/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import { expect } from 'chai' import { wait } from '@shared/core-utils' import { LiveVideoCreate, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { cleanupTests, createSingleServer, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel, stopFfmpeg, waitJobs } from '@shared/server-commands' describe('Fast restream in live', function () { let server: PeerTubeServer async function createLiveWrapper (options: { permanent: boolean, replay: boolean }) { const attributes: LiveVideoCreate = { channelId: server.store.channel.id, privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, name: 'my super live', saveReplay: options.replay, replaySettings: options.replay ? { privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC } : undefined, permanentLive: options.permanent } const { uuid } = await server.live.create({ fields: attributes }) return uuid } async function fastRestreamWrapper ({ replay }: { replay: boolean }) { const liveVideoUUID = await createLiveWrapper({ permanent: true, replay }) await waitJobs([ server ]) const rtmpOptions = { videoId: liveVideoUUID, copyCodecs: true, fixtureName: 'video_short.mp4' } // Streaming session #1 let ffmpegCommand = await server.live.sendRTMPStreamInVideo(rtmpOptions) await server.live.waitUntilPublished({ videoId: liveVideoUUID }) const video = await server.videos.get({ id: liveVideoUUID }) const session1PlaylistId = video.streamingPlaylists[0].id await stopFfmpeg(ffmpegCommand) await server.live.waitUntilWaiting({ videoId: liveVideoUUID }) // Streaming session #2 ffmpegCommand = await server.live.sendRTMPStreamInVideo(rtmpOptions) let hasNewPlaylist = false do { const video = await server.videos.get({ id: liveVideoUUID }) hasNewPlaylist = video.streamingPlaylists.length === 1 && video.streamingPlaylists[0].id !== session1PlaylistId await wait(100) } while (!hasNewPlaylist) await server.live.waitUntilSegmentGeneration({ server, videoUUID: liveVideoUUID, segment: 1, playlistNumber: 0 }) return { ffmpegCommand, liveVideoUUID } } async function ensureLastLiveWorks (liveId: string) { // Equivalent to PEERTUBE_TEST_CONSTANTS_VIDEO_LIVE_CLEANUP_DELAY for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const video = await server.videos.get({ id: liveId }) expect(video.streamingPlaylists).to.have.lengthOf(1) try { await server.live.getSegmentFile({ videoUUID: liveId, segment: 0, playlistNumber: 0 }) await server.streamingPlaylists.get({ url: video.streamingPlaylists[0].playlistUrl }) await server.streamingPlaylists.getSegmentSha256({ url: video.streamingPlaylists[0].segmentsSha256Url }) } catch (err) { // FIXME: try to debug error in CI "Unexpected end of JSON input" console.error(err) throw err } await wait(100) } } async function runTest (replay: boolean) { const { ffmpegCommand, liveVideoUUID } = await fastRestreamWrapper({ replay }) // TODO: remove, we try to debug a test timeout failure here console.log('Ensuring last live works') await ensureLastLiveWorks(liveVideoUUID) await stopFfmpeg(ffmpegCommand) await server.live.waitUntilWaiting({ videoId: liveVideoUUID }) // Wait for replays await waitJobs([ server ]) const { total, data: sessions } = await server.live.listSessions({ videoId: liveVideoUUID }) expect(total).to.equal(2) expect(sessions).to.have.lengthOf(2) for (const session of sessions) { expect(session.error).to.be.null if (replay) { expect(session.replayVideo).to.exist await server.videos.get({ id: session.replayVideo.uuid }) } else { expect(session.replayVideo).to.not.exist } } } before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) const env = { PEERTUBE_TEST_CONSTANTS_VIDEO_LIVE_CLEANUP_DELAY: '10000' } server = await createSingleServer(1, {}, { env }) // Get the access tokens await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) await setDefaultVideoChannel([ server ]) await server.config.enableMinimumTranscoding({ webVideo: false, hls: true }) await server.config.enableLive({ allowReplay: true, transcoding: true, resolutions: 'min' }) }) it('Should correctly fast restream in a permanent live with and without save replay', async function () { this.timeout(480000) // A test can take a long time, so prefer to run them in parallel await Promise.all([ runTest(true), runTest(false) ]) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) })