import debug from 'debug' import { UploadState, UploadxService } from 'ngx-uploadx' import { of, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs' import { catchError, map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators' import { SelectChannelItem } from 'src/types/select-options-item.model' import { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http' import { Component, HostListener, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService, CanComponentDeactivate, ConfirmService, Notifier, ServerService, UserService } from '@app/core' import { genericUploadErrorHandler } from '@app/helpers' import { FormReactive, FormReactiveService } from '@app/shared/shared-forms' import { Video, VideoCaptionEdit, VideoCaptionService, VideoChapterService, VideoChaptersEdit, VideoDetails, VideoEdit, VideoService } from '@app/shared/shared-main' import { LiveVideoService } from '@app/shared/shared-video-live' import { LoadingBarService } from '@ngx-loading-bar/core' import { pick, simpleObjectsDeepEqual } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { HttpStatusCode, LiveVideo, LiveVideoUpdate, VideoPrivacy, VideoSource, VideoState } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { hydrateFormFromVideo } from './shared/video-edit-utils' import { VideoUploadService } from './shared/video-upload.service' import { VideoEditComponent } from './shared/video-edit.component' const debugLogger = debug('peertube:video-update') @Component({ selector: 'my-videos-update', styleUrls: [ './shared/video-edit.component.scss' ], templateUrl: './video-update.component.html' }) export class VideoUpdateComponent extends FormReactive implements OnInit, OnDestroy, CanComponentDeactivate { @ViewChild('videoEdit', { static: false }) videoEditComponent: VideoEditComponent videoEdit: VideoEdit videoDetails: VideoDetails videoSource: VideoSource userVideoChannels: SelectChannelItem[] = [] videoCaptions: VideoCaptionEdit[] = [] liveVideo: LiveVideo userVideoQuotaUsed = 0 userVideoQuotaUsedDaily = 0 isUpdatingVideo = false forbidScheduledPublication = false isReplacingVideoFile = false videoUploadPercents: number uploadError: string updateDone = false private videoReplacementUploadedSubject = new Subject() private alreadyRefreshedToken = false private uploadServiceSubscription: Subscription private updateSubcription: Subscription private chaptersEdit = new VideoChaptersEdit() constructor ( protected formReactiveService: FormReactiveService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private notifier: Notifier, private videoService: VideoService, private loadingBar: LoadingBarService, private videoCaptionService: VideoCaptionService, private videoChapterService: VideoChapterService, private server: ServerService, private liveVideoService: LiveVideoService, private videoUploadService: VideoUploadService, private confirmService: ConfirmService, private auth: AuthService, private userService: UserService, private resumableUploadService: UploadxService ) { super() } ngOnInit () { this.buildForm({ replaceFile: null }) this.userService.getMyVideoQuotaUsed() .subscribe(data => { this.userVideoQuotaUsed = data.videoQuotaUsed this.userVideoQuotaUsedDaily = data.videoQuotaUsedDaily }) this.uploadServiceSubscription = .subscribe(state => this.onUploadVideoOngoing(state)) const { videoData } = const { video, videoChannels, videoCaptions, videoChapters, videoSource, liveVideo, videoPassword } = videoData this.videoDetails = video this.videoEdit = new VideoEdit(this.videoDetails, videoPassword) this.chaptersEdit.loadFromAPI(videoChapters) this.userVideoChannels = videoChannels this.videoCaptions = videoCaptions this.videoSource = videoSource this.liveVideo = liveVideo this.forbidScheduledPublication = this.videoEdit.privacy !== VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE } ngOnDestroy () { this.resumableUploadService.disconnect() if (this.uploadServiceSubscription) this.uploadServiceSubscription.unsubscribe() } onFormBuilt () { hydrateFormFromVideo(this.form, this.videoEdit, true) setTimeout(() => this.videoEditComponent.patchChapters(this.chaptersEdit)) if (this.liveVideo) { this.form.patchValue({ saveReplay: this.liveVideo.saveReplay, replayPrivacy: this.liveVideo.replaySettings ? this.liveVideo.replaySettings.privacy : VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE, latencyMode: this.liveVideo.latencyMode, permanentLive: this.liveVideo.permanentLive }) } } @HostListener('window:beforeunload', [ '$event' ]) onUnload (event: any) { const { text, canDeactivate } = this.canDeactivate() if (canDeactivate) return event.returnValue = text return text } canDeactivate (): { canDeactivate: boolean, text?: string } { if (this.updateDone === true) return { canDeactivate: true } if (this.isUpdatingVideo) { return { canDeactivate: false, text: $localize`Your video is currently being updated. If you leave, your changes will be lost.` } } const text = $localize`You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost.` for (const caption of this.videoCaptions) { if (caption.action) return { canDeactivate: false, text } } return { canDeactivate: this.formChanged === false, text } } getVideoExtensions () { return this.videoUploadService.getVideoExtensions() } isWaitTranscodingHidden () { return !== VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE } isUpdateVideoFileEnabled () { if (!this.server.getHTMLConfig().videoFile.update.enabled) return false if (this.videoDetails.isLive) return false if ( !== VideoState.PUBLISHED) return false return true } async update () { await this.waitPendingCheck() this.forceCheck() if (!this.form.valid || this.isUpdatingVideo === true) return // Check and warn users about a file replacement if (!await this.checkAndConfirmVideoFileReplacement()) return this.videoEdit.patch(this.form.value) this.chaptersEdit.patch(this.form.value) this.abortUpdateIfNeeded() this.loadingBar.useRef().start() this.isUpdatingVideo = true this.updateSubcription = this.videoReplacementUploadedSubject.pipe( switchMap(() => this.videoService.updateVideo(this.videoEdit)), switchMap(() => this.videoCaptionService.updateCaptions(this.videoEdit.uuid, this.videoCaptions)), switchMap(() => { if (this.liveVideo) return of(true) return this.videoChapterService.updateChapters(this.videoEdit.uuid, this.chaptersEdit) }), switchMap(() => { if (!this.liveVideo) return of(undefined) const saveReplay = !!this.form.value.saveReplay const replaySettings = saveReplay ? { privacy: this.form.value.replayPrivacy } : undefined const liveVideoUpdate: LiveVideoUpdate = { saveReplay, replaySettings, permanentLive: !!this.form.value.permanentLive, latencyMode: this.form.value.latencyMode } // Don't update live attributes if they did not change const baseVideo = { saveReplay: this.liveVideo.saveReplay, replaySettings: this.liveVideo.replaySettings, permanentLive: this.liveVideo.permanentLive, latencyMode: this.liveVideo.latencyMode } const liveChanged = !simpleObjectsDeepEqual(baseVideo, liveVideoUpdate) if (!liveChanged) return of(undefined) return this.liveVideoService.updateLive(, liveVideoUpdate) }), map(() => true), catchError(err => { this.notifier.error(err.message) return of(false) }) ) .subscribe({ next: success => { this.isUpdatingVideo = false this.loadingBar.useRef().complete() if (!success) return this.updateDone = true this.notifier.success($localize`Video updated.`) this.router.navigateByUrl(Video.buildWatchUrl(this.videoEdit)) } }) this.replaceFileIfNeeded() } hydratePluginFieldsFromVideo () { if (!this.videoEdit.pluginData) return this.form.patchValue({ pluginData: this.videoEdit.pluginData }) } getVideoUrl () { return Video.buildWatchUrl(this.videoDetails) } private async checkAndConfirmVideoFileReplacement () { const replaceFile: File = this.form.value['replaceFile'] if (!replaceFile) return true const user = this.auth.getUser() if (!this.videoUploadService.checkQuotaAndNotify(replaceFile, user.videoQuota, this.userVideoQuotaUsed)) return if (!this.videoUploadService.checkQuotaAndNotify(replaceFile, user.videoQuotaDaily, this.userVideoQuotaUsedDaily)) return const willBeBlocked = this.server.getHTMLConfig().autoBlacklist.videos.ofUsers.enabled === true && !this.videoDetails.blacklisted let blockedWarning = '' if (willBeBlocked) { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len blockedWarning = ' ' + $localize`Your video will also be automatically blocked since video publication requires manual validation by moderators.` } const message = $localize`Uploading a new version of your video will completely erase the current version.` + blockedWarning + ' ' + $localize`

Do you still want to replace your video file?` const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(message, $localize`Replace file warning`) if (res === false) return false return true } private replaceFileIfNeeded () { if (!this.form.value['replaceFile']) { return } this.uploadFileReplacement(this.form.value['replaceFile']) } private uploadFileReplacement (file: File) { const metadata = { filename: } this.resumableUploadService.handleFiles(file, { ...this.videoUploadService.getReplaceUploadxOptions(this.videoDetails.uuid), metadata }) this.isReplacingVideoFile = true } onUploadVideoOngoing (state: UploadState) { debugLogger('Upload state update', state) switch (state.status) { case 'error': { if (!this.alreadyRefreshedToken && state.responseStatus === HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401) { this.alreadyRefreshedToken = true return this.refreshTokenAndRetryUpload() } this.handleUploadError(this.videoUploadService.buildHTTPErrorResponse(state)) break } case 'cancelled': this.isReplacingVideoFile = false this.videoUploadPercents = 0 this.uploadError = '' break case 'uploading': this.videoUploadPercents = state.progress || 0 break case 'complete': this.isReplacingVideoFile = false this.videoUploadPercents = 100 break } } cancelUpload () { debugLogger('Cancelling upload') this.resumableUploadService.control({ action: 'cancel' }) this.abortUpdateIfNeeded() } private handleUploadError (err: HttpErrorResponse) { this.videoUploadPercents = 0 this.isReplacingVideoFile = false this.uploadError = genericUploadErrorHandler({ err, name: $localize`video` }) this.videoReplacementUploadedSubject.error(err) } private refreshTokenAndRetryUpload () { this.auth.refreshAccessToken() .subscribe(() => this.uploadFileReplacement(this.form.value['replaceFile'])) } private abortUpdateIfNeeded () { if (this.updateSubcription) { this.updateSubcription.unsubscribe() this.updateSubcription = undefined } this.videoReplacementUploadedSubject = new Subject() this.loadingBar.useRef().complete() } }