/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import { join } from 'path' import { checkDirectoryIsEmpty, checkTmpIsEmpty, completeCheckHlsPlaylist } from '@server/tests/shared' import { areMockObjectStorageTestsDisabled } from '@shared/core-utils' import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/models' import { cleanupTests, createMultipleServers, doubleFollow, ObjectStorageCommand, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, waitJobs } from '@shared/server-commands' import { DEFAULT_AUDIO_RESOLUTION } from '../../../initializers/constants' describe('Test HLS videos', function () { let servers: PeerTubeServer[] = [] function runTestSuite (hlsOnly: boolean, objectStorageBaseUrl?: string) { const videoUUIDs: string[] = [] it('Should upload a video and transcode it to HLS', async function () { this.timeout(120000) const { uuid } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 1', fixture: 'video_short.webm' } }) videoUUIDs.push(uuid) await waitJobs(servers) await completeCheckHlsPlaylist({ servers, videoUUID: uuid, hlsOnly, objectStorageBaseUrl }) }) it('Should upload an audio file and transcode it to HLS', async function () { this.timeout(120000) const { uuid } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video audio', fixture: 'sample.ogg' } }) videoUUIDs.push(uuid) await waitJobs(servers) await completeCheckHlsPlaylist({ servers, videoUUID: uuid, hlsOnly, resolutions: [ DEFAULT_AUDIO_RESOLUTION, 360, 240 ], objectStorageBaseUrl }) }) it('Should update the video', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await servers[0].videos.update({ id: videoUUIDs[0], attributes: { name: 'video 1 updated' } }) await waitJobs(servers) await completeCheckHlsPlaylist({ servers, videoUUID: videoUUIDs[0], hlsOnly, objectStorageBaseUrl }) }) it('Should delete videos', async function () { for (const uuid of videoUUIDs) { await servers[0].videos.remove({ id: uuid }) } await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { for (const uuid of videoUUIDs) { await server.videos.get({ id: uuid, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) } } }) it('Should have the playlists/segment deleted from the disk', async function () { for (const server of servers) { await checkDirectoryIsEmpty(server, 'videos', [ 'private' ]) await checkDirectoryIsEmpty(server, join('videos', 'private')) await checkDirectoryIsEmpty(server, join('streaming-playlists', 'hls'), [ 'private' ]) await checkDirectoryIsEmpty(server, join('streaming-playlists', 'hls', 'private')) } }) it('Should have an empty tmp directory', async function () { for (const server of servers) { await checkTmpIsEmpty(server) } }) } before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) const configOverride = { transcoding: { enabled: true, allow_audio_files: true, hls: { enabled: true } } } servers = await createMultipleServers(2, configOverride) // Get the access tokens await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) // Server 1 and server 2 follow each other await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) }) describe('With Web Video & HLS enabled', function () { runTestSuite(false) }) describe('With only HLS enabled', function () { before(async function () { await servers[0].config.updateCustomSubConfig({ newConfig: { transcoding: { enabled: true, allowAudioFiles: true, resolutions: { '144p': false, '240p': true, '360p': true, '480p': true, '720p': true, '1080p': true, '1440p': true, '2160p': true }, hls: { enabled: true }, webtorrent: { enabled: false } } } }) }) runTestSuite(true) }) describe('With object storage enabled', function () { if (areMockObjectStorageTestsDisabled()) return const objectStorage = new ObjectStorageCommand() before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) const configOverride = objectStorage.getDefaultMockConfig() await objectStorage.prepareDefaultMockBuckets() await servers[0].kill() await servers[0].run(configOverride) }) runTestSuite(true, objectStorage.getMockPlaylistBaseUrl()) after(async function () { await objectStorage.cleanupMock() }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests(servers) }) })