/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/core-utils' import { addVideoChannel, checkPlaylistFilesWereRemoved, cleanupTests, createUser, deleteVideoChannel, doubleFollow, flushAndRunMultipleServers, generateUserAccessToken, getAccessToken, getMyUserInformation, PlaylistsCommand, removeUser, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel, testImage, updateVideo, uploadVideo, uploadVideoAndGetId, userLogin, wait, waitJobs } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { User, VideoPlaylist, VideoPlaylistCreateResult, VideoPlaylistElementType, VideoPlaylistPrivacy, VideoPlaylistType, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' const expect = chai.expect async function checkPlaylistElementType ( servers: ServerInfo[], playlistId: string, type: VideoPlaylistElementType, position: number, name: string, total: number ) { for (const server of servers) { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.listVideos({ token: server.accessToken, playlistId, start: 0, count: 10 }) expect(body.total).to.equal(total) const videoElement = body.data.find(e => e.position === position) expect(videoElement.type).to.equal(type, 'On server ' + server.url) if (type === VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR) { expect(videoElement.video).to.not.be.null expect(videoElement.video.name).to.equal(name) } else { expect(videoElement.video).to.be.null } } } describe('Test video playlists', function () { let servers: ServerInfo[] = [] let playlistServer2Id1: number let playlistServer2Id2: number let playlistServer2UUID2: string let playlistServer1Id: number let playlistServer1UUID: string let playlistServer1UUID2: string let playlistElementServer1Video4: number let playlistElementServer1Video5: number let playlistElementNSFW: number let nsfwVideoServer1: number let userTokenServer1: string let commands: PlaylistsCommand[] before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(3, { transcoding: { enabled: false } }) // Get the access tokens await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) await setDefaultVideoChannel(servers) // Server 1 and server 2 follow each other await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) // Server 1 and server 3 follow each other await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[2]) commands = servers.map(s => s.playlistsCommand) { servers[0].videos = [] servers[1].videos = [] servers[2].videos = [] for (const server of servers) { for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const name = `video ${i} server ${server.serverNumber}` const resVideo = await uploadVideo(server.url, server.accessToken, { name, nsfw: false }) server.videos.push(resVideo.body.video) } } } nsfwVideoServer1 = (await uploadVideoAndGetId({ server: servers[0], videoName: 'NSFW video', nsfw: true })).id { await createUser({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, username: 'user1', password: 'password' }) userTokenServer1 = await getAccessToken(servers[0].url, 'user1', 'password') } await waitJobs(servers) }) describe('Get default playlists', function () { it('Should list video playlist privacies', async function () { const privacies = await commands[0].getPrivacies() expect(Object.keys(privacies)).to.have.length.at.least(3) expect(privacies[3]).to.equal('Private') }) it('Should list watch later playlist', async function () { const token = servers[0].accessToken { const body = await commands[0].listByAccount({ token, handle: 'root', playlistType: VideoPlaylistType.WATCH_LATER }) expect(body.total).to.equal(1) expect(body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) const playlist = body.data[0] expect(playlist.displayName).to.equal('Watch later') expect(playlist.type.id).to.equal(VideoPlaylistType.WATCH_LATER) expect(playlist.type.label).to.equal('Watch later') } { const body = await commands[0].listByAccount({ token, handle: 'root', playlistType: VideoPlaylistType.REGULAR }) expect(body.total).to.equal(0) expect(body.data).to.have.lengthOf(0) } { const body = await commands[0].listByAccount({ handle: 'root' }) expect(body.total).to.equal(0) expect(body.data).to.have.lengthOf(0) } }) it('Should get private playlist for a classic user', async function () { const token = await generateUserAccessToken(servers[0], 'toto') const body = await commands[0].listByAccount({ token, handle: 'toto' }) expect(body.total).to.equal(1) expect(body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) const playlistId = body.data[0].id await commands[0].listVideos({ token, playlistId }) }) }) describe('Create and federate playlists', function () { it('Should create a playlist on server 1 and have the playlist on server 2 and 3', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await commands[0].create({ attributes: { displayName: 'my super playlist', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, description: 'my super description', thumbnailfile: 'thumbnail.jpg', videoChannelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id } }) await waitJobs(servers) // Processing a playlist by the receiver could be long await wait(3000) for (const server of servers) { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 5 }) expect(body.total).to.equal(1) expect(body.data).to.have.lengthOf(1) const playlistFromList = body.data[0] const playlistFromGet = await server.playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: playlistFromList.uuid }) for (const playlist of [ playlistFromGet, playlistFromList ]) { expect(playlist.id).to.be.a('number') expect(playlist.uuid).to.be.a('string') expect(playlist.isLocal).to.equal(server.serverNumber === 1) expect(playlist.displayName).to.equal('my super playlist') expect(playlist.description).to.equal('my super description') expect(playlist.privacy.id).to.equal(VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC) expect(playlist.privacy.label).to.equal('Public') expect(playlist.type.id).to.equal(VideoPlaylistType.REGULAR) expect(playlist.type.label).to.equal('Regular') expect(playlist.embedPath).to.equal('/video-playlists/embed/' + playlist.uuid) expect(playlist.videosLength).to.equal(0) expect(playlist.ownerAccount.name).to.equal('root') expect(playlist.ownerAccount.displayName).to.equal('root') expect(playlist.videoChannel.name).to.equal('root_channel') expect(playlist.videoChannel.displayName).to.equal('Main root channel') } } }) it('Should create a playlist on server 2 and have the playlist on server 1 but not on server 3', async function () { this.timeout(30000) { const playlist = await servers[1].playlistsCommand.create({ attributes: { displayName: 'playlist 2', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: servers[1].videoChannel.id } }) playlistServer2Id1 = playlist.id } { const playlist = await servers[1].playlistsCommand.create({ attributes: { displayName: 'playlist 3', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, thumbnailfile: 'thumbnail.jpg', videoChannelId: servers[1].videoChannel.id } }) playlistServer2Id2 = playlist.id playlistServer2UUID2 = playlist.uuid } for (const id of [ playlistServer2Id1, playlistServer2Id2 ]) { await servers[1].playlistsCommand.addElement({ playlistId: id, attributes: { videoId: servers[1].videos[0].id, startTimestamp: 1, stopTimestamp: 2 } }) await servers[1].playlistsCommand.addElement({ playlistId: id, attributes: { videoId: servers[1].videos[1].id } }) } await waitJobs(servers) await wait(3000) for (const server of [ servers[0], servers[1] ]) { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 5 }) const playlist2 = body.data.find(p => p.displayName === 'playlist 2') expect(playlist2).to.not.be.undefined await testImage(server.url, 'thumbnail-playlist', playlist2.thumbnailPath) const playlist3 = body.data.find(p => p.displayName === 'playlist 3') expect(playlist3).to.not.be.undefined await testImage(server.url, 'thumbnail', playlist3.thumbnailPath) } const body = await servers[2].playlistsCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 5 }) expect(body.data.find(p => p.displayName === 'playlist 2')).to.be.undefined expect(body.data.find(p => p.displayName === 'playlist 3')).to.be.undefined }) it('Should have the playlist on server 3 after a new follow', async function () { this.timeout(30000) // Server 2 and server 3 follow each other await doubleFollow(servers[1], servers[2]) const body = await servers[2].playlistsCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 5 }) const playlist2 = body.data.find(p => p.displayName === 'playlist 2') expect(playlist2).to.not.be.undefined await testImage(servers[2].url, 'thumbnail-playlist', playlist2.thumbnailPath) expect(body.data.find(p => p.displayName === 'playlist 3')).to.not.be.undefined }) }) describe('List playlists', function () { it('Should correctly list the playlists', async function () { this.timeout(30000) { const body = await servers[2].playlistsCommand.list({ start: 1, count: 2, sort: 'createdAt' }) expect(body.total).to.equal(3) const data = body.data expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(2) expect(data[0].displayName).to.equal('playlist 2') expect(data[1].displayName).to.equal('playlist 3') } { const body = await servers[2].playlistsCommand.list({ start: 1, count: 2, sort: '-createdAt' }) expect(body.total).to.equal(3) const data = body.data expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(2) expect(data[0].displayName).to.equal('playlist 2') expect(data[1].displayName).to.equal('my super playlist') } }) it('Should list video channel playlists', async function () { this.timeout(30000) { const body = await commands[0].listByChannel({ handle: 'root_channel', start: 0, count: 2, sort: '-createdAt' }) expect(body.total).to.equal(1) const data = body.data expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(data[0].displayName).to.equal('my super playlist') } }) it('Should list account playlists', async function () { this.timeout(30000) { const body = await servers[1].playlistsCommand.listByAccount({ handle: 'root', start: 1, count: 2, sort: '-createdAt' }) expect(body.total).to.equal(2) const data = body.data expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(data[0].displayName).to.equal('playlist 2') } { const body = await servers[1].playlistsCommand.listByAccount({ handle: 'root', start: 1, count: 2, sort: 'createdAt' }) expect(body.total).to.equal(2) const data = body.data expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(data[0].displayName).to.equal('playlist 3') } { const body = await servers[1].playlistsCommand.listByAccount({ handle: 'root', sort: 'createdAt', search: '3' }) expect(body.total).to.equal(1) const data = body.data expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(data[0].displayName).to.equal('playlist 3') } { const body = await servers[1].playlistsCommand.listByAccount({ handle: 'root', sort: 'createdAt', search: '4' }) expect(body.total).to.equal(0) const data = body.data expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(0) } }) }) describe('Playlist rights', function () { let unlistedPlaylist: VideoPlaylistCreateResult let privatePlaylist: VideoPlaylistCreateResult before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) { unlistedPlaylist = await servers[1].playlistsCommand.create({ attributes: { displayName: 'playlist unlisted', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.UNLISTED, videoChannelId: servers[1].videoChannel.id } }) } { privatePlaylist = await servers[1].playlistsCommand.create({ attributes: { displayName: 'playlist private', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE } }) } await waitJobs(servers) await wait(3000) }) it('Should not list unlisted or private playlists', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const results = [ await server.playlistsCommand.listByAccount({ handle: 'root@localhost:' + servers[1].port, sort: '-createdAt' }), await server.playlistsCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 2, sort: '-createdAt' }) ] expect(results[0].total).to.equal(2) expect(results[1].total).to.equal(3) for (const body of results) { const data = body.data expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(2) expect(data[0].displayName).to.equal('playlist 3') expect(data[1].displayName).to.equal('playlist 2') } } }) it('Should not get unlisted playlist using only the id', async function () { await servers[1].playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: unlistedPlaylist.id, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Should get unlisted plyaylist using uuid or shortUUID', async function () { await servers[1].playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: unlistedPlaylist.uuid }) await servers[1].playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: unlistedPlaylist.shortUUID }) }) it('Should not get private playlist without token', async function () { for (const id of [ privatePlaylist.id, privatePlaylist.uuid, privatePlaylist.shortUUID ]) { await servers[1].playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: id, expectedStatus: 401 }) } }) it('Should get private playlist with a token', async function () { for (const id of [ privatePlaylist.id, privatePlaylist.uuid, privatePlaylist.shortUUID ]) { await servers[1].playlistsCommand.get({ token: servers[1].accessToken, playlistId: id }) } }) }) describe('Update playlists', function () { it('Should update a playlist', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await servers[1].playlistsCommand.update({ attributes: { displayName: 'playlist 3 updated', description: 'description updated', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.UNLISTED, thumbnailfile: 'thumbnail.jpg', videoChannelId: servers[1].videoChannel.id }, playlistId: playlistServer2Id2 }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const playlist = await server.playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: playlistServer2UUID2 }) expect(playlist.displayName).to.equal('playlist 3 updated') expect(playlist.description).to.equal('description updated') expect(playlist.privacy.id).to.equal(VideoPlaylistPrivacy.UNLISTED) expect(playlist.privacy.label).to.equal('Unlisted') expect(playlist.type.id).to.equal(VideoPlaylistType.REGULAR) expect(playlist.type.label).to.equal('Regular') expect(playlist.videosLength).to.equal(2) expect(playlist.ownerAccount.name).to.equal('root') expect(playlist.ownerAccount.displayName).to.equal('root') expect(playlist.videoChannel.name).to.equal('root_channel') expect(playlist.videoChannel.displayName).to.equal('Main root channel') } }) }) describe('Element timestamps', function () { it('Should create a playlist containing different startTimestamp/endTimestamp videos', async function () { this.timeout(30000) const addVideo = (attributes: any) => { return commands[0].addElement({ playlistId: playlistServer1Id, attributes }) } const playlist = await commands[0].create({ attributes: { displayName: 'playlist 4', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id } }) playlistServer1Id = playlist.id playlistServer1UUID = playlist.uuid await addVideo({ videoId: servers[0].videos[0].uuid, startTimestamp: 15, stopTimestamp: 28 }) await addVideo({ videoId: servers[2].videos[1].uuid, startTimestamp: 35 }) await addVideo({ videoId: servers[2].videos[2].uuid }) { const element = await addVideo({ videoId: servers[0].videos[3].uuid, stopTimestamp: 35 }) playlistElementServer1Video4 = element.id } { const element = await addVideo({ videoId: servers[0].videos[4].uuid, startTimestamp: 45, stopTimestamp: 60 }) playlistElementServer1Video5 = element.id } { const element = await addVideo({ videoId: nsfwVideoServer1, startTimestamp: 5 }) playlistElementNSFW = element.id await addVideo({ videoId: nsfwVideoServer1, startTimestamp: 4 }) await addVideo({ videoId: nsfwVideoServer1 }) } await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should correctly list playlist videos', async function () { this.timeout(30000) for (const server of servers) { { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.listVideos({ playlistId: playlistServer1UUID, start: 0, count: 10 }) expect(body.total).to.equal(8) const videoElements = body.data expect(videoElements).to.have.lengthOf(8) expect(videoElements[0].video.name).to.equal('video 0 server 1') expect(videoElements[0].position).to.equal(1) expect(videoElements[0].startTimestamp).to.equal(15) expect(videoElements[0].stopTimestamp).to.equal(28) expect(videoElements[1].video.name).to.equal('video 1 server 3') expect(videoElements[1].position).to.equal(2) expect(videoElements[1].startTimestamp).to.equal(35) expect(videoElements[1].stopTimestamp).to.be.null expect(videoElements[2].video.name).to.equal('video 2 server 3') expect(videoElements[2].position).to.equal(3) expect(videoElements[2].startTimestamp).to.be.null expect(videoElements[2].stopTimestamp).to.be.null expect(videoElements[3].video.name).to.equal('video 3 server 1') expect(videoElements[3].position).to.equal(4) expect(videoElements[3].startTimestamp).to.be.null expect(videoElements[3].stopTimestamp).to.equal(35) expect(videoElements[4].video.name).to.equal('video 4 server 1') expect(videoElements[4].position).to.equal(5) expect(videoElements[4].startTimestamp).to.equal(45) expect(videoElements[4].stopTimestamp).to.equal(60) expect(videoElements[5].video.name).to.equal('NSFW video') expect(videoElements[5].position).to.equal(6) expect(videoElements[5].startTimestamp).to.equal(5) expect(videoElements[5].stopTimestamp).to.be.null expect(videoElements[6].video.name).to.equal('NSFW video') expect(videoElements[6].position).to.equal(7) expect(videoElements[6].startTimestamp).to.equal(4) expect(videoElements[6].stopTimestamp).to.be.null expect(videoElements[7].video.name).to.equal('NSFW video') expect(videoElements[7].position).to.equal(8) expect(videoElements[7].startTimestamp).to.be.null expect(videoElements[7].stopTimestamp).to.be.null } { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.listVideos({ playlistId: playlistServer1UUID, start: 0, count: 2 }) expect(body.data).to.have.lengthOf(2) } } }) }) describe('Element type', function () { let groupUser1: ServerInfo[] let groupWithoutToken1: ServerInfo[] let group1: ServerInfo[] let group2: ServerInfo[] let video1: string let video2: string let video3: string before(async function () { this.timeout(60000) groupUser1 = [ Object.assign({}, servers[0], { accessToken: userTokenServer1 }) ] groupWithoutToken1 = [ Object.assign({}, servers[0], { accessToken: undefined }) ] group1 = [ servers[0] ] group2 = [ servers[1], servers[2] ] const playlist = await commands[0].create({ token: userTokenServer1, attributes: { displayName: 'playlist 56', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id } }) const playlistServer1Id2 = playlist.id playlistServer1UUID2 = playlist.uuid const addVideo = (attributes: any) => { return commands[0].addElement({ token: userTokenServer1, playlistId: playlistServer1Id2, attributes }) } video1 = (await uploadVideoAndGetId({ server: servers[0], videoName: 'video 89', token: userTokenServer1 })).uuid video2 = (await uploadVideoAndGetId({ server: servers[1], videoName: 'video 90' })).uuid video3 = (await uploadVideoAndGetId({ server: servers[0], videoName: 'video 91', nsfw: true })).uuid await waitJobs(servers) await addVideo({ videoId: video1, startTimestamp: 15, stopTimestamp: 28 }) await addVideo({ videoId: video2, startTimestamp: 35 }) await addVideo({ videoId: video3 }) await waitJobs(servers) }) it('Should update the element type if the video is private', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const name = 'video 89' const position = 1 { await updateVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, video1, { privacy: VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupUser1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupWithoutToken1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.PRIVATE, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.PRIVATE, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.DELETED, position, name, 3) } { await updateVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, video1, { privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupUser1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupWithoutToken1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) // We deleted the video, so even if we recreated it, the old entry is still deleted await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.DELETED, position, name, 3) } }) it('Should update the element type if the video is blacklisted', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const name = 'video 89' const position = 1 { await servers[0].blacklistCommand.add({ videoId: video1, reason: 'reason', unfederate: true }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupUser1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupWithoutToken1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.UNAVAILABLE, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.UNAVAILABLE, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.DELETED, position, name, 3) } { await servers[0].blacklistCommand.remove({ videoId: video1 }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupUser1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupWithoutToken1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) // We deleted the video (because unfederated), so even if we recreated it, the old entry is still deleted await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.DELETED, position, name, 3) } }) it('Should update the element type if the account or server of the video is blocked', async function () { this.timeout(90000) const command = servers[0].blocklistCommand const name = 'video 90' const position = 2 { await command.addToMyBlocklist({ token: userTokenServer1, account: 'root@localhost:' + servers[1].port }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupUser1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.UNAVAILABLE, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await command.removeFromMyBlocklist({ token: userTokenServer1, account: 'root@localhost:' + servers[1].port }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) } { await command.addToMyBlocklist({ token: userTokenServer1, server: 'localhost:' + servers[1].port }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupUser1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.UNAVAILABLE, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await command.removeFromMyBlocklist({ token: userTokenServer1, server: 'localhost:' + servers[1].port }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) } { await command.addToServerBlocklist({ account: 'root@localhost:' + servers[1].port }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupUser1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.UNAVAILABLE, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await command.removeFromServerBlocklist({ account: 'root@localhost:' + servers[1].port }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) } { await command.addToServerBlocklist({ server: 'localhost:' + servers[1].port }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(groupUser1, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.UNAVAILABLE, position, name, 3) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) await command.removeFromServerBlocklist({ server: 'localhost:' + servers[1].port }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkPlaylistElementType(group2, playlistServer1UUID2, VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR, position, name, 3) } }) it('Should hide the video if it is NSFW', async function () { const body = await commands[0].listVideos({ token: userTokenServer1, playlistId: playlistServer1UUID2, query: { nsfw: 'false' } }) expect(body.total).to.equal(3) const elements = body.data const element = elements.find(e => e.position === 3) expect(element).to.exist expect(element.video).to.be.null expect(element.type).to.equal(VideoPlaylistElementType.UNAVAILABLE) }) }) describe('Managing playlist elements', function () { it('Should reorder the playlist', async function () { this.timeout(30000) { await commands[0].reorderElements({ playlistId: playlistServer1Id, attributes: { startPosition: 2, insertAfterPosition: 3 } }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.listVideos({ playlistId: playlistServer1UUID, start: 0, count: 10 }) const names = body.data.map(v => v.video.name) expect(names).to.deep.equal([ 'video 0 server 1', 'video 2 server 3', 'video 1 server 3', 'video 3 server 1', 'video 4 server 1', 'NSFW video', 'NSFW video', 'NSFW video' ]) } } { await commands[0].reorderElements({ playlistId: playlistServer1Id, attributes: { startPosition: 1, reorderLength: 3, insertAfterPosition: 4 } }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.listVideos({ playlistId: playlistServer1UUID, start: 0, count: 10 }) const names = body.data.map(v => v.video.name) expect(names).to.deep.equal([ 'video 3 server 1', 'video 0 server 1', 'video 2 server 3', 'video 1 server 3', 'video 4 server 1', 'NSFW video', 'NSFW video', 'NSFW video' ]) } } { await commands[0].reorderElements({ playlistId: playlistServer1Id, attributes: { startPosition: 6, insertAfterPosition: 3 } }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const { data: elements } = await server.playlistsCommand.listVideos({ playlistId: playlistServer1UUID, start: 0, count: 10 }) const names = elements.map(v => v.video.name) expect(names).to.deep.equal([ 'video 3 server 1', 'video 0 server 1', 'video 2 server 3', 'NSFW video', 'video 1 server 3', 'video 4 server 1', 'NSFW video', 'NSFW video' ]) for (let i = 1; i <= elements.length; i++) { expect(elements[i - 1].position).to.equal(i) } } } }) it('Should update startTimestamp/endTimestamp of some elements', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await commands[0].updateElement({ playlistId: playlistServer1Id, elementId: playlistElementServer1Video4, attributes: { startTimestamp: 1 } }) await commands[0].updateElement({ playlistId: playlistServer1Id, elementId: playlistElementServer1Video5, attributes: { stopTimestamp: null } }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const { data: elements } = await server.playlistsCommand.listVideos({ playlistId: playlistServer1UUID, start: 0, count: 10 }) expect(elements[0].video.name).to.equal('video 3 server 1') expect(elements[0].position).to.equal(1) expect(elements[0].startTimestamp).to.equal(1) expect(elements[0].stopTimestamp).to.equal(35) expect(elements[5].video.name).to.equal('video 4 server 1') expect(elements[5].position).to.equal(6) expect(elements[5].startTimestamp).to.equal(45) expect(elements[5].stopTimestamp).to.be.null } }) it('Should check videos existence in my playlist', async function () { const videoIds = [ servers[0].videos[0].id, 42000, servers[0].videos[3].id, 43000, servers[0].videos[4].id ] const obj = await commands[0].videosExist({ videoIds }) { const elem = obj[servers[0].videos[0].id] expect(elem).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(elem[0].playlistElementId).to.exist expect(elem[0].playlistId).to.equal(playlistServer1Id) expect(elem[0].startTimestamp).to.equal(15) expect(elem[0].stopTimestamp).to.equal(28) } { const elem = obj[servers[0].videos[3].id] expect(elem).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(elem[0].playlistElementId).to.equal(playlistElementServer1Video4) expect(elem[0].playlistId).to.equal(playlistServer1Id) expect(elem[0].startTimestamp).to.equal(1) expect(elem[0].stopTimestamp).to.equal(35) } { const elem = obj[servers[0].videos[4].id] expect(elem).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(elem[0].playlistId).to.equal(playlistServer1Id) expect(elem[0].startTimestamp).to.equal(45) expect(elem[0].stopTimestamp).to.equal(null) } expect(obj[42000]).to.have.lengthOf(0) expect(obj[43000]).to.have.lengthOf(0) }) it('Should automatically update updatedAt field of playlists', async function () { const server = servers[1] const videoId = servers[1].videos[5].id async function getPlaylistNames () { const { data } = await server.playlistsCommand.listByAccount({ token: server.accessToken, handle: 'root', sort: '-updatedAt' }) return data.map(p => p.displayName) } const attributes = { videoId } const element1 = await server.playlistsCommand.addElement({ playlistId: playlistServer2Id1, attributes }) const element2 = await server.playlistsCommand.addElement({ playlistId: playlistServer2Id2, attributes }) const names1 = await getPlaylistNames() expect(names1[0]).to.equal('playlist 3 updated') expect(names1[1]).to.equal('playlist 2') await server.playlistsCommand.removeElement({ playlistId: playlistServer2Id1, elementId: element1.id }) const names2 = await getPlaylistNames() expect(names2[0]).to.equal('playlist 2') expect(names2[1]).to.equal('playlist 3 updated') await server.playlistsCommand.removeElement({ playlistId: playlistServer2Id2, elementId: element2.id }) const names3 = await getPlaylistNames() expect(names3[0]).to.equal('playlist 3 updated') expect(names3[1]).to.equal('playlist 2') }) it('Should delete some elements', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await commands[0].removeElement({ playlistId: playlistServer1Id, elementId: playlistElementServer1Video4 }) await commands[0].removeElement({ playlistId: playlistServer1Id, elementId: playlistElementNSFW }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.listVideos({ playlistId: playlistServer1UUID, start: 0, count: 10 }) expect(body.total).to.equal(6) const elements = body.data expect(elements).to.have.lengthOf(6) expect(elements[0].video.name).to.equal('video 0 server 1') expect(elements[0].position).to.equal(1) expect(elements[1].video.name).to.equal('video 2 server 3') expect(elements[1].position).to.equal(2) expect(elements[2].video.name).to.equal('video 1 server 3') expect(elements[2].position).to.equal(3) expect(elements[3].video.name).to.equal('video 4 server 1') expect(elements[3].position).to.equal(4) expect(elements[4].video.name).to.equal('NSFW video') expect(elements[4].position).to.equal(5) expect(elements[5].video.name).to.equal('NSFW video') expect(elements[5].position).to.equal(6) } }) it('Should be able to create a public playlist, and set it to private', async function () { this.timeout(30000) const videoPlaylistIds = await commands[0].create({ attributes: { displayName: 'my super public playlist', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id } }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { await server.playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: videoPlaylistIds.uuid, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) } const attributes = { privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE } await commands[0].update({ playlistId: videoPlaylistIds.id, attributes }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of [ servers[1], servers[2] ]) { await server.playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: videoPlaylistIds.uuid, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) } await commands[0].get({ playlistId: videoPlaylistIds.uuid, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) await commands[0].get({ token: servers[0].accessToken, playlistId: videoPlaylistIds.uuid, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) }) }) describe('Playlist deletion', function () { it('Should delete the playlist on server 1 and delete on server 2 and 3', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await commands[0].delete({ playlistId: playlistServer1Id }) await waitJobs(servers) for (const server of servers) { await server.playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: playlistServer1UUID, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) } }) it('Should have deleted the thumbnail on server 1, 2 and 3', async function () { this.timeout(30000) for (const server of servers) { await checkPlaylistFilesWereRemoved(playlistServer1UUID, server.internalServerNumber) } }) it('Should unfollow servers 1 and 2 and hide their playlists', async function () { this.timeout(30000) const finder = (data: VideoPlaylist[]) => data.find(p => p.displayName === 'my super playlist') { const body = await servers[2].playlistsCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 5 }) expect(body.total).to.equal(3) expect(finder(body.data)).to.not.be.undefined } await servers[2].followsCommand.unfollow({ target: servers[0] }) { const body = await servers[2].playlistsCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 5 }) expect(body.total).to.equal(1) expect(finder(body.data)).to.be.undefined } }) it('Should delete a channel and put the associated playlist in private mode', async function () { this.timeout(30000) const res = await addVideoChannel(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, { name: 'super_channel', displayName: 'super channel' }) const videoChannelId = res.body.videoChannel.id const playlistCreated = await commands[0].create({ attributes: { displayName: 'channel playlist', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId } }) await waitJobs(servers) await deleteVideoChannel(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, 'super_channel') await waitJobs(servers) const body = await commands[0].get({ token: servers[0].accessToken, playlistId: playlistCreated.uuid }) expect(body.displayName).to.equal('channel playlist') expect(body.privacy.id).to.equal(VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE) await servers[1].playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: playlistCreated.uuid, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) }) it('Should delete an account and delete its playlists', async function () { this.timeout(30000) const user = { username: 'user_1', password: 'password' } const res = await createUser({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, username: user.username, password: user.password }) const userId = res.body.user.id const userAccessToken = await userLogin(servers[0], user) const resChannel = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, userAccessToken) const userChannel = (resChannel.body as User).videoChannels[0] await commands[0].create({ attributes: { displayName: 'playlist to be deleted', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: userChannel.id } }) await waitJobs(servers) const finder = (data: VideoPlaylist[]) => data.find(p => p.displayName === 'playlist to be deleted') { for (const server of [ servers[0], servers[1] ]) { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 15 }) expect(finder(body.data)).to.not.be.undefined } } await removeUser(servers[0].url, userId, servers[0].accessToken) await waitJobs(servers) { for (const server of [ servers[0], servers[1] ]) { const body = await server.playlistsCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 15 }) expect(finder(body.data)).to.be.undefined } } }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests(servers) }) })