import './embed.scss' import videojs from 'video.js' import 'videojs-dock/dist/' import * as WebTorrent from 'webtorrent' import { Video } from '../../../../shared' // videojs typings don't have some method we need const videojsUntyped = videojs as any function loadVideoInfos (videoId: string, callback: (err: Error, res?: Video) => void) { const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest() xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) { const json = JSON.parse(this.responseText) return callback(null, json) } } xhttp.onerror = err => callback(err.error) const url = window.location.origin + '/api/v1/videos/' + videoId'GET', url, true) xhttp.send() } function loadVideoTorrent (magnetUri: string, player: videojs.Player) { console.log('Loading video ' + videoId) const client = new WebTorrent() console.log('Adding magnet ' + magnetUri) client.add(magnetUri, torrent => { const file = torrent.files[0] file.renderTo('video', err => { if (err) { console.error(err) return } // Hack to "simulate" src link in video.js >= 6 // If no, we can't play the video after pausing it // (player as any).src = () => true }) }) } const urlParts = window.location.href.split('/') const videoId = urlParts[urlParts.length - 1] loadVideoInfos(videoId, (err, videoInfos) => { if (err) { console.error(err) return } const magnetUri = videoInfos.magnetUri const videoContainer = document.getElementById('video-container') as HTMLVideoElement const previewUrl = window.location.origin + videoInfos.previewPath videoContainer.poster = previewUrl videojs('video-container', { controls: true, autoplay: false }, function () { const player = this const Button = videojsUntyped.getComponent('Button') const peertubeLinkButton = videojsUntyped.extend(Button, { constructor: function () { Button.apply(this, arguments) }, createEl: function () { const link = document.createElement('a') link.href = window.location.href.replace('embed', 'watch') link.innerHTML = 'PeerTube' link.title = 'Go to the video page' link.className = 'vjs-peertube-link' = '_blank' return link }, handleClick: function () { player.pause() } }) videojsUntyped.registerComponent('PeerTubeLinkButton', peertubeLinkButton) const controlBar = player.getChild('controlBar') const addedLink = controlBar.addChild('PeerTubeLinkButton', {}) controlBar.el().insertBefore(addedLink.el(), controlBar.fullscreenToggle.el()) player.dock({ title: }) document.querySelector('.vjs-big-play-button').addEventListener('click', () => { loadVideoTorrent(magnetUri, player) }, false) }) })