import { computeOutputFPS } from '@server/helpers/ffmpeg' import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config' import { DEFAULT_AUDIO_RESOLUTION, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS } from '@server/initializers/constants' import { Hooks } from '@server/lib/plugins/hooks' import { VODAudioMergeTranscodingJobHandler, VODHLSTranscodingJobHandler, VODWebVideoTranscodingJobHandler } from '@server/lib/runners' import { VideoPathManager } from '@server/lib/video-path-manager' import { MUserId, MVideoFile, MVideoFullLight, MVideoWithFileThumbnail } from '@server/types/models' import { MRunnerJob } from '@server/types/models/runners' import { ffprobePromise, getVideoStreamDimensionsInfo, getVideoStreamFPS, hasAudioStream, isAudioFile } from '@shared/ffmpeg' import { computeResolutionsToTranscode } from '../../transcoding-resolutions' import { AbstractJobBuilder } from './abstract-job-builder' /** * * Class to build transcoding job in the local job queue * */ const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('transcoding') export class TranscodingRunnerJobBuilder extends AbstractJobBuilder { async createOptimizeOrMergeAudioJobs (options: { video: MVideoFullLight videoFile: MVideoFile isNewVideo: boolean user: MUserId videoFileAlreadyLocked: boolean }) { const { video, videoFile, isNewVideo, user, videoFileAlreadyLocked } = options const mutexReleaser = videoFileAlreadyLocked ? () => {} : await VideoPathManager.Instance.lockFiles(video.uuid) try { await VideoPathManager.Instance.makeAvailableVideoFile(videoFile.withVideoOrPlaylist(video), async videoFilePath => { const probe = await ffprobePromise(videoFilePath) const { resolution } = await getVideoStreamDimensionsInfo(videoFilePath, probe) const hasAudio = await hasAudioStream(videoFilePath, probe) const inputFPS = videoFile.isAudio() ? VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS.AUDIO_MERGE // The first transcoding job will transcode to this FPS value : await getVideoStreamFPS(videoFilePath, probe) const maxResolution = await isAudioFile(videoFilePath, probe) ? DEFAULT_AUDIO_RESOLUTION : resolution const fps = computeOutputFPS({ inputFPS, resolution: maxResolution }) const priority = await this.getTranscodingJobPriority({ user, fallback: 0 }) const mainRunnerJob = videoFile.isAudio() ? await new VODAudioMergeTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, resolution: maxResolution, fps, isNewVideo, priority }) : await new VODWebVideoTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, resolution: maxResolution, fps, isNewVideo, priority }) if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.HLS.ENABLED === true) { await new VODHLSTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, deleteWebVideoFiles: CONFIG.TRANSCODING.WEBTORRENT.ENABLED === false, resolution: maxResolution, fps, isNewVideo, dependsOnRunnerJob: mainRunnerJob, priority: await this.getTranscodingJobPriority({ user, fallback: 0 }) }) } await this.buildLowerResolutionJobPayloads({ video, inputVideoResolution: maxResolution, inputVideoFPS: inputFPS, hasAudio, isNewVideo, mainRunnerJob, user }) }) } finally { mutexReleaser() } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async createTranscodingJobs (options: { transcodingType: 'hls' | 'webtorrent' video: MVideoFullLight resolutions: number[] isNewVideo: boolean user: MUserId | null }) { const { video, transcodingType, resolutions, isNewVideo, user } = options const maxResolution = Math.max(...resolutions) const { fps: inputFPS } = await video.probeMaxQualityFile() const maxFPS = computeOutputFPS({ inputFPS, resolution: maxResolution }) const priority = await this.getTranscodingJobPriority({ user, fallback: 0 }) const childrenResolutions = resolutions.filter(r => r !== maxResolution)'Manually creating transcoding jobs for %s.', transcodingType, { childrenResolutions, maxResolution }) // Process the last resolution before the other ones to prevent concurrency issue // Because low resolutions use the biggest one as ffmpeg input const mainJob = transcodingType === 'hls' // eslint-disable-next-line max-len ? await new VODHLSTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, resolution: maxResolution, fps: maxFPS, isNewVideo, deleteWebVideoFiles: false, priority }) : await new VODWebVideoTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, resolution: maxResolution, fps: maxFPS, isNewVideo, priority }) for (const resolution of childrenResolutions) { const dependsOnRunnerJob = mainJob const fps = computeOutputFPS({ inputFPS, resolution: maxResolution }) if (transcodingType === 'hls') { await new VODHLSTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, resolution, fps, isNewVideo, deleteWebVideoFiles: false, dependsOnRunnerJob, priority: await this.getTranscodingJobPriority({ user, fallback: 0 }) }) continue } if (transcodingType === 'webtorrent') { await new VODWebVideoTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, resolution, fps, isNewVideo, dependsOnRunnerJob, priority: await this.getTranscodingJobPriority({ user, fallback: 0 }) }) continue } throw new Error('Unknown transcoding type') } } private async buildLowerResolutionJobPayloads (options: { mainRunnerJob: MRunnerJob video: MVideoWithFileThumbnail inputVideoResolution: number inputVideoFPS: number hasAudio: boolean isNewVideo: boolean user: MUserId }) { const { video, inputVideoResolution, inputVideoFPS, isNewVideo, hasAudio, mainRunnerJob, user } = options // Create transcoding jobs if there are enabled resolutions const resolutionsEnabled = await Hooks.wrapObject( computeResolutionsToTranscode({ input: inputVideoResolution, type: 'vod', includeInput: false, strictLower: true, hasAudio }), '', options ) logger.debug('Lower resolutions build for %s.', video.uuid, { resolutionsEnabled, ...lTags(video.uuid) }) for (const resolution of resolutionsEnabled) { const fps = computeOutputFPS({ inputFPS: inputVideoFPS, resolution }) if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.WEBTORRENT.ENABLED) { await new VODWebVideoTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, resolution, fps, isNewVideo, dependsOnRunnerJob: mainRunnerJob, priority: await this.getTranscodingJobPriority({ user, fallback: 0 }) }) } if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.HLS.ENABLED) { await new VODHLSTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, resolution, fps, isNewVideo, deleteWebVideoFiles: false, dependsOnRunnerJob: mainRunnerJob, priority: await this.getTranscodingJobPriority({ user, fallback: 0 }) }) } } } }