, { url, originUrl, escapedSiteName: escapeHTML(siteName), escapedTitle: escapeHTML(title), escapedDescription: escapeHTML(description), embed, image, list, ogType, twitterCard, schemaType }) return customHtml } static async getAccountHTMLPage (nameWithHost: string, req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const accountModelPromise = AccountModel.loadByNameWithHost(nameWithHost) return this.getAccountOrChannelHTMLPage(() => accountModelPromise, req, res) } static async getVideoChannelHTMLPage (nameWithHost: string, req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const videoChannelModelPromise = VideoChannelModel.loadByNameWithHostAndPopulateAccount(nameWithHost) return this.getAccountOrChannelHTMLPage(() => videoChannelModelPromise, req, res) } static async getActorHTMLPage (nameWithHost: string, req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const [ account, channel ] = await Promise.all([ AccountModel.loadByNameWithHost(nameWithHost), VideoChannelModel.loadByNameWithHostAndPopulateAccount(nameWithHost) ]) return this.getAccountOrChannelHTMLPage(() => Promise.resolve(account || channel), req, res) } static async getEmbedHTML () { const path = ClientHtml.getEmbedPath() if (ClientHtml.htmlCache[path]) return ClientHtml.htmlCache[path] const buffer = await readFile(path) const serverConfig = await ServerConfigManager.Instance.getHTMLServerConfig() let html = buffer.toString() html = await ClientHtml.addAsyncPluginCSS(html) html = ClientHtml.addCustomCSS(html) html = ClientHtml.addTitleTag(html) html = ClientHtml.addDescriptionTag(html) html = ClientHtml.addServerConfig(html, serverConfig) ClientHtml.htmlCache[path] = html return html } private static async getAccountOrChannelHTMLPage ( loader: () => Promise<MAccountActor | MChannelActor>, req: express.Request, res: express.Response ) { const [ html, entity ] = await Promise.all([ ClientHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res), loader() ]) // Let Angular application handle errors if (!entity) { res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404) return ClientHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res) } const description = mdToOneLinePlainText(entity.description) let customHtml = ClientHtml.addTitleTag(html, entity.getDisplayName()) customHtml = ClientHtml.addDescriptionTag(customHtml, description) const url = entity.getLocalUrl() const originUrl = entity.Actor.url const siteName = CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME const title = entity.getDisplayName() const avatar = getBiggestActorImage(entity.Actor.Avatars) const image = { url: ActorImageModel.getImageUrl(avatar), width: avatar?.width, height: avatar?.height } const ogType = 'website' const twitterCard = 'summary' const schemaType = 'ProfilePage' customHtml = ClientHtml.addTags(customHtml, { url, originUrl, escapedTitle: escapeHTML(title), escapedSiteName: escapeHTML(siteName), escapedDescription: escapeHTML(description), image, ogType, twitterCard, schemaType, disallowIndexation: !entity.Actor.isOwned() }) return customHtml } private static async getIndexHTML (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, paramLang?: string) { const path = ClientHtml.getIndexPath(req, res, paramLang) if (ClientHtml.htmlCache[path]) return ClientHtml.htmlCache[path] const buffer = await readFile(path) const serverConfig = await ServerConfigManager.Instance.getHTMLServerConfig() let html = buffer.toString() html = ClientHtml.addManifestContentHash(html) html = ClientHtml.addFaviconContentHash(html) html = ClientHtml.addLogoContentHash(html) html = ClientHtml.addCustomCSS(html) html = ClientHtml.addServerConfig(html, serverConfig) html = await ClientHtml.addAsyncPluginCSS(html) ClientHtml.htmlCache[path] = html return html } private static getIndexPath (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, paramLang: string) { let lang: string // Check param lang validity if (paramLang && is18nLocale(paramLang)) { lang = paramLang // Save locale in cookies res.cookie('clientLanguage', lang, { secure: WEBSERVER.SCHEME === 'https', sameSite: 'none', maxAge: 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 90 // 3 months }) } else if (req.cookies.clientLanguage && is18nLocale(req.cookies.clientLanguage)) { lang = req.cookies.clientLanguage } else { lang = req.acceptsLanguages(POSSIBLE_LOCALES) || getDefaultLocale() } logger.debug( 'Serving %s HTML language', buildFileLocale(lang), { cookie: req.cookies?.clientLanguage, paramLang, acceptLanguage: req.headers['accept-language'] } ) return join(root(), 'client', 'dist', buildFileLocale(lang), 'index.html') } private static getEmbedPath () { return join(root(), 'client', 'dist', 'standalone', 'videos', 'embed.html') } private static addManifestContentHash (htmlStringPage: string) { return htmlStringPage.replace('[manifestContentHash]', FILES_CONTENT_HASH.MANIFEST) } private static addFaviconContentHash (htmlStringPage: string) { return htmlStringPage.replace('[faviconContentHash]', FILES_CONTENT_HASH.FAVICON) } private static addLogoContentHash (htmlStringPage: string) { return htmlStringPage.replace('[logoContentHash]', FILES_CONTENT_HASH.LOGO) } private static addTitleTag (htmlStringPage: string, title?: string) { let text = title || CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME if (title) text += ` - ${CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME}` const titleTag = `<title>${escapeHTML(text)}</title>` return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.TITLE, titleTag) } private static addDescriptionTag (htmlStringPage: string, description?: string) { const content = description || CONFIG.INSTANCE.SHORT_DESCRIPTION const descriptionTag = `<meta name="description" content="${escapeHTML(content)}" />` return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.DESCRIPTION, descriptionTag) } private static addCustomCSS (htmlStringPage: string) { const styleTag = `<style class="custom-css-style">${CONFIG.INSTANCE.CUSTOMIZATIONS.CSS}</style>` return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.CUSTOM_CSS, styleTag) } private static addServerConfig (htmlStringPage: string, serverConfig: HTMLServerConfig) { // Stringify the JSON object, and then stringify the string object so we can inject it into the HTML const serverConfigString = JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(serverConfig)) const configScriptTag = `<script type="application/javascript">window.PeerTubeServerConfig = ${serverConfigString}</script>` return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.SERVER_CONFIG, configScriptTag) } private static async addAsyncPluginCSS (htmlStringPage: string) { const globalCSSContent = await readFile(PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_PATH) if (globalCSSContent.byteLength === 0) return htmlStringPage const fileHash = sha256(globalCSSContent) const linkTag = `<link rel="stylesheet" href="/plugins/global.css?hash=${fileHash}" />` return htmlStringPage.replace('</head>', linkTag + '</head>') } private static generateOpenGraphMetaTags (tags: Tags) { const metaTags = { 'og:type': tags.ogType, 'og:site_name': tags.escapedSiteName, 'og:title': tags.escapedTitle, 'og:image': tags.image.url } if (tags.image.width && tags.image.height) { metaTags['og:image:width'] = tags.image.width metaTags['og:image:height'] = tags.image.height } metaTags['og:url'] = tags.url metaTags['og:description'] = tags.escapedDescription if (tags.embed) { metaTags['og:video:url'] = tags.embed.url metaTags['og:video:secure_url'] = tags.embed.url metaTags['og:video:type'] = 'text/html' metaTags['og:video:width'] = EMBED_SIZE.width metaTags['og:video:height'] = EMBED_SIZE.height } return metaTags } private static generateStandardMetaTags (tags: Tags) { return { name: tags.escapedTitle, description: tags.escapedDescription, image: tags.image.url } } private static generateTwitterCardMetaTags (tags: Tags) { const metaTags = { 'twitter:card': tags.twitterCard, 'twitter:site': CONFIG.SERVICES.TWITTER.USERNAME, 'twitter:title': tags.escapedTitle, 'twitter:description': tags.escapedDescription, 'twitter:image': tags.image.url } if (tags.image.width && tags.image.height) { metaTags['twitter:image:width'] = tags.image.width metaTags['twitter:image:height'] = tags.image.height } if (tags.twitterCard === 'player') { metaTags['twitter:player'] = tags.embed.url metaTags['twitter:player:width'] = EMBED_SIZE.width metaTags['twitter:player:height'] = EMBED_SIZE.height } return metaTags } private static generateSchemaTags (tags: Tags) { const schema = { '@context': '', '@type': tags.schemaType, 'name': tags.escapedTitle, 'description': tags.escapedDescription, 'image': tags.image.url, 'url': tags.url } if (tags.list) { schema['numberOfItems'] = tags.list.numberOfItems schema['thumbnailUrl'] = tags.image.url } if (tags.embed) { schema['embedUrl'] = tags.embed.url schema['uploadDate'] = tags.embed.createdAt if (tags.embed.duration) schema['duration'] = tags.embed.duration if (tags.embed.views) schema['iterationCount'] = tags.embed.views schema['thumbnailUrl'] = tags.image.url schema['contentUrl'] = tags.url } return schema } private static addTags (htmlStringPage: string, tagsValues: Tags) { const openGraphMetaTags = this.generateOpenGraphMetaTags(tagsValues) const standardMetaTags = this.generateStandardMetaTags(tagsValues) const twitterCardMetaTags = this.generateTwitterCardMetaTags(tagsValues) const schemaTags = this.generateSchemaTags(tagsValues) const { url, escapedTitle, embed, originUrl, disallowIndexation } = tagsValues const oembedLinkTags: { type: string, href: string, escapedTitle: string }[] = [] if (embed) { oembedLinkTags.push({ type: 'application/json+oembed', href: WEBSERVER.URL + '/services/oembed?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url), escapedTitle }) } let tagsStr = '' // Opengraph Object.keys(openGraphMetaTags).forEach(tagName => { const tagValue = openGraphMetaTags[tagName] tagsStr += `<meta property="${tagName}" content="${tagValue}" />` }) // Standard Object.keys(standardMetaTags).forEach(tagName => { const tagValue = standardMetaTags[tagName] tagsStr += `<meta property="${tagName}" content="${tagValue}" />` }) // Twitter card Object.keys(twitterCardMetaTags).forEach(tagName => { const tagValue = twitterCardMetaTags[tagName] tagsStr += `<meta property="${tagName}" content="${tagValue}" />` }) // OEmbed for (const oembedLinkTag of oembedLinkTags) { tagsStr += `<link rel="alternate" type="${oembedLinkTag.type}" href="${oembedLinkTag.href}" title="${oembedLinkTag.escapedTitle}" />` } // if (schemaTags) { tagsStr += `<script type="application/ld+json">${JSON.stringify(schemaTags)}</script>` } // SEO, use origin URL tagsStr += `<link rel="canonical" href="${originUrl}" />` if (disallowIndexation) { tagsStr += `<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />` } return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.META_TAGS, tagsStr) } } function sendHTML (html: string, res: express.Response, localizedHTML: boolean = false) { res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8') if (localizedHTML) { res.set('Vary', 'Accept-Language') } return res.send(html) } async function serveIndexHTML (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { if (req.accepts(ACCEPT_HEADERS) === 'html' || !req.headers.accept) { try { await generateHTMLPage(req, res, req.params.language) return } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot generate HTML page.', err) return res.status(HttpStatusCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500).end() } } return res.status(HttpStatusCode.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_406).end() } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { ClientHtml, sendHTML, serveIndexHTML } async function generateHTMLPage (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, paramLang?: string) { const html = await ClientHtml.getDefaultHTMLPage(req, res, paramLang) return sendHTML(html, res, true) }